
出版時間:2007-4  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:西爾伯查茨  


操作系統(tǒng)是計算機系統(tǒng)的基本組成部分,同樣,“操作系統(tǒng)”課程也是計算機科學教育的基本組成部分,隨著計算機在眾多領(lǐng)域得到廣泛應用,操作系統(tǒng)也正在以驚人的速度發(fā)展著。 本書是一本操作系統(tǒng)的入門教材,清晰直觀地描述了操作系統(tǒng)的基本概念,闡述了重要理論結(jié)論,并通過使用圖表和例子來代替證明,以說明結(jié)論的正確性。     本書共有八大部分:第1章與第2章解釋操作系統(tǒng)是什么、能做什么以及它們是如何設計與構(gòu)造的。第3章到第7章描述作為現(xiàn)代操作系統(tǒng)核心的進程以及并發(fā)的概念。第8章和第9章主要討論進程執(zhí)行過程中的主存管理問題、保護和安全。第14章和第15章討論為使操作系統(tǒng)中的進程活動,如何對系統(tǒng)中的進程加以保護。第19章和第20章討論專用系統(tǒng),包括實時系統(tǒng)與多媒體系統(tǒng)。第21章到第23章和網(wǎng)站上的附錄A到附錄C通過描述實際操作系統(tǒng),融合了本書的概念。


