
出版時(shí)間:2009-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:李清,陳禹六 著  頁(yè)數(shù):397  


The past three decades have witnessed great achievements in many enter-prises since the promotion of enterprise integration centering on the Com-puter Integrated Manufacturing (CIM) among industries. In China, a newterm  enterprise informationization  has evolved to express the applicationof information technology and information systems to realize integrationand attain improvement in the performance of an enterprise.  More andmore enterprises benefit from informationization. However, not all of themcan materialize their expected improvements. The reason can be manifold.Besides, tie social impact and the decision-making problem from enterprisemanagement, the lack of proper and effective analysis methods and tools ofintegration proves to be a major cause.Enterprise integration relates to both enterprise management technologyand information technology, dealing with complex management and tech-nological problems. The realization of enterprise integration through infor-mation system implementation involves different levels of an enterprise anddifferent professions. It demands cooperation of all staff in order to achievesuccess. Unfortunately, due to their distinct professional backgrounds andrespective limitation in knowledge, staff engaged in the task very often havedifferent interpretation of concepts and data, which may accordingly creatcmisunderstandings in cooperation and lead to various problems during theprocess of system construction. In many cases these kinds of problems canbe fatal.The modeling and analysis of an enterprise and information system adoptsstandardized syntax and semantics, through the method of simplification,decomposition and normalization. It realizes the description of an enterpriseand information system, and provides a framework of the solution to rele-vant problems in the design, development, implementation, operation, andmaintenance of complex enterprises and information systems. It can not onlyenhance the cooperative capacity of the team but also greatly decrease thetime and cost of the design and development of a system.


Modeling and Analysis of Enterprise and Information Systems From Requirements to Realization discusses the basic principles of enterprise architecture and enterprise modeling. After an introduction to the field the General Enterprise Modeling Architecture is presented. The new architecture includes a set of models and methods. It describes different aspects of the system and covers its life cycle. Its models are structuralized models with multi-layers and multi-views. They are descriptions and cognitions of the system at the top level and provide tools and methodology to understand, design, develop and implement the system.     This book is intended for researchers and graduate students in the field of industrial engineering, management engineering and information engineering. Enterprise Models discussed in this book provide a rich source in enterprise diagnosis, business process reengineering and information system implementation.


