
出版時間:2009-3  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:梅德明  主編  頁數(shù):248  




UNIT 1 TEXT Ⅰ My Financial Career   TEXT Ⅱ The Banking Business  Supplementary Reading  UNIT 2 TEXT Ⅰ "The ABC of the Negotiation Game   TEXT Ⅱ Tax  Supplementary Reading  UNIT 3 TEXT Ⅰ Financial Principles  TEXT Ⅱ The Role of Banks in Theory  Supplementary Reading  UNIT 4 TEXT Ⅰ Being Your Own Boss   TEXT Ⅱ The World Trade Organization   Supplementary Reading  Reading Skills ⅠUNIT 5 TEXT Ⅰ The Solution to Everything: HR   TEXT Ⅱ Human Relations at Sony  Supplementary Reading  UNIT 6 TEXT Ⅰ The Firm (Part Ⅰ)  TEXT Ⅱ Stock and the Stock Market (Part Ⅰ )   Supplementary Reading  UNIT 7 TEXT Ⅰ The Firm (Part Ⅱ)   TEXT Ⅱ Stock and the Stock Market (Part Ⅱ)  Supplementary Reading  UNIT 8 TEXT Ⅰ Truth in Advertising   TEXT Ⅱ Electronic Commerce   Supplementary Reading   Reading Skills Ⅱ  UNIT 9 TEXT Ⅰ And They Left...   TEXT Ⅱ The Great Fire of London   Supplementary Reading  UNIT 10 TEXT Ⅰ What Ever Happened to the Paperless Office?   TEXT Ⅱ The World's First Insurance Company   Supplementary Reading   UNIT 11 TEXT Ⅰ Workplace Trends of the Future   TEXT Ⅱ Global Management for Global Business   Supplementary Reading   UNIT 1  TEXT Ⅰ Carly Fiorina's Remarks at Tsinghua University   TEXT Ⅱ What Makes a Successful Entrepreneur?   Supplementary Reading   Reading Skills Ⅲ UNIT 13 TEXT Ⅰ The Greening of WaI-Mart   TEXT Ⅱ Let the Dollar Drop   Supplementary Reading  UNIT 14 TEXT Ⅰ Why I Axed Alex, the Smug City Slicker  192 TEXT Ⅱ Time Management   Supplementary Reading  UNIT 15 TExT Ⅰ whO's Drinking?   TEXT Ⅱ A Bullish Outlook for the Euro  Supplementary Reading  UNIT 16 TEXT Ⅰ Gratitude Is a Great Investment   TEXT Ⅱ Making the Grade  Supplementary Reading  References


  The early banks in Europe were places for safekeeping of valuableitems (e. g. gold and silver bullion) as people came to fear loss oftheir assets due to war, theft or expropriation by government.Businessmen shipping goods across the sea found it safer to place the gold and silver they werepaid at the nearest bank rather than risking its loss to pirates or to storm at sea. In Englandduring the reigns of King Henry N and Charles I, government efforts to seize privateholdings of gold and silver resulted in people depositing their valuables in goldsmiths shops,who, in turn, would issue tokens of certificates, indicating that the customer had made adeposit at these businesses. Soon goldsmith tokens or certificates began to circulate as moneybecause they were more convenient and less risky to carry around than gold or other valuables.The goldsmiths also offered certification of value services——what we today might call propertyappraisals. Customers would bring in gold, silver, jewels or those valuables to have an expertcertify that these items were, indeed, real and not fakes——a service many banks still providetheir customers.



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