
出版時(shí)間:2007-8  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:宋玉良 編  頁數(shù):241  




UNIT 1 Computer and Its Application計(jì)算機(jī)及應(yīng)用UNIT 2 Technology and Application of ComputerNumerical Control(CNC)Machines數(shù)控技術(shù)應(yīng)用UNIT 3 Technology and Application of Machinery andElectricity機(jī)電技術(shù)應(yīng)用UNIT 4 Application and Maintenance of Electron andElectric Appliances電子電器應(yīng)用與維修UNIT 5 Automobile Application and Maintenance汽車應(yīng)用與維修UNIT 6 Mechanical Processing Technology機(jī)械加工技術(shù)UNIT 7 Construction for Industry and Civil Use工業(yè)與民用建筑UNIT 8 Fashion Making and Marketing服裝制作與營銷UNIT 9 Secretary文秘UNIE l0 Pre-school Education幼兒教育UNIT 11 Hotel Service and Management飯店服務(wù)與管理UNIT 12 Travel Service and Management旅游服務(wù)與管理UNIT 13 Accounting會(huì)計(jì)UNIT 14 InternatiOnal Business國際商務(wù)UNIT 15 Breeding and Planting養(yǎng)殖、種植UNIT 16 Nursing護(hù)理UNIT 17 Clinical Medicine臨床醫(yī)學(xué)UNIT 18 Pharmacy藥劑UNlT 19 Job Seeking Engiish求職英語UNIT 20 Daily Life English日常英語


  55.Thanks for inviting me.感謝你邀請我。56.I’m afraid I’m too busy.恐怕我太忙了。57.A:Would you like to come to my birthday party?你能來參加我的生日聚會(huì)嗎?B:Yes,I’d like to.我很樂意。58.You’d better not give up.你最好不要輕易放棄。59.Excuse me,where’S the nearest toilet?請問,最近的洗手間在哪里?60.A:Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the train station?打擾了,請告訴我去火車站怎么走?B:Go along this street and turn right at the second crossing.沿著這條街走,在第二個(gè)路口向右拐。61.A:Is it far from here?離這兒遠(yuǎn)嗎?B:YOU can take Bus NO.2.你可以坐2路車去那兒。62.Sorry,I’m new here.對不起,我是新來的。63.A:Hello!May I speak to Li Ping,please?你好!李平在嗎?B:Speaking.我就是李平。



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