出版時間:2009-9 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:季理真 等主編 頁數:517 字數:770000
Cohomology of groups is a fundamental tool in many subjects in modernmathematics. One important generalized cohmnology theory is the algebraic Ktheory,and algebraic K-groups of rings such as rings of integers and group ringsare important invariants of the rings. They have played important roles in algebra,geometric and algebraic topology, number theory, representation theory etc. Cohomologyof groups and algebraic K-groups are also closely related. For example,algebraic K-groups of rings of integers in number fields can be effectively studiedby using cohomology of arithmetic groups.
Arthur Bartels and Wolfgang Liick: On Crossed Product Rings with Twisted Involutions, Their Module Categories and L-TheoryOliver Baues: Deformation Spaces for A~ne Crystallographic Groups...Kenneth S. Brown : Lectures on the Cohomology of GroupsDaniel R. Grayson : A Brief Introduction to Algebraic K-TheoryDaniel duan-Pineda and Silvia Millan-Lopez : The Braid Groups of RP2 Satisfy the Fibered Isomorphism ConjectureMax Karoubi: K-Theory, an Elementary IntroductionMax Karoubi: Lectures on K-Theory.Wolfqang Liick: On the Farrell-Jones and Related ConjecturesStratos Prassidis: Introduction to Controlled Topology and Its ApplicationstIouron9 Qin: Lecture Notes on K-TheoryDaniel Quillen: Higher Algebraic K-Theory: IDaniel Quillen : Finite Generation of the Groups K, of Rings of Algebraic IntegersDavid Rosenthal: A User's Guide to Continuously Controlled AlgebraChristophe Sould(Notes by Marco Varisco): Higher K-Theory of Algebraic Integers and the Cohomology of Arithmetic Groups