出版時間:2007-12 出版社:高等教育 作者:芮燕萍 頁數(shù):162
近年來,隨著我國社會和經(jīng)濟的迅猛發(fā)展、國際交往的日益頻繁,國家和社會迫切地對大學生的英語綜合應(yīng)用能力尤其是聽說技能提出了更高的要求。大學英語教學又面臨著新的挑戰(zhàn),這使得大學英語教學必須進一步深化。另一方面,我國的大學英語教學環(huán)境正在逐步改善,多媒體、網(wǎng)絡(luò)等現(xiàn)代教育手段的發(fā)展使大英語教學多樣化、個性化有了可能。許多教師已經(jīng)開始利用多媒體和網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)進行英語教學改革,以彌補傳統(tǒng)教學的不足,并取得了一定的成績。基于計算機/網(wǎng)絡(luò)+課堂教學的教學模式日漸普遍?! 〗逃?007年頒布的《大學英語課程教學要求》貫徹了分類指導、大力推廣應(yīng)用信息技術(shù)、共享優(yōu)質(zhì)教育資源的原則和方針。提出加強聽說,同時也更重視培養(yǎng)閱讀理解能力、翻譯技巧和基本寫作能力等英語綜合應(yīng)用能力的要求;注重以學生為主體、促進個性化學習和自主學習。因此,大學英語教學課時數(shù)在一定程度上進行了縮減,包括聽力課課時。而全國四、六級英語考試聽力部分分值和題型都在這一改革的背景下進行了很大程度的調(diào)整,增加了考查學生應(yīng)用能力的題型,聽力分值也由原來的20%提高到了35%。新的要求給大學英語教學帶來了壓力和挑戰(zhàn)?! ∫虼耍覀儽仨氈铝τ谔剿髟趯W時減少、對聽說能力要求提高的情況下,如何加強對學生學習策略能力的訓練,培養(yǎng)學生自主學習的新模式?! 洞髮W體驗英語一周一練》為大學體驗英語課外練習系列,共分四冊,供普通院校非英語專業(yè)一、二年級學生及有相當水平的學習者使用。 實踐性是外語教學的特征。如何使練習題具有較強的實踐性,題型設(shè)計至關(guān)重要。本書提供了大學英語一至四級的試題練習,每冊十個單元,分別供一至四學期使用??紤]到使用一冊的學生聽力相對較弱,因此練習題針對學生水平,遵照循序漸進的原則進行設(shè)計。二至四冊則嚴格按照大學英語四級考試標準題型編寫,經(jīng)過反復審查、修改、提煉、測試最終得以完成。練習題還具有較強的實用性和一定的趣味性。教師可以根據(jù)教學進度和學生學習情況選擇試題進行測試,或者指導學生進行自主學習。 本書全部聽力內(nèi)容由資深外籍專家朗讀,并隨書附MP3光盤以方便學生使用?! ∮捎诒緯帉憰r間較為倉促,編寫人員水平有限,書中不完善之處在所難免,懇請使用本書的廣大師生提出寶貴意見和建議,以便我們今后的修訂、提高和完善。
Model Test 1Model Test 2Model Test 3Model Test 4Model Test 5Model Test 6Model Test 7Model Test 8Model Test 9Model Test 10
Breaking nicotine addiction is not easy. Each year, nearly 35 million people make aconcerted effort to quit smoking. Sadly, less than 7 percent succeed in abstaining for morethan a year; most start smoking again within days. So what is nicotine and how does it in-sinuate itself into the smokers brain and very being? The nicotine found in tobacco is a potent drug and smokers, and even some sci-entists say it offers certain benefits. One is enhance performance. One study found thatnon-smokers given doses of nicotine typed about 5 percent faster than they did withoutit. To greater or lesser degrees, users also say nicotine helps them to maintain concentra-tion, reduce anxiety, relieve pain, and even dampen their appetites (thus helping in weightcontrol). Unfortunately, nicotine can also produce deleterious effects beyond addictionlAt high doses, as are achieved from tobacco products, it can cause high blood pressure,distress in the respiratory and gastrointestinal systems and an increase in susceptibility toseizures and hypothermia. First isolated as a compound in 1828, in its pure form nicotine is a clear liquid thatturns brown when burned and smells like tobacco when exposed to air. It is found inseveral species of plants, including tobacco and, perhaps surprisingly, in tomatoes, pota-toes, and eggplant (though in extremely low quantities that are pharmacologically insig-nificant for humans). As simple as it looks, the cigarette is highly engineered nicotine delivery device. Forinstance, when tobacco researchers found that much of the nicotine in a cigarette wasntreleased when burned but rather remained chemically bound within the tobacco leaf, they began adding substances such as ammonia to cigarette tobacco to release more nicotine.Ammonia helps keep nicotine in its basic form, which is more readily vaporized by the intense heat of the burning cigarette than the acidic form. Most cigarettes for sale in the US today contain 10 milligrams or more of nicotine. By inhaling smoke from a lighted cigarette, the average smoker takes 1 or 2 milligrams of vaporized nicotine per cigarette.Today we know that only a miniscule amount of nicotine is needed to fuel addiction. Re- search shows that manufacturers would have to cut nicotine levels in a typical cigarette by 95% to forestall its power to addict. When a smoker puffs on a lighted cigarette, smoke, including vaporized nicotine, is drawn into the mouth. The skin and lining of the mouth immediately absorb some nicotine, but the remainder flows straight down into the lungs, where it easily diffuses into the blood vessels lining the lung walls. The blood vessels carry the nicotine to the heart, which then pumps it directly to the brain. While most of the effects a smoker seeks occur in the brain, the heart takes a hit as well. Studies have shown that a smokers first cigarette of the day can increase his or her heart rate by 10 to 20 beats a minute. Scientists have found that a smoked substance reaches the brain more quickly than one swallowed, snorted (such as cocaine powder) or even injected.
《大學體驗英語一周一練3第2版》注重實用表達能力的培養(yǎng):在語言基礎(chǔ)訓l練中加大聽力和口語的學習內(nèi)容,加強實用閱讀、實用會話、實用寫作的訓練,培養(yǎng)學習者英語綜合運用能力和在涉外交際中的實用表達能力?! ∽⒅亟滩牡目刹倬毿裕哼x文短小精悍,生動有趣,便于聽、說、讀、寫、譯的訓練:練習設(shè)計層層深入,通過訓練達到學懂、會用的教學目的?! 娬{(diào)以人為本,突出“個性化”學習:注重學習者在整個學習過程中自主學習的引導,強調(diào)學習者在體驗語言的立體化環(huán)境中獲得語言知識,體驗用英語表達和交流思想的美妙?! ≈匾曃幕R的學習,培養(yǎng)“跨文化意識”:提供大量真實的圖片、富有時代感的文字材料以及英語國家豐富的文化背景,開拓學習者的視野?! ×Ⅲw化教材為英語學習提供全方位服務(wù):文字版、網(wǎng)絡(luò)版、電子教案以及多媒體學習課件等提供了立體、互動的英語學習環(huán)境。