
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:蘇曉軍,陳方,王立菲,鄭玉琪 著  頁數(shù):224  


  《表達(dá)英語綜合教程》Expressing English以最新《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)英語教學(xué)大綱》為指導(dǎo)原則,運(yùn)用國際第二語言習(xí)得理論的新成果,充分體現(xiàn)“以人為本”的思想,突出英語專業(yè)的特色和優(yōu)勢,注重培養(yǎng)英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的語言、認(rèn)知、邏輯等能力?! ”咎捉滩臑橛⒄Z專業(yè)本科1-2年級基礎(chǔ)階段編寫.核心理念是關(guān)注英語表達(dá)能力的培養(yǎng)。將思考、聽力、口語、閱讀、寫作、翻譯融為一體,綜合提高英語表達(dá)能力?! ∫弧⒕帉懤砟睢 ∨c國內(nèi)同類教材相比,本套教材在編寫和選材理念上突出3個特點(diǎn):  ·外語教育整體性  強(qiáng)調(diào)外語教學(xué)中的語言能力、思維能力、策略能力、知識面、人生觀的平衡關(guān)系和綜合發(fā)展?!  ね庹Z學(xué)習(xí)一體性  根據(jù)第二語言習(xí)得中輸入一輸出假設(shè)原則,將輸入與輸出有機(jī)結(jié)合,通過提高語言輸入能力,促進(jìn)語言輸出能力發(fā)展,達(dá)到增強(qiáng)外語表達(dá)核心競爭力的目的。


  《表達(dá)英語綜合教程4》Expressing English以最新《高等學(xué)校英語專業(yè)英語教學(xué)大綱》為指導(dǎo)原則,運(yùn)用國際第二語言習(xí)得理論的新成果,充分體現(xiàn)“以人為本”的思想,突出英語專業(yè)的特色和優(yōu)勢,注重培養(yǎng)英語專業(yè)學(xué)生的語言、認(rèn)知、邏輯等能力。本套教材為英語專業(yè)本科1-2年級基礎(chǔ)階段編寫.核心理念是關(guān)注英語表達(dá)能力的培養(yǎng)。將思考、聽力、口語、閱讀、寫作、翻譯融為一體,綜合提高英語表達(dá)能力。


Unit 1 Cross Cultural Communication: Are You Ready7Text A How Ill Become an American 2Text B American Masala 9Unit 2 Distinguished WomenText A Courage Under Ire 18Text B Hands-On Help 28Unit 3 HealthText A Designing Heart-Healthy Communities 34Text B Not Always "the Happiest Time" 46Unit 4 Individual First or Community FirstText A The Power of We 54Text B Caught on the Web 63Unit 5 Life CollectionsText A Looking Forward, Looking Back 70Text B The World as I See It 80Unit 6 How Can We Remain Young?Text A The End of Aging 86Text B In Sickness, in Health 97Unit 7 What Is True Love?Text A Forget Me Not 114Text B The Last Chapter 125Unit 8 Knowledge vs. WisdomText A Knowledge and Wisdom 132Text B How to Avoid Foolish Opinions 142Unit 9 Can Advertising and Faith Coexist?Text A On the Art of Advertising 148Text B The Case Against Advertising 156Unit 10 What Are You Reading?Text A Reading 164Text B How Should One Read a Book? 174Unit 11 Art, Technology, and Human SoulText A The Poet and the Computer 180Text B Between the Art and the Artist Lies the Shadow 190Unit 12 Fascinating SocietyText A Uniforms, Yes or No? 200Text B Look Closely: Some People Are Not Real 209


  1.About the author  Mild6s Vamos is a Hungarian novelist, screenwriter and talk show host and has taught at Yale University on a Fulbright fellowship. He served as The Nations East European correspondent,worked as consultant on the Oscar-winning film Mepbisto, and presented Hungarys most-watched cultural television show. He is one of the most read and respected writers in his native Hungary.  Vamos has received numerous awards for his plays, screenplays, novels and short stories,including the Hungarian Merit Award for lifetime achievement. The Book of Fathers is considered his most accomplished novel and has sold 200,000 copies in Hungary.  2.James A. Michener  James Albert Michener (1907-1997), Pulitzer prize-winning author. Michener was an American author of more than 40 works, the majority of which are novels of sweeping sagas,covering the lives of many generations in a particular geographic locale. Best known for his novels, he wrote epic poetry and detailed works classified as fictional documentaries. Novels such as Hawaii (1959) and The Source (1965) typically open with the earliest history of an area-the geology, flora, and fauna——and ultimately encompass the people who settle and rule there. Not all of Micheners works are fictional. The Fires of Spring (1949) is autobiographical, as is his 1992 memoir, The Worm Is My Home. His last completed book was A Century of Sonnets (1997). In later life Michener was a great philanthropist, contributing millions of dollars to universities and the Authors League Fund. Prior to his death, he donated 1,500 Japanese prints to the University of  Hawaii.



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