
出版時(shí)間:2008-6  出版社:高等教育  作者:David Halliday,Robert Resnick,Jearl Walker  譯者:李學(xué)潛,方哲宇  


《理科類系列教材·基礎(chǔ)物理學(xué)(第7版)(改編版)》主要內(nèi)容:Fundarnentals of Physics是一本有啟發(fā)性的教科書。它幫助物理專業(yè)以及相關(guān)領(lǐng)域的學(xué)生掌握牢固的物理知識(shí),深刻了解重要的概念,熟悉理論推導(dǎo)的基本技術(shù),熟練運(yùn)用數(shù)值計(jì)算。教師可以和學(xué)生一樣從《理科類系列教材·基礎(chǔ)物理學(xué)(第7版)(改編版)》中受益。我們采用它作為在南開大學(xué)進(jìn)行普通物理雙語(yǔ)教學(xué)的主要教科書已有若干年了,我們對(duì)它的高質(zhì)量以及對(duì)自然的深刻認(rèn)識(shí)是十分欣賞的。


1  Measurement1-1  What Is Physics?1-2  Measuring Things1-3  The International System of Units1-4  Changing Units1-5  Length1-6  Time1-7  MassProblems2  Motion2-1  What Is Physics?2-2  Vectors and Scalars2-3  Multiplying Vectors2-4  Motion2-5  Position and Displacement2-6  Average Velocity and Instantaneous Velocity2-7  Acceleration2-8  Constant Acceleration: A Special Case2-9  Graphical Integration in Motion Analysis2-10  Projectile Motion2-11  Projectile Motion Analyzed2-12  Uniform Circular Motion2-13  Relative MotionQuestionsProblems3  Force3-1  What Is Physics?3-2  Newtonian Mechanics3-3  Newton's First Law3-4  Force3-5  Mass3-6  Newton's Second Law3-7  Newton's Third Law3-8  Applying Newton's Laws3-9  Some Particular Forces3-10  Friction3-11  The Drag Force and Terminal Speed3-12  Uniform circular MotionQuestionsProblems4  Energy and Work4-1  What Is Physics?4-2  What Is Energy?4-3  Kinetic Energy4-4  Work4-5  Work and Kinetic Energy4-6  Work Done by the Force4-7  Power4-8  Work and Potential Energy4-9  Path Independence of Conservative Forces4-10  Determining Potential Energy Values4-11  Conservation of Mechanical Energy4-12  Work Done on a System by an External Force4-13  Conservation of EnergyQuestionsProblems5  Center of Mass and Linear Momentum5-1  What Is Physics?5-2  The Center of Mass5-3  Newton's Second Law for a System of Particles5-4  Linear Momenttma5-5  The Linear Momentum of a System of Particles5-6  Collision and Impulse5-7  Conservation of Linear Momentum5-8  Momentum and Kinetic Energy in Collisions5-9  Inelastic Collisions in One Dimension5-10  Elastic Collisions in One Dimension5-11  Collisions in Two Dimensions5-12  Systems with Varying Mass:A RocketQuestionsProblems6  Rotation and Angular Momentum6-1  What Is Physics?6-2  Equilibrium6-3  The Rotational Variables6-4  Are Angular Quantities Vectors?6-5  Relating the Linear and Angular Variables6-6  Kinetic Energy of Rotation6-7  Calculating the Rotational Inertia6-8  Newton's Second Law for Rotation6-9  Work and Rotational Kinetic Energy6-10  Rolling as Translation and Rotation Combined6-11  The Kinetic Energy of Rolling6-12  The Forces of Rolling6-13  Torque Revisited6-14  Angular Momentum6-15  Newton's Second Law in Angular orm6-16  The Angular Momentum of a System of Particles6-17  The Angular Momentum of a Rigid Body Rotating About a Fixed Axis6-18  Precession of a GyroscopeQuestionsProblems7  Gravitation7-1  What Is Physics?7-2  Newton's Law of Gravitation7-3  Gravitation and the Principle of Superposition7-4  Gravitation Near Earth's Surface7-5  Gravitation Inside Earth7-6  Gravitational Potential Energy7-7  Planets and Satellites: Kepler's Laws7-8  Satellites: Orbits and Energy7-9  Einstein and GravitationQuestionsProblems8  Oscillations8-1  What Is Physics?8-2  Simple Harmonic Motion8-3  The Force Law for Simple Harmonic Motion8-4  Energy in Simple