
出版時(shí)間:2008-5  出版社:高等教育  作者:賴虹建//郝志峰  頁數(shù):298  




1 Introduction2 Probability2.1 Sample Space2.2 Events2.3 Probability of Events2.4 Laws of Probability2.5 Conditional Probability2.6 Bayes RuleExercises 23 Random Variables3.1 Definition of Random Variables3.2 Discrete Random Variables3.3 Expectation and Variance3.4 Binomial Distribution3.5 Poisson DistributionExercises 34 Continuous Random Variables4.1 Continuous Random Variables4.2 Uniform Distribution4.3 Normal Distribution4.4 Normal Approximation to the Binomial Distribution4.5 Exponential Distribution4.6 Function of Random Variables4.7 Chebyshevs TheoremExercises 45 Random Vectors and Joint Probability Distributions5.1 Concept of Joint Probability Distributions5.2 Conditional Distribution5.3 Statistical Independent5.4 Covariance and Correlation5.5 Law of Large Numbers and Central Limit TheoremExercises 56 Fundamental Sampling Distributions and Data Descriptions6.1 Analysis of Data6.2 Random Sampling6.3 Statistics6.4 Sample Distributions6.5 Chi-square Distribution6.6 Students Distribution (t-Distribution)6.7 F-DistributionExercises 67 Estimation Problems7.1 Point Estimation7.2 Interval Estimation7.3 Determination of the Sample Size7.4 Maximum Likelihood EstimationExercises 78 Testing Hypothesis8.1 Statistical Hypothesis:General Concepts8.2 Testing a Statistical Hypothesis8.3 Hypothesis Concerning Mean8.4 Hypothesis Concerning Variance8.5 Relationship to Confidence Interval Estimation8.6 Tests for Proportion8.7 Tests for Independence8.8 Goodness-of-Fit TestExercises 89 Nonparametric Statistics9.1 Sign Test9.2 Rank-Sum Test9.3 Signed-Rank TestExercises 910 Regression and Correlation10.1 Introduction10.2 Simple Linear Regression Equation10.3 Parameter Estimation10.4 Tests the Usefulness of the Linear Regression Model10.5 Predictions10.6 Multiple Linear Regression10.7 Linearizable Models10.8 Normal Correlation ModelExercises 1011 Analysis of Variance11.1 Introduction11.2 One-Way Analysis of Variance11.3 Two-Way Analysis of VarianceExercises 11Answer to ExercisesReview ExercisesAppendixReferences




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