作者:(美國)西爾伯查茨 (美國)高爾文 (美國)加根


PART ONE OVERVIEW Chapter 1 Introduction  1.1 What Operating Systems Do  1.2 Computer-System Organization  1.3 Computer-System Architecture  1.4 Operating-System Structure  1.5 Operating-System Operations  1.6 Process Management  1.7 Memory Management  1.8 Storage Management  1.9 Protection and Security  1.10 Distributed Systems  1.11 Special-Purpose Systems  1.12 Computing Environments  1.13 Summary   Exercises   Bibliographical Notes Chapter 2 Operating-System Structures  2.1 Operating-System Services  2.2 User Operating-System Interface  2.3 System Calls  2.4 Types of System Calls  2.5 System Programs  2.6 Operating-System Design and ImplementatiOn  2.7 Operating-System Structure  2.8 Virtual Machines  2.9 Java  2.10 Operating-System Generation  2.11 System Boot  2.12 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART TWO PROCESS MANAGEMENT Chapter 3 Processes  3.1 Process Concept  3.2 Process Scheduling  3.3 Operations on Processes  3.4 Interprocess Communication  3.5 Examples of IPC Systems  3.6 Communication in Client-Server Systems  3.7 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 4 Threads  4.1 Overview  4.2 Multithreading Models  4.3 Thread Libraries  4.4 Java Threads  4.5 Threading Issues  4.6 Operating-System Examples  4.7 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 5 CPU Scheduling  5.1 Basic Concepts  5.2 Scheduling Criteria  5.3 Scheduling Algorithms  5.4 Multiple-Processor Scheduling  5.5 Thread Scheduling  5.6 Operating System Examples  5.7 Java Scheduling  5.8 Algorithm Evaluation  5.9 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 6 Process Synchronization  6.1 Background  6.2 The Critical-Section problem  6.3 Peterson's Solution  6.4 Synchronization Hardware  6.5 Semaphores  6.6 Classic Problems of Synchronization  6.7 Monitors  6.8 Java Synchronization  6.9 Synchronization Examples  6.10 Atomic Transactions  6.11 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 7 Deadlocks  7.1 System Model  7.2 Deadlock Characterization  7.3 Methods for Handling Deadlocks  7.4 Deadlock Prevention  7.5 Deadlock Avoidance  7.6 Deadlock Detection  7.7 Recovery from Deadlock  7.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART THREE MEMORY MANAGEMENT Chapter 8 Main Memory  8.1 Background  8.2 Swapping  8.3 Contiguous Memory Allocation  8.4 Paging  8.5 Structure of the Page Table  8.6 Segmentation  8.7 Example:The Intel Pentium  8.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 9 Virtual Memory  9.1 Background  9.2 Demand Paging  9.3 Copy-on-Write  9.4 Page Replacement  9.5 Allocation of Frames  9.6 Thrashing  9.7 Memory-Mapped Files  9.8 Allocating Kernel Memory  9.9 Other Considerations  9.10 Operating-System Examples  9.11 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART FOUR STORAGE MANAGEMENT Chapter 10 File'System Interface  10.1 The Concept of a File  10.2 Access Methods  10.3 Directory Structure  10.4 File-System Mounting  10.5 File Sharing  10.6 Protection  10.7 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 11 File-System Implementation  11.1 File-System Structure  11.2 File-System Implementation  11.3 Directory Implementation  11.4 Allocation Methods  11.5 Free-Space Management  11.6 Efficiency and Performance  11.7 Recovery  11.8 Log-Structured File Systems  11.9 NFS  11.10 Example:The WAFL File System  11.11 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 12 Mass-Storage Structure  12.1 Overview of Mass-Storage Structure  12.2 Disk Structure  12.3 Disk Attachment  12.4 Disk Scheduling  12.5 Disk Management  12.6 Swap-Space Management  12.7 RAID Structure  12.8 Stable-Storage Implementation  12.9 Tertiary-Storage Structure  12.10 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 13 I/O Systems  13.1 Overview  13.2 I/O Hardware  13.3 Application I/O Interface  13.4 Kernel I/O Subsystem  13.5 Transforming I/O Requests to Hardware Operations  13.6 STREAMS  13.7 Performance  13.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART FIVE PROTECTION AND SECURITY Chapter 14 Protection  14.1 Goals of Protection  14.2 Principles of Protection  14.3 Domain of Protection  14.4 Access Matrix  14.5 Implementation of Access Matrix  14.6 Access Control  14.7 Revocation of Access Rights  14.8 Capability-Based Systems  14.9 Language-Based Protection  14.10 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 15 Security  15.1 The Security Problem  15.2 Program Threats  15.3 System and Network Threats  15.4 Cryptography as a Security Tool  15.5 User Authentication  15.6 Implementing Security Defenses  15.7 Firewalling to Protect Systems and Networks  15.8 Computer-Security Classifications  15.9 An Example:W'mdows XP  15.10 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART SIX DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS Chapter 16 Distributed System Structures  16.1 Motivation  16.2 Types of Network- based Operating Systems  16.3 Network Structure  16.4 Network Topology  16.5 Communication Structure  16.6 Communication Protocols  16.7 Robustness  16.8 Design Issues  16.9 An Example:Networking  16.10 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 17 Distributed File Systems  17.1 Background  17.2 Naming and Transparency  17.3 Remote File Access  17.4 Stateful Versus Stateless Service  17.5 File Replication  17.6 An Example:AFS  17.7 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 18 Distributed Coordination  18.1 Event Ordering  18.2 Mutual Exclusion  18.3 Atomicity  18.4 Concurrency Control  18.5 Deadlock Handling  18.6 Election Algorithms  18.7 Reaching Agreement  18.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART SEVEN SPECIAL PURPOSE SYSTEMS Chapter 19 Real-Time Systems  19.1 Overview  19.2 System Characteristics  19.3 Features of Real-Time Kernels  19.4 Implementing Real-Time Operating Systems  19.5 Real-Tune CPU Scheduling  19.6 VxWorks 5.x  19.7 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 20 Multimedia Systems  20.1 What Is Multimedia?  20.2 Compression  20.3 Requirements of Multimedia Kernels  20.4 CPU Scheduling  20.5 Disk Scheduling  20.6 Network Management  20.7 An Example:CineBlitz  20.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical NotesPART EIGHT CASE STUDIES Chapter 21 The Linux System  21.1 Linux History  21.2 Design Principles  21.3 Kernel Modules  21.4 Process Management  21.5 Scheduling  21.6 Memory Management  21.7 File Systems  21.8 Input and Output  21.9 Interprocess Communication  21.10 Network Structure  21.11 Security  21.12 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 22 Windows XP  22.1 History  22.2 Design Principles  22.3 System Components  22.4 Environmental Subsystems  22.5 File System  22.6 Networking  22.7 Programmer Interface  22.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Chapter 23 Influential Operating Systems  23.1 Early Systems  23.2 Atlas  23.3 XDS-940  23.4 THE  23.5 RC 4000  23.6 CTSS  23.7 MULTICS  23.8 IBM OS/360  23.9 Mach  23.10 Other Systems ExercisesPARTE-IGHT APPENDICES Appendix A BSD UNIX (contents,online)  A.1 UNIX History  A.2 Design Principles  A.3 Programmer Interface  A.4 User Interface  A.5 Process Management  A.6 Memory Management  A.7 File System  A.8 I/O System  A.9 Interprocess Communication? A.10 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Appendix B The Mach System(contents online)  B.1 History of the Mach System  B.2 Design Principles  B.3 System Components  B.4 Process Management  B.5 Interprocess Communication  B.6 Memory Management  B.7 Programmer Interface  B.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes  Credits Appendix C Windows 2000 (contents online)  C.1 History  C.2 Design Principles  C.3 System Components  C.4 Environmental Subsystems  C.5 File System  C.6 Networking  C.7 Programmer Interface  C.8 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Appendix D Distributed Communication (contents online)  D.1 Sockets  D.2 UDP Sockets  D.3 Remote Method Invocation  D.4 Other Aspects of Distributed Communication  D.5 Web Services  D.6 Summary  Exercises  Bibliographical Notes Appendix E Java Primer (contents online)  E.1 Basics  E.2 Inheritance  E.3 Interfaces and Abstract Classes  E.4 Exception Handling  E.5 Applications and Applets  E.6 Summary Bibliographical Notes  BibliographyCreditsIndex


