
出版時間:2010-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:趙雯,聶翔,劉歌紅 編  頁數(shù):136  




Introduction to Important Reading Strategies and SkillsUnit OneGreetingsPassage 1 Hello, Everybody! 6Passage 2 The Importance of the GreetingUnit TwoSmall TalkPassage 1 Big Deal of Small Talk 14Passage 2 The Art of Small Talk 16Unit ThreeMovies and TheatersPassage 1 The Splendid Silver Screen in the 1930s 22Passage 2 Avatar Making Moviegoers Suicidal 24Unit FourEntertainmentPassage 1 Michae/ Jackson Dies atAge 50 30Passage 2 Supermans Debut Comic Book 32Unit FiveStaying at HotelsPassage 1 Strange "Green" Soaps and the Bad Energy Habitsof Guests 38Passage 2 How Much to Tip at Hotels, and When: A Guidefor Guests 40Unit SixCars and Auto IndustryPassage 1 The Car of the Future: It Talks, It Thinks, and It CanDrive Itself 46Passage 2 Halve Emissions from Cars by 2050, Auto Industry ToldUnit SevenDriving EtiquettePassage 1 Asleep at the Wheel 54Passage 2 Outrageous! Cracking Down on Illegal Drivers 56Unit EiahtHealth CarePassage 1 Learn the Art of Self-Massage 62Unit NinePassage 2 Health Care That Works 64Personal AppearancePassage 1 Abraham Lincolns Beard 70Passage 2 Men Arm Themselves with Anti-Aging Weapons 72Unit TenEating WellPassage 1 Dining Tips for Healthy Families 78Passage 2 Sleep and Diet: Eating to Sleep Well 80Unit ElevenPsychological ResearchPassage I When It Comes to Color, Women Have Pink Eye 86Passage 2 Why Exercise Makes You Less Anxious 88Unit TwelveDeveloping PersonalityPassage 1 The Importance of Friendship 94Passage 2 Science of Team Success 96Unit ThirteenEnjoying the ArtsPassage 1 Born the Same Year; Similarities End There 102Passage 2 Classical Music Takes Center Stage at the White HouseUnit FourteenLiving with ComputerPassage 1 Making Money Online ? 70Passage 2 Computers Are Making Some Jobs Obsolete,Are You the Next? 112Unit FifteenThe iPhone AgePassage 1 People Would Rather Lose Wallet than Cell PhonePassage 2 The Launch of iPhone 720Unit SixteenEthics and ValuesPassage I The Importance of Being Honest 726Passage 2 A Promise Is a Promise 728Answer Key


  To understand the main idea thoroughly, however, you must recognize the important facts or details whichhelp develop or support it. These facts and details give you a deeper understanding of the main idea. They mayprove a point; show a relationship between ideas, or serve as examples to help you understand the main ideamore fully. Here are some ways to help you recognize important facts or details: (a)Read for the main idea. If you have identified the main idea, you can more easily recognize the important facts that support it. (b)Keep it in mind that not all facts or details are equally important. Look only for the facts that related to the main idea. (c) To check on your understanding of the material you have read, review the facts or details which you have identified as the main idea. If adding up the facts or details does not lead logically to the main idea, you have failed either to identify the main idea or to recognize the important supporting details.






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