Part One  Modeling Frameworks of Enterprise and Information Systems1  Introduction to Enterprise and System Modeling  1.1  What Do "Analysis" and "Design" for an Enterprise Mean  1.2  What is a Model  1.3  Purpose and Usage of Models  1.4  Content of a Model  1.5  Viewpoints and Abstract Levels of a Model  1.6  Modeling Methods Families  1.7  Model Based System Integration and Model Driven Architecture  References2  Enterprise and Information System Architectures  2.1  Purposes of System Architectures  2.2  Computer Integrated Manufacturing--Open System Architecture  2.3  GRAI Integration Methodology and IMPACS  2.4  Purdue Enterprise Reference Architecture  2.5  Architecture of Integrated Information System  2.6  Zachman Framework  2.7  Generalized Enterprise—Reference Architecture and Methodologies  2.8  Stair-Like CIM System Architecture  2.9  Basic Elements Analysis of System Architectures  2.10  General Enterprise Modehng Architecture  References3  System Development and Integration Methodology  3.1  Role of Methodology in Enterprise and System Integration  3.2  StructuIed Methodology  3.3  Object-Oriented Methodology  3.4  GEM Structured Approach  3.5  Interview  Original Data Collection for a Modeling Task  ReferencesPart Two  Function Oriented Modeling and Analysis4  Data Flow Diagram  4.1  Introduction to DFD  4.2  Syntax and Semantics of DFD   4.2.1  Notations of DFD   4.2.2  DFD Models Organization   4.2.3  Data Dictionary  4.3  Structured Approach of DFD   4.3.1  Modeling Process of DFD   4.3.2  Data Flow Diagramming Rules  4.4  DFD Modeling Case  References5  IDEF0 Function Modeling  5.1  Introduction to IDEF0  5.2  Syntax and Semantics of IDEF0   5.2.1  Basic Concepts and Rules of IDEF0   5.2.2  IDEF0 Diagrams  5.3  Structured Approach of IDEFO  5.4  IDEF0 Modehng Case  ReferencesPart Three  Data Oriented Modeling and Analysis6  Entity-Relationship Diagram  6.1  Introduction to Entity-Relationship Diagram  6.2  Syntax and Semantics of ERD   6.2.1  Entity    6.2.2  Attribute    6.2.3  Relationship  6.3  Data Analysis and Normalization    6.3.1  Ist Normal Form (INF)    6.3.2  2nd Normal Form (2NF)    6.3.3  3rd Normal Form (3NF)  6.4  Structured Approach and Modeling Case of ERD  References7  IDEFIX Data Modeling  7.1  Introduction to IDEFIX  7.2  Syntax and Semantics of IDEFIX    7.2.1  Entity    7.2.2  Relationship    7.2.3  Attribute  7.3  Structured Approach of IDEFIX    7.3.1  Phase Zero: Project Initiation    7.3.2  Phase One: Entity Definition    7.3.3  Phase Two: Relationship Definition    7.3.4  Phase Three: Key Definition    7.3.5  Phase Four: Attribute Definition  ReferencesPart Four  Process Oriented Modeling and Analysis8  IDEF3 Process Capture Method  8.1  Introduction to IDEF3  8.2  Syntax and Semantics of IDEF3    8.2.1  Basic Concepts of IDEF3    8.2.2  Process Diagram    8.2.3  Object Diagram  8.3  Structured Approach of IDEF3  References9  Other Kinds of Process Modeling Methods  9.1  Event-Driven Process Chain  9.2  Gantt Chart and PERT  9.3  Role Activity Diagram  9.4  Petri Net  9.5  GRAI Method  9.6  Business Process Modeling Notation  ReferencesPart Five  Object Oriented Modeling and Analysis10  IDEF4 Object-Oriented Design Method  10.1  Introduction to IDEF4  10.2  Syntax and Semantics of IDEF4   10.2.1  IDEF4 Object-Oriented Concepts   10.2.2  Static Model   10.2.3  Behavior Model   10.2.4  Dynamic Model  10.3  Structured Approach of IDEF4  References11  Unified Modeling Language  11.1  Introduction to UML  11.2  Syntax and Semantics of UML   11.2.1  Static View   11.2.2  Design View   11.2.3  Use Case View   11.2.4  State Machine View   11.2.5  Activity View   11.2.6  Interaction View   11.2.7  Deployment View   11.2.8  Model Management View   11.2.9  Profiles  11.3  Structured Approach of UML  ReferencesPart Six  Enterprise Modeling Techniques New Development12  Ontology Capture Methods  12.1  Introduction to Ontology and IDEF5  12.2  Syntax and Semantics of IDEF5   12.2.1  Basic Concepts of IDEF5   12.2.2  First-Order Schematic   12.2.3  Second-Order Schematic   12.2.4  Relation Schematic   12.2.5  Object State Schematic  12.3  Structured Approach of IDEF5  12.4  Subject-Oriented Knowledge Formalization  References13  Economic View and Performance Modeling  13.1  Introduction to Economic View and Performance Modeling.  13.2  Framework of Economic View  13.3  Enterprise Information System Project Selection   13.3.1  Decision Method   13.3.2  Decision Modeling   13.3.3  ANP Application   13.3.4  Sensitivity Analysis  13.4  Fuzzy Performance Modeling and Measurement   13.4.1  Performance Model Structure and Multi-indicators Hierarchy   13.4.2  Fuzzy Performance Modeling Framework   13.4.3  Knowledge Management of Fuzzy Performance Modeling   13.4.4  Fuzzy Performance Measurement   13.4.5  Case Study  References14  Models Management, Implementation and Integration  14.1  Business Process Models Management and Reuse   14.1.1  Challenges in Business Process Models Management   14.1.2  Business Process Models Management System   14.1.3  Models Classification and Retrieval in BPMMS  14.2  Evaluation Indicators System Refining   14.2.1  Knowledge Reuse of Evaluation Indicators System   14.2.2  Structural Similarity of Evaluation Indicators System   14.2.3  Refining Mechanism of Evaluation Indicators System   14.2.4  Case Study  14.3  Model Based Project and Process Management Integration  14.4  Modeling for Product Information Tracking and Feedback   14.4.1  Modeling from the System Level   14.4.2  Modeling from the Process Level   14.4.3  Modeling from the Information and Data Level   14.4.4  Dynamic Information Acquisition and Processing withWireless Technology   14.4.5  Case Study  14.5  Enterprise Modeling Based Services Development   14.5.1  Service Modeling Language   14.5.2  Service Modeling Process   14.5.3  Case Study  ReferencesIndex


插圖:The connection relationship is also named as parent-child relationship.It is an association between entities in which each instance of the parententity is associated with zero, one, or more instances of the child entity, andeach instance of the child entity is associated with zero or one instance of theparent entity. For instance, a connection relationship would exist between theentities SUPERVISOR and STUDENT, if a supervisor can guide zero, one,or more students and each student can be guided by zero or one supervisor. Aspecific instance of the relationship associates specific instances of the entities.For instance, "Qing Li is the supervisor of Cheng Wang" is an instance ofthe relationship.The connection relationship may be further defined by specifying the ear-dinality of the relationship. Within IDEF1X, the following relationship car-dinalities can be expressed from the viewpoint of the parent entity.





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