
出版時間:2006-6  出版社:高等教育出版社(藍色暢想)  作者:本社  頁數(shù):115  


  《中國應(yīng)用語言學(xué)評論(Vol.2)》為汕頭大學(xué)英語語言中心主編的應(yīng)用語言學(xué)研究文集(第二輯), 包括ARTICLES, INTERVIEW,MENTORING CoLUMN, REVIEWS等欄目,所收論文集中反映了當(dāng)前外語教學(xué)與研究領(lǐng)域的最新成果。


Learning Communicative Competence:Insights from Psycholinguistics and SLAThomas ScovelThe Uses of Communicative Competence in a Global WorldClaire KramschOn the Dynamism of Grammar in ContextualizingCommunicative CompetenceDiane Larsen-FreemanSelling Self-Directed Language LearningDon SnowINTERVIEWWhat It Means to be a Non-native English-speakingTESOL President-electProfessor Jun Liu (with Xin Wang, 21st Century ELT Review)MENTORING COLUMNThey Like It but Do Not Want to Labor:Motivation PlusNa Li and Ed NicholsonREVIEWSFurther Communication StrategiesDavid PaulReviewed by Tracy DavisThe Language of WebsitesMark BoardmanReviewed by Kara McBride


  Review of Applied Linguistics in China  The dawn of the 21st century is a time of tremendous challenge and enormous potential for the English language in China, as well as the fields of TESOL and Applied Linguistics in general. With its recent accession to the WTO, the long-awaited 2008 Olympics in Beijing, and new language policies all calling for higher levels of English proficiency, China has made learning English a national priority. With nearly a quarter of the world's population, China also poses stimulating challenges for language researchers and theorists alike. The concept of "World Englishes," for example, will inevitably take on new relevance as more and more Chinese speakers of English enter the world stage. In addition, classroom realities in China will necessitate a more contextualized under-standing of language learning, as well as the expansion of sites where researchers and teaching professionals can interact more fully and fruitfully.  To address these areas of pressing need, Review of Applied Linguistics in China (RALO) has emerged as a semi-annual publication by the English Language Center at Shantou University in China. Peer-refereed, RALC is dedicated to classroom-oriented research in English language learning and teaching, including the exploration of vital issues related to the teaching English in China and the learning and use of English by Chinese speakers world-wide. This theory-driven, research-based, and practice-oriented publication also strives to provide a vibrant interactive forum for researchers and practitioners at all levels of instruction in the fields of TESOL and Applied Linguistics. It is open to contributors from around the globe with experience researching or teaching in China, or with students whose first language is Chinese.  ……



    中國應(yīng)用語言學(xué)評論(第2卷) PDF格式下載

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