《國外優(yōu)秀信息科學與技術(shù)系列教學用書·操作系統(tǒng)概念:Java實現(xiàn)(第7版影印版)》重新作了更新,包括當前最新的主題、應用及設計,以幫助你縮小理論與實踐之間的差距。全書結(jié)合客戶機一服務器模式,帶你逐步學習編程的主要內(nèi)容。無論你是新學Java,或是已經(jīng)采用了Java,你都將欣賞Java P—mer所包含的富有思想的內(nèi)容。版式設計使你更方便學習章節(jié)、豐富的例子、編程練習等,以幫助你吸收和加強所學的知識。通過這些全面的支持,你將有信心盡快進入操作系統(tǒng)設計的世界。作者Abraham Silberschatz是美國耶魯大學計算機科學系教授,曾任新澤西州Murray Hill的貝爾實驗室信息科學研究中心副主任。Peter Baer Galvin是技術(shù)合作公司的技術(shù)主管,曾任美國布朗大學計算機科學系的系統(tǒng)主管。作為顧問和培訓教師,他在世界各地講解和教授網(wǎng)絡系統(tǒng)管理、安全和性能等。Greg Gagne是美國鹽湖城威斯特敏斯特學院計算機科學系主任。除了講授操作系統(tǒng)外,他還教授計算機網(wǎng)絡、分布式系統(tǒng)和軟件工程等。一流的品質(zhì),優(yōu)惠的價格,本套教學用書的特點:權(quán)威性——教育部高等教育司推薦、教育部高等學校信息科學與技術(shù)引進教材專家組遴選系統(tǒng)性-一覆蓋計算機專業(yè)主干課程和非計算機專業(yè)計算機基礎(chǔ)課程先進性——著名計算機專家近兩年的最新著作,內(nèi)容體系先進經(jīng)濟性——價格與國內(nèi)自編教材相當,是國內(nèi)引進教材價格最低的深入當今最為流行的操作系統(tǒng)內(nèi)部當今的操作系統(tǒng)如何工作?Abraham Silberschatz、Peter Baer Galvin和Greg Gagne將帶你盡快了解計算機操作系統(tǒng)的所有關(guān)鍵概念。采用流行的Java編程語言,此新版本以通俗易懂的方式引導你全面了解操作系統(tǒng)的理論基礎(chǔ),從而使你在進行更高級的計算機工作時能應用到許多系統(tǒng)中。




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用戶評論 (總計5條)


  •   很全面的一本書,看了前幾章覺得很精辟恨透徹。
  •   還沒來得及怎么看,但是是權(quán)威者推薦的,應該很不錯.
  •   書的內(nèi)容當然沒得說,berkeley的教材。書的印刷質(zhì)量太次,懷疑是盜版。
  •   專業(yè)收藏英文版書籍
  •   書很厚,紙張質(zhì)量也還行,用java描述,內(nèi)容涉及的挺多,總體感覺還不錯。

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