
出版時間:2007-7  出版社:英語  作者:16開  頁數(shù):169  


  《搏流英語》原著名稱為Upstream,2007年由高等教育出版社引進版權(quán),并組織力量進行本土化改造。改編后的教材共6級,每級由綜合教程學生用書、綜合教程教師用書、擴展教程和視聽說教程組成。  《搏流英語》原書根據(jù)歐盟最新版語言教學大綱(Common European Framework of Reference for Languages:Learning,Teaching,Assessment,簡稱CEF)編寫。其教學目標是學生在完成全部課程以后,成為英語的“熟練使用者”(Proficient User)。這是CEF所規(guī)定的最高教學目標。根據(jù)CEF的界定,這一類學習者應該在聽、說、 讀、寫4個方面嫻熟地使用英語。這一言語能力大體相當于我國普通高等院校應用型英語專業(yè)學生的水平?! ”娝苤?,歐盟是一個多種語言的文化、經(jīng)濟和政治共同體。民族和諧和國際交流的需要促使歐洲人民努力學習外語。早在20世紀70年代,歐盟的前身“歐共體”就率先編寫了一套體現(xiàn)交際法教學理念的語言教學大綱“Threshold Level”。這個綱領(lǐng)性文件在世界外語教育史上產(chǎn)生了重大的影響。它開啟了“語言知識和語言使用并重”的語言教學新階段。我國20世紀80年代以來所制定的重要的外語教學大綱,尤其是高等院校的英語教學大綱無一不受到它的影響。


  《搏流英語綜合教程(學生用書2)》根據(jù)歐盟最新版語言教學大綱(Common european framework of reference for languages:learning,teaching,assessment,簡稱CEF)編寫。


UNIT 1 Heroes & Villains UNIT 2 Lifestyles UNIT 3 Neighbours UNIT 4 Call of the Wild UNIT 5 Take a Break UNIT 6 Live & Learn UNIT 7 Weird & Wonderful UNIT 8 State-of-the-Art UNIT 9 Forces of Nature UNIT 10 Festive Time


  we were going on holiday to San Diego, USA.Wed booked the holiday online six monthsearlier and I hadnt bothered to check our passports. Idjust assumed everything was OK. So you can imaginemy surprise when we were told at the check-in desk thatwe couldnt fly because our sons passport was out ofdate. My wife and daughter checked in and off theywent. Nick and I rushed home, got his birth certificateand tried to get a new passport.There was a huge queue at the Passport Office, so I pushed to the front and cried, "Myfamilys gone on holiday and my son urgently needs a new passportF Within an hourwe had his passport. We rushed to the airport, but they told us we were too late andthe next flight was at 5 a.m. At this point I lost my temper. We spent the rest of the daywandering around the duty free. We finally arrived at our destination twenty hourslater, exhausted but relieved that we could start our holiday. (Nigel Barker)



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