
出版時間:2009-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:中等職業(yè)組學校英語改編組  頁數(shù):286  


  教育部已將中等職業(yè)教育列入我國教育工作的戰(zhàn)略重點之一,為職業(yè)教育的發(fā)展帶來新的契機。在大力倡導(dǎo)職業(yè)教育發(fā)展的同時,對職業(yè)教育改革也提出了要求,課程與教材改革就是其中的重要內(nèi)容。為了適應(yīng)中等職業(yè)學校英語教學的改革和發(fā)展,高等教育出版社引進了英國MM Publications出版公司(新)的NEW PLUS系列英語教材,委托熟悉中等職業(yè)學校英語教學的專家及教師根據(jù)教育部中等職業(yè)學校課程改革的精神進行了改編。多年來第1版教材在全國許多省份使用,受到廣大師生的普遍歡迎。本系列教材共4冊,第1一3冊供中等職業(yè)學校三個學期使用,“預(yù)備級”可供低起點的學生選用,也可供學生復(fù)習初中所學內(nèi)容使用?! ”窘滩囊匀碌囊暯求w現(xiàn)了目前國內(nèi)外英語教學研究的成果,以與學生生活貼近的“話題”為核心,以結(jié)構(gòu)和功能為主線,通過形式多樣而又便于操作的“活動”方式,創(chuàng)設(shè)有意義的語言情境,綜合訓練學生聽、說、讀、寫四項基本技能,切實培養(yǎng)學生運用英語進行交際的能力。  本書有以下突出特點:  1.以新的英語交際語言教學理念為依據(jù)改編  本教材注重學生運用英語的能力培養(yǎng),體現(xiàn)了“素質(zhì)教育”和“能力本位”的教學思想。教學內(nèi)容覆蓋中等職業(yè)學校英語課程中的“語法項目”和“交際話題”?! ?.綜合訓練聽、說、讀、寫等技能  聽、說、讀、寫四項技能是相互聯(lián)系的統(tǒng)一體。本教材注重對學生進行聽、說、讀、寫等技能的綜合訓練,使學生的語言技能得以協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展?! ?.體現(xiàn)以教師為主導(dǎo),學生為主體的教學原則  本教材以教學活動的方式,使學生通過獨立思考、成對及小組活動協(xié)作完成學習任務(wù),改變了教師“chalk and talk”、學生機械記憶的教學模式,有利于激發(fā)學生的學習興趣,培養(yǎng)學生的團隊精神以及自我管理、自我評價意識,從而建立起學習的自信心與成就感。




英語教師用書2(引進版)(第2版)1 Whatllooklike2 AlI aboutme3 PlacesI,vebeento4 Onholiday5 An imaginary world6 Let’S celebrate7 Filmsl,ve seen8 My everyday experiences9 Ourgreenworld10 Revision練習冊答案及聽力材料趣味英語雜志答案英語教師用書3(引進版)(第2版)1 People2 Places/Buildings3 Everydaylife4 Communication5 Holidays6 Advertising7 News reports8 Entertainment9 Family|Relationships10 Employment /Career11 Environment/Animals12 Education練習冊答案及聽力材料趣味英語雜志答案


  Speaker 1  Boy: Hi! My names Danny. Im fourteen years old and Im from Canada. I live with my parents and mytwin sisters in Toronto. We came here a few months ago. I spend most of my free time trying toimprove my goal keeping skills on ice. You see, Ive joined the school team and I train with my newfriends every afternoon. Last Sunday, we played our first game. We didnt win but it was great!  Speaker 2  Girl: My name is Elizabeth but my friends call me Lizzy. Im from England but I live in Japan with myparents and my brother. Weve been here for ten months. My brother and I go to high school ...we have lots of friends —— English, Japanese and Chinese. My brother loves playing computergames and I enjoy decorating my own room with my own works of art! My best friend, Yoko,introduced me to a Japanese art called Origami. This is when you make different things, such aslittle animals or flowers, from a piece of paper. I really love it!  Speaker 3  Boy: Hi! Im Lars and Im from Norway. I live with my parents, my grandparents and my sister Ingrid.Im thirteen years old and shes seventeen, four years older than me. We live in a small village.Its a beautiful place with mountains and forests. Its an ideal place for those who like painting,like my sister. She is really a talented painter. I wish I could be like her but Im hopeless. In myfree time I prefer outdoor activities, like ice-skating. I learnt skating when I was really young andI remember at first I kept falling down. Im good at it now and I enjoy myself very much!



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