出版時間:2008-6 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:何勇斌 著 頁數(shù):340
《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》學科的發(fā)展 我國改革開放近30年來,由于國家建設(shè)的需求,各大學英語專業(yè)每年大量招生,并向社會輸送大批畢業(yè)生,其中很大一部分進入國際商務(wù)和相關(guān)領(lǐng)域工作。原國家人事部對國際商務(wù)專業(yè)人才作了如下要求:“當今國際問貿(mào)易、國際經(jīng)濟技術(shù)交流與合作日益專業(yè)化,專業(yè)人員不僅需要具備堅實的國際商務(wù)理論、熟悉有關(guān)的國際商務(wù)公約和慣例,掌握國際上通行的貿(mào)易作法和商務(wù)程序,而且要通曉外語,有一定的國際商務(wù)實際操作經(jīng)驗”。廣東外語外貿(mào)大學國際《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》學院曾針對國際商務(wù)類用人單位和外企對商務(wù)類人才的素質(zhì)和能力的要求進行調(diào)查,調(diào)查結(jié)果也表明這個要求是合理的。正是適應(yīng)了社會對這類英語+商務(wù)復(fù)合型人才的需求,《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》作為英語專業(yè)的一個新的方向,迅速發(fā)展。目前全國已經(jīng)有數(shù)百所本科層次的高等院校設(shè)立《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》方向,大多以英語作為主業(yè),再以各種形式加上不等的商務(wù)知識內(nèi)容。經(jīng)過長時間廣泛的交流,尤其是7次全國性研討會,我國高等院校在《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》的培養(yǎng)目標、課程設(shè)置和教學內(nèi)容等方面逐步取得了一些共識,為《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》學科建設(shè)的提升和規(guī)范打下了很好的基礎(chǔ)?! ?.《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》課程的定位 教材編寫是學科建設(shè)的重要一環(huán)。有一種看法,認為《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》教材的內(nèi)容應(yīng)當大部分甚至全部都是商務(wù)方面的專題知識。我們認為這種看法是將《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》當作一門ESP(English forSpeC詛C Purposes)課程,即以經(jīng)濟和管理學科的學生為對象的專門用途英語課程。我國當前的情況是,《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》是作為外國語言文學一級學科下的一個專業(yè),要求學生具有較高程度的英語水平(語言知識和應(yīng)用能力),并且充分了解英語國家的社會與文化。要完成這個任務(wù)就需要設(shè)置一系列的英語語言和文化課程,這不是一門ESP類型的《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》課程能夠承擔的。此外,學生還要具有系統(tǒng)的商務(wù)知識,這就需要提供一系列的商科專業(yè)課程,一門ESP類型的《商務(wù)英語綜合教程(2)》課程同樣不能夠承擔這個任務(wù)。
Unit1 Animals and PlantsWarm-up ActivitiesListening & SpeakingIntensive ReadingA Weed,a Fly,a Mouse and a Chain of UninteConsequencesExtensive ReadingRose LegendReading & WritingThe Duck and the DachshundUnit2 Environmental ProtectionWarm.up ActivitiesListening&SpeakingIntensive ReadingCauses of Environmental ProblemsExtensive ReadingOn the Environment,It Isn’t AIl Bad NewsReading&WritingHow to Poison EarthUnit3 National IdentityWarm-up ActivitiesListening & SpeakingIntensive ReadingAmerican Social RclationsExtensive ReadingEthnicityReading & WritingEngland Your EnglandUnit4 SocializationWarm-up ActivitiesListening & SpeakingIntensive ReadingSocializationExtensive ReadingSocializing 25 Years AgoReading & WritingSocializing with ConfidenceUnit5 Marriage and FamilyWarm-up ActivitiesListening & SpeakingIntensive ReadingModels for MarriageExtensive ReadingMarrying Within the CollegeReading & WritingWhy IWantaWifeUnit6 FashionsWarm-up ActivitiesListening & SpeakingIntensive ReadingWhat Is Fashion?Extensive ReadingHip-hop,What Is Cool?Reading & WritingClothing and Identity
One of the most nerve.wracking situations for many people is attendingsocial events,particularly those where you don’t know anyone else。If you’relike many people,you have visions of yourself standing alone,looking awkward,sweating,and sneaking out the side door early.Socializing is difficult for manypeople.Why?For one,its a perfect opportunity for rejection。After all,if you sayor do something stupid,its very easy for the other person to move on to someoneelse if they find your conversation dull。Or another scenario is one where you’restuck at a table with a bunch of other people you don’t know.and you envisionyourself staring at your plate all through the meal.completdy at a loss of words.These fears are very common and normal。That.S good。It means that.if youfeel this way,you’re not alone.It also means that when you’re feeling awkwardin a social situation,others are as well.Even some people who appear to becompletely at ease may have a jumble of nerves and self-doubt inside.So what‘Sthe solution?If you are the person who speaks out first,makes the first move,andbegins a conversation,you’re taking the pressure off the other person.No longerare you now the one who is awkward at socializing,but you are now someonewho is focused on the other people attending.Changing your frame of mind in this way can be very helpful.Its also morehelpful than changing your frame of mind in other ways.such as using alcoholor other medications(unless you.ve had a thorough check.up with a doctor whohas prescribed anti.anxiety medications).Its true that alcohol can put you at easeand make starting a conversation much easier.The problem is that it also makes itmuch easier to take another drink,and another,and before you know it(or don.t),you reallyare saying or doing something stupid.Unlessyou are absolutely confident in your ability tocontrol your drinking,avoid using this methodas a solution to your social fears.After you have reminded yourseIfthat many other people there are feelingjust as nervous as you are,try striking up aconversation.This is easier than it may seem一一or at!east.5t does become easier with practice.