
出版時間:2009-5  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:鄧紅,孫萍 編  頁數(shù):113  


  《電子信息專業(yè)英語》(第l版)由高等教育出版社于2002年8月正式出版,出版后受到了廣大讀者的歡迎。在此基礎(chǔ)上,編者進行了第2版的修訂?! ”敬涡抻?,一方面保持了原有教材的風(fēng)格和結(jié)構(gòu)體系,另一方面也體現(xiàn)了以下幾點修訂原則?! ?.擴大選材范圍,適當降低難度  針對當前畢業(yè)生就業(yè)面向的是崗位群,涉及專業(yè)面廣,技能要求高的特點,在選材時擴大了專業(yè)內(nèi)容的范圍,電工、電子、儀器設(shè)備、通信技術(shù)、計算機都有所涉及。同時撤換了一些難度較大,知識較陳舊的課文,以降低閱讀理解的難度,更好地適應(yīng)職業(yè)教育的特點和當前職業(yè)教育的現(xiàn)狀?! ?.進一步增強教材的實用性  在修訂中,增加了與工程實踐緊密結(jié)合的內(nèi)容,以進一步增強教材的實用性。例如選用了元器件安全規(guī)則、焊接指導(dǎo)等類似工藝手冊性的內(nèi)容,使學(xué)生在學(xué)習(xí)專業(yè)英語的同時,能更好地學(xué)習(xí)生產(chǎn)實踐性的專業(yè)知識,從而為更快適應(yīng)將來的就業(yè)崗位打下基礎(chǔ)?! ?.增添了部分習(xí)題的解答,能更有利于師生的教與學(xué)?! ”緯山K信息職業(yè)技術(shù)學(xué)院鄧紅、孫萍進行修編,曹建林教授審稿。編寫中難免有錯誤和不當之處,歡迎讀者批評指出,也歡迎就本教材的編寫提出意見和建議?! ”緯捎贸霭嫖锒绦欧纻蜗到y(tǒng),用封底下方的防偽碼,按照本書最后一頁“鄭重聲明”下方的使用說明進行操作可查詢圖書真?zhèn)尾②A取大獎。




Lesson 1 General Electrical SystemLesson 2 Voltage, Current and PowerLesson 3 Sources of ElectricityLesson 4 Alternating CurrentLesson 5 Voltage DividersLesson 6 Diodes and Diode CircuitsLesson 7 The MOSFETLesson 8 Digital DevicesLesson 9 Digital and Analog InterfacingLesson 10 TelevisionLesson 11 ResumeLesson 12 Unsolicited Application LettersLesson 13 The Operational AmplifierLesson 14 Component Safety RulesLesson 15 Integrated CircuitLesson 16 TTL and CMOS Logic FamiliesLesson 17 Digital OscilloscopeLesson 18 Radio ReceiverLesson 19 Introduction of Optical Fiber CommunicationLesson 20 The World Wide WebLesson 21 A Computer SystemLesson 22 The Digital Signal ProcessorLesson 23 Information Technology Transforming Our SocietyLesson 24 Soldering Guide參考譯文語法練習(xí)參考答案附錄1 構(gòu)詞法附錄2 專業(yè)短語參考文獻


  Television,or TV, the modern wonder of electronics,brings the world into your own home in sight and sound. The name television comes from the Greek word tele, meaning "far", and the Latin word videre, meaning" to see".  Color TV is based on the principle of color addition. Any color can be obtained by the addition of the three primary colors, red, green and blue. When the three primary colors added together, other colors can be produced by varying the intensities of the primary colors. Let us be clear, we are not talking about painting or printing, we are talking about colored lights failing on a screen, which are additive color mixing.  A color TV picture is actually a monochrome picture but with colors added for the main parts of the scene. It approximates to the process of painting color on a black and white photograph. The required color information is in the chrominance signal. To illustrate this idea of the color being in a separate signal,you can turn down the color control to eliminate the color signal, and the resuh is a black-and-white picture. The monochrome picture is produced by the luminance signal. With both the color signal and the luminance signal, the picture is reproduced in natural color. There are many schemes that have been proposed for transmission of color TV, e. g. NTSC, PAL, and SECAM. These differ in detail, but all utilize the same basic philosophy.  TV is the most commonly used image communication system in the world today. However,present TV transmission Standards are based on the technology that is more than 40 years old. As a result,there has been widespread interest in the consumer electronics industry to develop more advanced TV systems that benefit from recent technological advances. Studies in the U. S. proved the feasibility of the alldigital TV, which was believed to be unrealistic not too long ago. Digital TV refers to digital representat!on and processing of the signal as well as its digital transmission.





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