Harmonic Motion8-5  An Angular Simple Harmonic Oscillator8-6  Pendulums8-7  Simple Harmonic Motion and Uniform Circular Motion8-8  Damped Simple Harmonic Motion8-9  Forced Oscillations and ResonanceQuestionsProblems9  Waves9-1  What Is Physics?9-2  Types of Waves9-3  Transverse and Longitudinal Waves9-4  Wavelength and Frequency9-5  The Speed of Wave9-6  Energy and Power of a Wave Traveling Along a String9-7  The Wave Equation9-8  Standing Waves9-9  Sound Waves9-10  Traveling Sound Waves9-11  Interference9-12  Intensity and Sound Level9-13  Sources of Musical Sound9-14  Beats9-15  The Doppler Effect9-16  Supersonic Speeds, Shock WavesQuestionsProblems10  The Kinetic Theory of Gases10-1  What Is Physics?10-2  Avogadro's Number10-3  Ideal Gases10-4  Pressure, Temperature, and RMS Speed10-5  Translational Kinetic Energy10-6  Mean Free Path10-7  The Distribution of Molecular Speeds10-8  The Molar Specific Heats of an Ideal Gas10-9  Degrees of Freedom and Molar Specific Heats10-10  A Hint of Quantum Theory10-11  The Adiabatic Expansion of an Ideal GasQuestionsProblems11  The Law of Thermodynamics11-1  What Is Physics?11-2  Temperature11-3 The Zeroth Law of Themodynamics11-4  Measuring Temperature11-5  Thermal Expansion11-6  The Absorption of Heat by Solids and Liquids11-7  A Closer Look at Heat and Work11-8  The First Law of Thermodynamics11-9  Heat Transfer Mechanisms11-10  Irreversible Processes and Entropy11-11  Change in Entropy11-12  The Second Law of Thermodynamics11-13  Entropy in the Real World11-14  A Statistical View of EntropyQuestionsProblems12  Electricity12-1  What Is Physics?12-2  Electric Charge12-3  Electric Field12-4  A Point Charge in an ElectricField12-5  A Dipole in an Electric Field12-6  Electric Potential12-7  Calculating the Potential from the Field12-8  Electric Potential Energy12-9  Potential of a Charged Isolated ConductorQuestionsProblems13  Gauss'Law13-1  What Is Physics?13-2  Flux13-3  Flux of an Electric Field13-4  Gauss' Law13-5  Gauss' Law and Coulomb's Law13-6  A Charged Isolated Conductor13-7  Applying Gauss' Law: Cylindrical Symmetry13-8  Applying Gauss' Law: Planar Symmetry13-9  Applying Gauss' Law: Spherical SymmetryQuestionsProblems14  DC Circuits14-1  What Is Physics?14-2  Capacitance14-3  Capacitors in Parallel and in Series14-4  Energy Stored in an Electric Field14-5  Capacitor with a Dielectric14-6  Electric Current14-7  Resistance and Resistivity14-8  Power in Electric Circuits14-9  "Pumping" Charges14-10  Calculating the Current in a Single-Loop Circuit14-11  Multiloop Circuits14-12  RC CircuitsQuestionsProblems15  Magnetic Fields15-1  What Is Physics?15-2  What Produces a Magnetic Field?15-3  The Definition orB15-4  Crossed Fields: Discovery of the Electron15-5  Crossed Fields: The Hall Effect15-6  A Circulating Charged Particle15-7  Cyclotrons and Synchrotrons15-8  Magnetic Force on a Current- Carrying Wire15-9  Torque on a Current Loop15-10  The Magnetic Dipole MomentQuestionsProblems16  Magnetic Fields Due to Currents16-1  What Is Physics?16-2  Calculating the Magnetic Field Due to a Current16-3  Force Between Two Parallel Currents16-4  Ampere's Law16-5  Solenoids and Toroids Magnetic Field of a Solenoid16-6  A Current-Carrying Coil as a Magnetic DipoleQuestionsProblems17  Induction and Inductance17-1  What Is Physics?17-2  Two