
出版時間:2010-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:(加)李超,(意)拉福爾泰扎,(美)陳吉泉 主編  


  Like many others, my first exposure to the science of landscape ecology wasfrom the book entitled Landscape Ecology published by Richard Forman andMichel Godron in 1986. For me, this was a new and exciting way for looking atthe world in which we live. It was obvious to me after reading this book thatthe science of landscape ecology had much to offer natural resources managers.But it is also important to recognize that a "landscape perspective" has beenaround for a long time in a variety of sources and in a variety of places. Oneexample is a book published in 1962 by Paul B. Sears, an early ecologist inthe United States, entitled The Living Landscape. In this book written fora general audience, Sears described with great elegance why a "landscapeperspective" is relevant (page 162):  "Compared to the noblest work of human genius, the landscape about usoffers endless variety of interest and challenge. It is more than something tolook at, it is something to comprehend and interpret. We are inseparably apart of it, and it is equally a part of us. Our destinies are linked, and whileNature will assuredly have the final judgment, modern man has the power todetermine whether it will be thumbs up or down."  Aside from the gender bias that was common to that period, modern hu-manity indeed will be making important choices that will profoundly affectour children and many subsequent generations. Those choices should be predi-cated on the best available scientific knowledge. The current book edited by Li,Lafortezza, and Chen is another valuable contribution to comprehending andinterpreting forested landscapes. It represents the latest work resulting fromthe hi-annual meetings sponsored by the IUFRO Landscape Ecology WorkingParty (08.01.02). The strength of this book is in the fact that it reflects theexperience and knowledge gained by scientists in 15 different countries. It alsoprovides a rich source of international literature.


Landscape Ecology in Forest Management and Conservation Challenges and Solutions for Global Change discusses how landscape ecology can contribute to addressing the challenges in contemporary forest management practice, with diverse contributions from active researchers worldwide. It provides not only a summary of conceptual understanding of landscape ecology as related to forest management also a whole set of specific challenges, issues, and methods on how to deal with them. This book is a stimulating addition to the internationl literature on landscape ecology and land resource managemeht at large.


Part Ⅰ Landscape Ecology and Forest Management Chapter 1 Managing Forest Landscapes under Global Change Chapter 2 Landscape Ecology Contributions to Forestry and Forest Management in China:Progresses and Research Needs Chapter 3 Issues Facing Forest Mannagement in Canada,and Predictive Ecosystem Management Tools for Assessing Possible FuturesPart Ⅱ Modeling Disturbance and Succession in Forest Landscapes Chapter 4 Challenges and Needs i nFire Management:A Landscape Simulation Modeling Perspective Chapter 5 Using Landscape Disturbance and Succession Models to Support Forest Management Chapter 6 Research Methods for Assessing the Impacts of Forest Disturbance on Hydrology at Large-scale Watersheds Chapter 7 Software Applications to Three-Dimensional Visualization of Forest Landscapes-A Case Study Demonstrating the Use of Visual Nature Studio(VNS)in Visualizing Fire Spread in Forest Landscapes Chapter 8 Predicting Tree Growth Dynamics of Boreal Forest in Response to Climate ChangePart Ⅲ Emerging Approaches in Forest Landscape ConservationPart Ⅳ Practing Sustainable Forest Landscape ManagementIndex



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  •   Easy to understand landscape ecology, it is very good for undergraduate student to start forestry.
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