
出版時間:2008-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:馬素萍,姜亞軍 著  頁數:264  


  近些年來,我國高職高專教育的改革和發(fā)展取得了長足的進步,無論是學校數量,還是在校生人數都占到高??倲岛蛯W生人數的一半以上。高職高專英語專業(yè)學校的數量和學生人數也增長很快。為了滿足新形勢對高職高專英語專業(yè)教育和人才培養(yǎng)的需求,我們編寫了“高職高專英語專業(yè)立體化系列教材”,該套教材被列為普通高等教育“十一五”國家級規(guī)劃教材。、 本套教材力圖體現我國高職高專英語專業(yè)教學實踐的特點,遵循高職高專教育“實用為主、夠用為度”的總體指導方針,充分反映中國學生學習英語的規(guī)律和要求,并體現我國英語教學研究的新成果、新思想和新理念。教材的設計充分考慮高職高專英語專業(yè)的課程設置、課時、教學要求與高職高專英語專業(yè)人才培養(yǎng)的要求與目標,力圖處理好打好英語語言基礎與培養(yǎng)英語語言應用能力的關系,強調英語言語基本技能的訓練與培養(yǎng)實際使用英語從事涉外交際活動的語言應用能力并重?!  队⒄Z寫作教程》(A Guide to English Essay-Writing for ChineseLearners)是該系列的主干教材之一,其目的在于培養(yǎng)學生用英語的基本寫作能力,特別是篇章結構和句子層面的基本功。本教程適用于我國高職高專院校的英語專業(yè)學生,同時也適用于大學本科英語專業(yè)低年級學生和“二?!笔怯⒄Z專業(yè)的學生使用。本教材的設計教學時間為一個學期?! W生的英語寫作能力是一種綜合性的語言能力。書面交際的成功,不僅要求作者寫出的句子語法正確(grammatically corect),表達有效(effective),還要求整篇作文的結構符合英語讀者的閱讀預期(expectations)。因此,英語寫作課歷來是我國學生較為頭疼、但又“不能不學”的一門基礎課;對很多教師而言,寫作課也因此成為一門“不得不教”的任務?;谶@一認識,本教材的編寫目的之一便是:培養(yǎng)學習者的興趣,提高英語寫作課的教學效率,進而促進學生語言綜合能力的提升。




  Chapter 1 English Writing and Chinese Writing1.1 Common Features of "Good Writing" 31.2 Cultural Differences in Writing 61.3 English Writing vs. Chinese Writing 71.4 Strategies in Learning English Writing 12Chapter 2 English Essay: An Overview2.1 What ls an Essay?  172.2 The Three-part Structure 182.3 English Paragraphs 202.4 The Five-paragraph Essay 212.5 Outlining (I): Scratch Outlines 262.6 The Written Language 28Chapter 3 Thesis Statement3.1 What Does the Thesis Statement Do?  413.2 What Is a Thesis Statement?  423.3 What Does the Thesis Statement Contain?  433.4 Two Types of Thesis Statement 453.5 Features that Make a Strong Thesis Statement 493.6 What Thesis Statements to Avoid?  523.7 Placement of the Thesis Statement 583.8 How to Write Effective Sentences (I) 60Chapter 4 Introductory Paragraph4.1 What Does the Introduction Do?  734.2 What Does the Introduction Contain?  764.3 The General-to-specific Pattern 804.4 How to Write Effective Sentences (Ⅱ) 82Chapter 5 Lead-in and Transition5.1 What Does the Lead-in Do?  935.2 The Length of Lead-in 945.3 Common Methods of Lead-in 945.4 Transition 1025.5 Putting It All Together 1045.6 Howto Write Effective Sentences (Ⅲ) 107Chapter 6 Body Paragraph (I)6.1 What Does the Body Paragraph Do?  1196.2 What Does the Body Paragraph Contain?  1206.3 Topic Sentence 1226.4 Supporting Sentences 1276.5 Concluding Sentence 1316.6 Putting It All Together 1336.7 How to Write Effective Sentences (Ⅳ) 136Chapter 7 Body Paragraph (Ⅱ)7.1 Paragraph Unity 1497.2 Paragraph Coherence 1527.3 Paragraph Development 1577.4 How to Write Effective Sentences (V) 170Chapter 8 Concluding Paragraph8.1 What Does the Conclusion Do?  1838.2 What Does the Conclusion Contain?  1848.3 Specific-to-general Pattern 1878.4 Common Methods of Conclusion 1888.5 What Conclusions to Avoid 1928.6 Howto Write Effective Sentences (Ⅵ) 195Chapter 9 Five-paragraph Essays9.1 Characteristics of Good Essays 2039.2 Outlining (Ⅱ): Formal Outlines 2049.3 Putting It All Together 2079.4 Variation in Essay Structure 2179.5 Revising Your Draft 222Key to ExercisesAppendix IAppendix ⅡAppendix ⅢReferences


  7. 3. 2.2 Process Analysis  Process analysis is another effective strategy a writer often uses to develop aparagraph. Using this method, the writer presents a chronological sequence ofsteps that explain how Something is done, how something happens, or how readerscan do something.  There are two kinds of process analysis paragraphs: the how-to-do-it (calledinstructional or directional process) and the how-it-is-done (called informationalor mechanical process). In the latter, your primary concern is to explain a processthat the reader has no intention of repeating the steps. For example, one may wantto know what is involved in capping an oil well without actually wanting to do it.In this kind of paragraph, you do not have to be too exact in describing theprocess. However, in the how-to-do-it paragraph you must be very exact, for hereyour reader plans on following your directions. Your main objective here is tomake your directions clear enough so that the reader will be able to accomplishthe task easily.  Process paragraphs that give instructions are mostly often written in the secondperson. Address the reader directly asyou, but there is an impliedyou in imperativesentences. For example in the sentence, "Remove the lid", the subject "you" isunderstood but not directly stated. Note how the reader is addressed and how thesteps are organized in the following process paragraphs.



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