出版時間:2010-5 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:王潔吉,等 編 頁數(shù):264
《大學英語閱讀教程》共四冊,是專門為非英語專業(yè)的大學生編寫的,可用作大學英語課程的補充閱讀教材?! 洞髮W英語閱讀教程》編寫獨特,主要特點為: 1.教材設計針對閱讀過程。本書注重培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀技巧和能力,注意在閱讀過程中激發(fā)學生的動機,培養(yǎng)興趣; 2.教材強調(diào)快樂閱讀的理念。因此,從文章的篇章安排、文章長度、教學建議等各方面都作了較好處理; 3.階梯式訓練閱讀技巧。本書的閱讀技巧部分由6個單元組成,分別介紹了6種閱讀技巧,通過大量的由易到難的階梯式操練,幫助學生了解并掌握所涉及的具體閱讀技巧; 4.培養(yǎng)學生的思維能力。閱讀過程即是思考過程,為了提高理解能力,學生要逐步學會用英語思考,本書通過系列練習,培養(yǎng)學生理解英語句子、語篇的能力,幫助學生了解英語思維的邏輯性、連貫性和一致性; 5.本教材還重視學生間的互動,通過一對一活動或小組討論,進一步加強學生對閱讀和思維過程的認識。在互動交流中,學生能更加準確地形成和表達思想并且獲得對一篇課文進行討論和思考的新方法。同時,鼓勵學生寫作,分享彼此的讀寫成果,認識閱讀與寫作之間的密切關(guān)系。
《大學英語閱讀教程3》是專門為非英語專業(yè)的大學生編寫的,可用作大學英語課程的補充閱讀教材,全書共四冊。本冊為第3冊。 《大學英語閱讀教程3》注意培養(yǎng)學生的閱讀技巧和能力,專注于在閱讀過程中激發(fā)學生的動機,培養(yǎng)興趣;從文章的篇章安排、文章長度、教學建議等各方面都作了較好處理;本書的閱讀技巧部分由9個單元組成,分別介紹了9種閱讀技巧,通過大量的由易到難的階梯式操練,幫助學生理解并掌握所涉及的具體閱讀技巧;本書通過系列練習,培養(yǎng)學生理解英語句子的能力,幫助學生了解英語思維的邏輯性、連貫性和一致性;本教材還重視學生間的互動,通過一對一活動或小組討論,進一步加強學生對閱讀和思維過程的認識。
PART 1 Extensive ReadingUnit 1: Choosing a Book for Extensive ReadingUnit 2: Reading and Discussing NonfictionUnit 3: Reading and Discussing FictionPART 2 Vocabulary BuildingUnit 1: Strategies for Building a Powerful-VocabularyUnit 2: Learning New Words from Your ReadingUnit 3: Inferring Meaning from ContextUnit 4: Word PartsUnit 5: CollocationsPART 3 Comprehension SkillsUnit 1: PreviewingUnit 2: Making InferencesUnit 3: Understanding ParagraphsUnit 4: Patterns of OrganizationUnit 5: Reading Longer Passages EffectivelyUnit 6: SkimmingUnit 7: Study ReadingUnit 8: SummarizingUnit 9: Critical ReadingPART 4 Reading FasterUnit 1: Learning to Read FasterUnit 2: New Technology and Its Impact Around the WorldUnit 3: People Who Have Made a DifferenceUnit 4: Inventions That Are Changing Our LivesAppendix 1: 2000 Most Frequent Words in English Language TextsAppendix 2: Academic Word ListAppendix 3: Record of Books ReadAppendix 4: Words and Expressions
Margot stood apart from them, from thesechildren who could never remember a timewhen there wasn't rain and rain and rain. Theywere all nine years old, and if there had beena day, seven years ago, when the sun came outfor an hour and showed its face to the stunnedworld, they could not recall. Sometimes, at night, she heard them stir,in remembrance, and she knew they weredreaming and remembering gold or a yellowcrayon or a coin large enough to buy the worldwith. She knew they thought they remembereda warmness, like a blushing in the face, inthe body, in the arms and legs and tremblinghands. But then they always awoke to thetatting drum, the endless shaking down of clearbead necklaces upon the roof, the walk, thegardens, the forests, and their dreams weregone. ……