
出版時間:2006-5  出版社:高等教育  作者:廖麗潔主編  頁數(shù):272  




Part I For StudentsUnit 1 Overview of E-CommerceInformation Box1.1 Introductory Case1.2 Understanding E-Commerce1.3 Evolution of E-Commerce1.4 Business Models of E-Commerce1.5 Business Process of E-Commerce1.6 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ. In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 2 Foundations of E-CommerceInformation Box2.1 Introductory Case2.2 E-Commerce vs. Traditional Commerce2.3 Major Categories of E-Commerce2.4 Benefits and Limitations of E-Commerce2.5 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ. In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 3 Infrastructure for E-CommerceInformation Box3.1 Introductory Case3.2 Internet Notions3.3 Web Hosting and Website3.4 Internet Security3.5 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ. In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 4 Electronic Payment Systems Information Box4.1 Introductory Case4.2 Electronic Payment Systems (EPS) vs. Traditional Payment Systems4.3 Electronic Payment Categories4.4 Secure Requirements of E-Payment Systems4.5 Real World Case Online ActivitiesⅠ. In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 5 Business Strategy of E-CommerceInformation Box5.1 Introductory Case5.2 Strategic Planning Process5.3 SWOT Analysis5.4 E-Commerce Strategy Implementation5.5 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ.In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 6 B2B, B2C & C2C E-Commerce Information Box6.1 Introductory Case6.2 Business-to-Business E-Commerce6.3 Business-to-Consumer E-Commerce6.4 Comparison of B2B and B2C6.5 Consumer-to-Consumer E-Commerce6.6 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 7 Online Marketing and Advertising Information Box7.1 Introductory Case7.2 An Introduction to Online Advertising7.3 Key Terminologies, in Web Measurement7.4 Online Advertising vs. Tradiiional Advertising7.5 Online Advertising Models7.6 Measurement of Online Advertising7.7 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ.In-Class ActivitiesⅡ. After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and ConceptsProjects for AssignmentAssessment EvidenceUnit 8 E-Commerce Global Issues and Development in China Information Box8.1 Introductory Case8.2 Global E-Commerce Framework8.3 Barriers to E-Commerce Development8.4 E-Commerce Development in China8.5 Barriers to E-Commerce Development in China8.6 Real World CaseOnline ActivitiesⅠ.In-Class ActivitiesⅡ.After-Class ActivitiesⅢ. Up-to-Date WorkshopKey Terms and Concepts Projects for AssignmentAssessment EvidencePart II For TeachersAssessment GuidanceAimsOverall Structure for ElementsAssessment Procedures and MethodsPortfolioDemonstrating Knowledge and UnderstandingRoles of Candidate/Assessor/Internal VerifierGrading SystemAssessment Records for Unit 1Assessment Records for Unit 2Assessment Records for Unit 3Assessment Records for Unit 4Assessment Records for Unit 5Assessment Records for Unit 6Assessment Records for Unit 7Assessment Records for Unit 8References





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