
出版時間:2009-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:愛德華茲,威利斯 著  頁數(shù):298  


  《任務(wù)型英語教學(xué)法:課堂研究與實踐》為該叢書之《任務(wù)型英語教學(xué)法:課堂研究與實踐》分冊。 《外語教師教育與發(fā)展叢書——體驗英語教學(xué)系列》是一套開放性的大型系列叢書,收入多位世界級語言教學(xué)專家的作品,具有權(quán)威性;內(nèi)容涉及到外語教學(xué)方法、測試、評估等多個方面。叢書不僅系統(tǒng)介紹外語教學(xué)相關(guān)理論,更結(jié)合作者多年的教學(xué)經(jīng)驗,提供了大量實踐案例,希望能夠開拓我國外語教師教學(xué)及科研視野,培養(yǎng)教師在教學(xué)問題上獨立思考、研究和創(chuàng)新的能力,成為我國外語教師教育與發(fā)展的助力器。


About the ContributorsList of AbbreviationsAcknowledgementsIntroduction: Aims and Explorations into Tasks and Task-based Teaching1 Task-based Language Learning and Teaching: Theories and ApplicationsAli ShehadehPart A Implementing Task-based Learning:Contexts and Purposes2 Developing from PPP to TBL: A Focused Grammar TaskLamprini Loumpourdi3 Integrating Task-based Learning into a Business English ProgrammePatricia Pullin Stark4 Language as Topic: Learner-Teacher Investigation of ConcordancesRaymond Sheehan5 Storytelling with Low-level Learners: Developing Narrative TasksPatrick Kiernan6 Adding Tasks to Textbooks for Beginner LearnersTheron Muller7 Using Language-focused Learning Journals on a Task-based CourseJason MoserPart B Exploring Task Interaction: Helping Learners Do Better8 Exam-oriented Tasks: Transcripts, Turn-taking and BackchannellingMaria Leedham9 Training Young Learners in Meaning Negotiation Skills:Does It Help?Seung-Min Lee10 Task Repetition with 10-year-old ChildrenAnnamaria Pinter11 Collaborative Tasks for Cross-cultural CommunicationDavid CoulsonPart C Exploring Task Language: Lexical Phrases and Patterns12 Interactive Lexical Phrases in Pair Interview TasksJames Hobbs13 Multi-word Chunks in Oral TasksMaggie Baigent14 Can We Predict Language Items for Open Tasks?David CoxPart D Investigating Variables: Task Conditions and Task Types15 Fighting Fossilization: Language at the Task Versus Report StagesCraig Johnston16 Storytelling: Effects of Planning, Repetition and ContextWilliam Essig17 The Effect of Pre-task Planning Time on Task-based PerformanceAntigone Djapoura18 Balancing Fluency, Accuracy and Complexity Through Task CharacteristicsGregory Birch19 Quality Interaction and Types of Negotiation in Problem-solving and Jigsaw TasksGlen PouporeEpilogue: Teachers Exploring ResearchCorony EdwardsReferencesIndex About the ContributorsList of AbbreviationsAcknowledgementsIntroduction: Aims and Explorations into Tasks and Task-based Teaching1 Task-based Language Learning and Teaching: Theories and ApplicationsAli ShehadehPart A Implementing Task-based Learning:Contexts and Purposes2 Developing from PPP to TBL: A Focused Grammar TaskLamprini Loumpourdi3 Integrating Task-based Learning into a Business English ProgrammePatricia Pullin Stark4 Language as Topic: Learner-Teacher Investigation of ConcordancesRaymond Sheehan5 Storytelling with Low-level Learners: Developing Narrative TasksPatrick Kiernan6 Adding Tasks to Textbooks for Beginner LearnersTheron Muller7 Using Language-focused Learning Journals on a Task-based CourseJason MoserPart B Exploring Task Interaction: Helping Learners Do Better8 Exam-oriented Tasks: Transcripts, Turn-taking and BackchannellingMaria Leedham9 Training Young Learners in Meaning Negotiation Skills:Does It Help?Seung-Min Lee10 Task Repetition with 10-year-old ChildrenAnnamaria Pinter11 Collaborative Tasks for Cross-cultural CommunicationDavid CoulsonPart C Exploring Task Language: Lexical Phrases and Patterns12 Interactive Lexical Phrases in Pair Interview TasksJames Hobbs13 Multi-word Chunks in Oral TasksMaggie Baigent14 Can We Predict Language Items for Open Tasks?David CoxPart D Investigating Variables: Task Conditions and Task Types15 Fighting Fossilization: Language at the Task Versus Report StagesCraig Johnston16 Storytelling: Effects of Planning, Repetition and ContextWilliam Essig17 The Effect of Pre-task Planning Time on Task-based PerformanceAntigone Djapoura18 Balancing Fluency, Accuracy and Complexity Through Task CharacteristicsGregory Birch19 Quality Interaction and Types of Negotiation in Problem-solving and Jigsaw TasksGlen PouporeEpilogue: Teachers Exploring ResearchCorony EdwardsReferencesIndex



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