
出版時間:2009-2  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:彭典貴 主編  頁數(shù):280  




Unit 1 Jobs and Careers
?、?Pre-reading Questions
?、?Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expressions
?、?Listening Task
?、?Speaking Task
 Ⅵ.Writing Task
?、?Practical Activities
?、?Extended Activities
Unit 2 Business Reception
?、?Pre-reading Questions
 Ⅱ.Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expressions
?、?Listening Task
?、?Speaking Task
?、?Writing Task
 Ⅶ.Practical Activities
?、?Extended Activities
Unit 3 Business Calls
?、?Pre-reading Questions
?、?Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expres sions
?、?Listening Task
 Ⅴ.Speaking Task
?、?Writing Task
?、?Practical Activities
?、?Extended Activities
Unit 4 Business Meetings
?、?Pre-reading Questions
?、?Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expressions
?、?Listening Task
?、?Speaking Task
?、?Writing Task
 Ⅶ.Practical Activities
?、?Extended Activities
Unit 5 Business Travel
?、?Pre-reading Questions
?、?Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expressions
 Ⅳ.Listening Task
?、?Speaking Task
?、?Writing Task
?、?Practical Activities
?、?Extended Activities
Unit 6 Business Operations
?、?Pre-reading Questions
 Ⅱ.Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expres sions
 Ⅳ.Listening Task
?、?Speaking Task
 Ⅶ.Practical Activities
 Ⅷ.Extended Activities
Unit 7 Documenting and Filing
?、?Pre-reading Questions
 Ⅱ.Background Information
?、?Related Words and Expressions
?、?Listening Task
Unit 8 pecimens of Business Documents
 Listening Scripts
 Appendix 1
 Appendix 2
 Appendix 3


  The given job interview turns out to be successful.Questions in this interviewinvolve Wu Huanhuan’S educational back.ground,Endish proficiency,careerobj ectives,knowledge of the company,personality traits,bonuses and promotion.Obviously,Miss Wu answers Hudson’S questions intelligently and satisfactorily bymeans of several turn-takings in this conversation and she knows a lot of informationwhich is relevant to that particular position.From her natural and prompt response,we can see that Miss Wu has made full preparation for this interview.  Interviewers judge a candidate on the basis of their own communicative style(how they present themselves and interact with others).Since“You are what youtalk”in the j ob interview,candidates with a different communicative style may bej udged negatively both in terms of their communication and their personality.



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