
出版時間:2008-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:張逸  頁數(shù):491  






Unit 1 AdvertisementⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 2 Business CommunieationⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 3 Organizational CultureⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 4 FamilyⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 5 SightseeingⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 6 Public RelationsⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 7 Modern OfficeⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 8 ProductionⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 9 AutomobilesⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)Unit 10 InsuranceⅠ Teaching Aim(教學目的)Ⅱ Background Information(背景知識)Ⅲ Language and Culture Focus(語言文化要點)Ⅳ Teaching Tips(教學提示)Ⅴ Key(練習答案)


  product. Incorrect or misleading information may trigger a lawsuit by theaggrieved company.Cooperative Advertising is a system that allows two parties to shareadvertising costs. Manufacturers and distributors, because of their sharedinterest in selling the product, usually use this cooperative advertisingtechnique.  Cooperative advertising is especially appealing to smallstoreowners who, on their own, could not afford to advertise the productadequately.Direct-Mail Advertising Catalogues, flyers, letters, and postcards are just afew of the direct-mail advertising options. Direct-mail advertising hasseveral advantages, ncluding detail of information, personalization,selectivity, and speed. But while direct mail has advantages, it carries anexpensive per-head price, is dependent on the appropriateness of themailing list, and is resented by some customers, who consider it "junkmail".Informational Advertising In informational advertising, which is used whena new product is first being introduced, the emphasis is on promoting theproduct name, benefits, and possible uses. Institutional Advertising takes amuch broader approach, concentrating on the benefits, concept, idea, orphilosophy of a particular industry. Companies often use it to promoteimage-building activities, such an environmentally friendly business practicesor new community-based programs that it sponsors. Institutional advertisingis closely related to public relations, since both are interested in promoting apositive image of the company to the public.Outdoor Advertising Billboards and messages painted on the side of buildingsare common forms of outdoor advertising, which is often used when quick,simple ideas are being promoted. Since repetition is the key to successfulpromotion, outdoor advertising is most effective when located along heavilytraveled city streets and when the product being promoted can be purchasedlocally.Persuasive Advertising is used after a product has been introduced tocustomers. The primary goal is for a company to build selective demand forits product. For example, automobile manufacturers often produce special.



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