
出版時(shí)間:2010-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:王法吉,王謀清 主編,王謀清 分冊(cè)主編  頁數(shù):318  字?jǐn)?shù):468000  


  《大學(xué)英語閱讀教程》編寫?yīng)毺?,主要特點(diǎn)為:1.教材設(shè)計(jì)針對(duì)閱讀過程。本書注重培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的閱讀技巧和能力,注意在閱讀過程中激發(fā)學(xué)生的動(dòng)機(jī),培養(yǎng)興趣;2.教材強(qiáng)調(diào)快樂閱讀的理念。因此,從文章的篇章安排、文章長度、教學(xué)建議等各方面都作了較好處理;  3.階梯式訓(xùn)練閱讀技巧。本書的閱讀技巧部分由6個(gè)單元組成,分別介紹了6種閱讀技巧,通過大量的由易到難的階梯式操練,幫助學(xué)生了解并掌握所涉及的具體閱讀技巧;4.培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的思維能力。閱讀過程即是思考過程,為了提高理解能力,學(xué)生要逐步學(xué)會(huì)用英語思考,本書通過系列練習(xí),培養(yǎng)學(xué)生理解英語句子、語篇的能力,幫助學(xué)生了解英語思維的邏輯性、連貫性和一致性;  5.本教材還重視學(xué)生間的互動(dòng),通過一對(duì)一活動(dòng)或小組討論,進(jìn)一步加強(qiáng)學(xué)生對(duì)閱讀和思維過程的認(rèn)識(shí)。在互動(dòng)交流中,學(xué)生能更加準(zhǔn)確地形成和表達(dá)思想并且獲得對(duì)一篇課文進(jìn)行討論和思考的新方法。同時(shí),鼓勵(lì)學(xué)生寫作,分享彼此的讀寫成果,認(rèn)識(shí)閱讀與寫作之間的密切關(guān)系。




PART 1  Reading for Pleasure 
PART 2 Compreheion Skills
Unit 1 Previewing
Unit 2 Scanning
Unit 3 Skimming
Unit 4 Using Vocabulary Knowledge for Effective Reading
Unit 5 Making Inferences
Unit 6 Finding Topics
Unit 7 Discovering Topics of Paragraphs
Unit 8 Undetanding Main Ideas
Unit 9 Identifying Patter of Organization
Unit 10 Summarizing
PART 3 Thinking Skills
PART 4 Reading Faster
Unit 1 Maria Montessori
Unit 2 Africa Today
Unit 3 Global Issues
Teacher's Guide
Words and Expressio


  a7. R. R. Tolkien: The Man Who Created the Lord of the Rings, by Michael Coren. Tolkiens lifeexperiences as an orphan, a scholar, a soldier, and a professor helped him to write The Lord of theRings, which is considered by many to be one of the best books ever written. (125 pages)  Boy, by Roald Dahl.A famous writer of childrens books tells the story of his own childhood.This book also gives a sometimes funny and sometimes shocking picture of schools in England.(160 pages)  Rosa Parks: My Story, by Rosa Parks with Jim Haskins. On December 1, 1953, Mrs. Parksrefused to give up her seat to a white man on a racially segregated bus in the U.S. South. As aresult, the struggle for civil rights began. (188 pages)  Malcolm X: By Any Means Necessary, by Walter Dean Myers. The story of Malcolm Little,later known as the civil rights activist Malcolm X. How he went from a top student in Boston toimprisonment at age twenty and how these events led to his philosophy for political change. (200pages)  Level Two  Go Ask Alice, by Anonymous (no name). In this true story in diary form, a fifteen~year- old girltells how she became a drug addict and how she felt about herself and her life. (188 pages)  New Burlington: The Life and Death of an American Village, by John Baskin. A village is movedto make way for a new lake. The people from the village tell their own stories. (272 pages)  Hirosbima, by John Hersey.* After the United States dropped an atomic bomb on Hiroshima,Japan, John Hersey went there and interviewed six survivors. This book tells what he learned. (117pages)



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