
出版時(shí)間:2009-2  出版社:高等教育  作者:羨錫彪  頁數(shù):290  


《商務(wù)英語寫作》(第二版)是普通高等教育“十一五”國家級(jí)規(guī)劃教材——商務(wù)英語系列教材之一。該系列教材為商務(wù)英語專業(yè)、英語專業(yè)商務(wù)方向以及商科相關(guān)專業(yè)英語課程提供了比較完整的、成體系的教學(xué)資源。    本書將寫作知識(shí)、寫作技能與實(shí)際的商務(wù)活動(dòng)有機(jī)結(jié)合,為學(xué)生提供了大量范文,著重提高學(xué)生的商務(wù)寫作能力。本教材針對(duì)學(xué)習(xí)者的實(shí)際需要,選用了大量商務(wù)寫作范例,配備了多樣的寫作實(shí)踐練習(xí)。    本書分為6個(gè)部分——商務(wù)寫作概述、商務(wù)信函、商務(wù)報(bào)告、宣傳材料、演示和合同。


Part One Introduction  Chapter 1 Introduction    1.1   Overview    1.2   Business Writing    1.3   Writing as a Process    1.4   Writing as a Product    1.5   Principles of Effective Business Writing    1.6   Intercultural CommunicationPart Two Business Correspondence  Chapter 2 The Layout of Business Letters    2.1   Overview    2.2   Parts of Business Letters    2.3   Presentation of Business Letters    2.4   Novice Writing and Comments    2.5   Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 3 Business Correspondence    3.1   Overview    3.2   Letters    3.3   Emails    3.4   Good News and Bad News Letters    3.5   Letters of Complaint    3.6   Letters of Persuasion    3.7   Novice Writing and Comments    3.8   Useful Expressions and StructuresPart Three Business Reports  Chapter 4 Memos    4.1   Overview    4.2   Historyof Memos    4.3   Characteristics of Successful Memos    4.4   Components of Memos    4.5   Writing Memos    4.6   Novice Writing and Comments    4.7   Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 5 Meeting Materials    5.1    Overview    5.2   Meeting Notices    5.3   Meeting Agendas    5.4   Meeting Minutes    5.5   Novice Writing and Comments    5.6   Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 6 Business Reports    6.1   Overview    6.2   Categories of Reports    6.3   Functions of Reports    6.4   Writing Business Reports    6.5   Preparations for Business Reports    6.6   Informal Reports    6.7   Formal Reports    6.8   Novice Writing and Comments    6.9   Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 7 Informational & Analytical Reports    7.1   Overview    7.2   Informational Reports    7.3   Analytical Reports    7.4   Novice Writing and Comments    7.5   Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 8 Business Proposals & Business Plans    8.1   Overview    8.2   Business Proposals    8.3   Business Plans    8.4   Novice Writing and Comments    8.5   Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 9 Annual Reports    9.1   Overview    9.2   The Annual Report and Its Sections    9.3   Writing the Annual ReportPart Four Publicity Materials  Chapter 10 Press Releases    10.1  Overview    10.2  Layout of the Press Release    10.3  Writingthe Press Release    10.4  Novice Writing and Comments    10.5  Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 11 Technical Descriptions    11.1  Overview    11.2  Types of Descriptions    11.3  MetHod of DeveLopment    11.4  Language of Descriptions    11.5  Illustrations in Descriptions    11.6  Novice Writing and Comments    11.7  Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 12 Operating Instructions    12.1  Overview    12.2  Understanding Your Task    12.3  Analyzing Your Audience    12.4  Components of Instructions    12.5  Sequenced Instructions and Styles of Presentation    12.6 Language of Instructions    12.7  Novice Writing and Comments    12.8  Useful Expressions and StructuresPart Five Visual Communication  Chapter 13 Questionnaire    13.1  Overview    13.2  Cover Letter    13.3  Layout of the Questionnaire    13.4  Preparing a Questionnaire    13.5  Tips for Framing the Questions    13.6  Tips for Designing and Presenting CHoices    13.7  Administering the Questionnaire    13.8  Interpreting Findings and Writing Up    13.9  Novice Writing and Comments    13.10 Useful Expressions and Structures  Chapter 14 Visual Techniques    14.1  Overview    14.2  MetHods of Visual Presentation    14.3  PowerPoint Slides    14.4  Language of Integrating the Visuals into the Text    14.5  Useful Expressions and StructuresPart Six Contracts  Chapter 15 Contracts    15.1  Overview    15.2  Types of Contract    15.3  Sales Contract    15.4  Sample ContractsAppendices  Appendix One Punctuation  Appendix Two List of Business Titles  Appendix Three ResumesKey to Exercises




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  •   商務(wù)英語寫作(2版),這本書對(duì)寫作很有幫助,工作都能用得上。
  •   標(biāo)準(zhǔn)英式商務(wù)英語寫作,英國外教推薦。
  •   全英文的,內(nèi)容很全。很適合商務(wù)信函寫作
  •   這是我們的課本,條理清晰,商務(wù)英語用到的各種書信格式基本上都有歸納了!
  •   商務(wù)方面的信函類以及一些商務(wù)專用術(shù)語書中均有涉及,很喜歡
  •   看了這本書,覺得還是很不錯(cuò)的。所以有時(shí)間就看。而且是全英文的,還能更好的學(xué)習(xí)英語。里面的英語不算難。
  •   全英文的,排版看起來不錯(cuò),也有一些范文可以借鑒,感覺不錯(cuò)
  •   很經(jīng)典的一本書,內(nèi)容也很全
  •   大學(xué)時(shí)外教用的書,非常實(shí)用
  •   這是我們要用的的課本,謝謝這么及時(shí)送過來
  •   書本很好,可惜不曉得學(xué)校搞什么,換了課本,我覺得這本比新的那本要好,印刷也地道
  •   很多例子,很實(shí)用
  •   書包裝得仔細(xì) 紙質(zhì)也好
  •   書很好,包裝到位,送貨也快。
  •   紙質(zhì)很好!應(yīng)該是正版
  •   不錯(cuò)不錯(cuò)。。。。貨來得挺快。目前也沒發(fā)現(xiàn)質(zhì)量問題。。。
  •   還可以吧,我覺得沒什么用
  •   很實(shí)用的商務(wù)英語寫作書,我們上課就用這本,紙質(zhì)很好!
  •   我們商務(wù)寫作的指定教材!
  •   我們上課用的課本。。。。全英文,還行,對(duì)不學(xué)商務(wù)的學(xué)生來說有點(diǎn)枯燥
  •   這是我們外教上課用的課本。質(zhì)量很好。
  •   還可以O(shè)(∩_∩)O~
  •   只可惜都是英文,沒有中文講解部分或者對(duì)應(yīng)的教參
  •   買回來了學(xué)校才說不用這本書
  •   老師說有些例子不太好。 個(gè)人覺得內(nèi)容不夠完全。書質(zhì)量不錯(cuò)、
  •   全英文的 貌似不錯(cuò)

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