Experiments17-3  Faraday's Law of Induction17-4  Lenz's Law17-5  Induction and Energy Transfers17-6  Induced Electric Fields17-7  Inductors and Inductance17-8  Self-Induction17-9  RL Circuits",17-10  Energy Stored in a Magnetic Field17-11  Energy Density of a Magnetic Field17-12  Mutual InductionQuestionsProblems18  Electromagnetic Oscillations and Alternating Current18-1  What Is Physics?18-2  LC Oscillations, Qualitatively18-3  The Electrical-Mechanical Analogy18-4  LC Oscillations, Quantitatively18-5  Damped Oscillations in an RLC Circuit18-6 Alter'hating Current18-7  Forced Oscillations18-8 Three Simple Circuits18-9 The Series RLC Circuit18-10  Power in Alternating-Current Circuits18-11  TransformersQuestionsProblems19  MaxweH's Equations; Magnetism of Matter19-1  What Is Physics?19-2  Gauss' Law for Magnetic Fields19-3  Induced Magnetic Fields19-4  Displacement Current19-5  Maxwell's Equations19-6 Magnets19-7  Magnetism and Electrons19-8  Magnetic Materials19-9  Diamagnetism19-10  Paramagnetism19-11  FerromagnetismQuestionsProblems20  Electromagnetic Waves20-1  What Is Physics?20-2  Maxwell's Rainbow20-3  The Traveling Electromagnetic Wave, Qualitatively20-4  The Traveling Electromagnetic  Wave, Quantitatively20-5  Energy Transport and the Poynting Vector20-6  Radiation Pressure20-7  Polarization20-8  Reflection and Refraction20-9  Total Internal Reflection20-10  Polarization by ReflectionQuestionsProblems21  Optics21-1  What Is Physics?21-2  Images21-3  Thin Lenses21-4  Optical Instruments21-5  Light as a Wave21-6  Diffraction21-7  Diffraction by a Circular Aperture21-8  Diffraction by a Double Slit21-9  Diffraction Gratings21-10 X-Ray Diffraction21-11  Interference21-12  Interference from Thin Films21-13  Michelson's InterferometerQuestionsProblems22  Relativity22-1  What Is Physics?22-2  The Postulates22-3  Measuring an Event22-4  The Relativity of Simultaneity22-5  The Relativity of Time22-6  The Relativity of Length22-7  The Lorentz Transformation22-8  Some Consequences of the Lorentz Equations22-9  The Relativity of Velocities22-10  Doppler Effect for Light22-11  A New Look at Momentum22-12  A New Look at EnergyQuestionsProblems23 Quantum Physics23-1  What Is Physics?23-2  The Photon, the Quantum of Light23-3  Electrons and Matter Waves23-4  Schrrdinger's Equation and Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle23-5  Energies of a Trapped Electron One-Dimensional Traps23-6  The Bohr Model of the Hydrogen tom23-7  Some Properties of Atoms23-8  Angular Momenta and Magnetic Dipole Moments23-9  The Stern-Gerlach Experiment23-10  Magnetic Resonance23-11  The Pauli Exclusion Principle23-12  Building the Periodic Table23-13  X Rays and the Ordering of the Elements23-14  Lasers and Laser LightQuestionsProblems24  Conduction of Electricity in Solids24-1  What Is Physics?24-2  The Electrical Properties of Solids24-3  Insulators24-4  Metals24-5  Semiconductors24-6  The p-n Junction24-7  The Junction Rectifier24-8 The Light-Emitting Diode (LED)24-9  The TransistorQuestionsProblemsAppendicesA  The International System of Units (SI)B  Some Fundamental Constants of PhysicsC  Some Astronomical DataD  Conversion FactorsE  Mathematical FormulasF  Properties of the ElementsG  Periodic Table of the ElementsAnswers







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