
出版時間:2006-9  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:姜怡  頁數(shù):334  


  隨著英語教學(xué)的普及和教學(xué)改革的發(fā)展,大學(xué)新生入學(xué)后很快完成大學(xué)英語四、六級學(xué)習(xí)的人數(shù)在不斷增加,大學(xué)英語高年級階段英語教材的需求也相應(yīng)地在快速增長。為此,我們編寫了大學(xué)英語后續(xù)專門用途英語系列教材?! ”鞠盗薪滩囊孕枨蠓治觯╪eeds analysis)為基礎(chǔ),以社會語言學(xué)、行為語言學(xué)、心理語言學(xué)和教育心理學(xué)等理論為指導(dǎo),以滿足各領(lǐng)域?qū)W生對于英語學(xué)習(xí)的不同需求為目的,力求以新的教材編寫理念向?qū)W生提供其未來工作和學(xué)習(xí)所需的實用英語技能和實踐機會。本系列教材包含了《文化交流英語》、《學(xué)術(shù)交流英語》等分冊?! ∵@些分冊可以從不同角度比較全面地滿足大學(xué)英語高年級階段的學(xué)生對于英語的多元化需求,在鞏固和拓寬原有知識和技能的基礎(chǔ)上提高學(xué)生的英語應(yīng)用能力。本套教材的特點是使用時伸縮自如、側(cè)重靈活、適用面廣、實用性強,符合教育部“大學(xué)英語教學(xué)改革工程”所確定的加強實用性英語教學(xué)、全面提高大學(xué)生英語應(yīng)用能力的教改方向?!  秾W(xué)術(shù)交流英語》共分為兩大部分,第一部分包含8個單元,第二部分包含12個單元?! 〉谝徊糠忠浴奥犝f”為主,圍繞涉外學(xué)術(shù)交流活動中涉及的以“聽”和“說”為主的交際活動而設(shè)計。包括學(xué)術(shù)交流硬件設(shè)施介紹、課程描述、學(xué)術(shù)討論、學(xué)術(shù)報告、會議主持、論文宣讀、預(yù)定會議賓館、輔導(dǎo)咨詢等;  第二部分以“讀寫”為主,圍繞著涉外學(xué)術(shù)交流活動中涉及的以“讀”和“寫”為主的活動而設(shè)計。包括國際會議邀請函、會議日程、會議征文啟事、論文摘要、論文引言、論文結(jié)論、參考文獻(xiàn)引用、文獻(xiàn)綜述、項目建議書、項目評估報告、中外互派學(xué)者協(xié)議及申請留學(xué)的個人陳述等方面的文獻(xiàn)閱讀和寫作。




Section OneListening and SpeakingUnit One Introducing Academic FacilitiesUnit Two Introducing and Describing CoursesUnit Three Taking Part in SeminarsUnit Four Understanding Academic LecturesUnit Five Chairing a ConferenceUnit Six Making a Paper PresentationUnit Seven Booking a Hotel for Hosting a ConferenceUnit Eight Tutoring and ConsultationSection TwoReading and WritingUnit One Inviting Someone to a ConferenceUnit Two Planning a Conference AgendaUnit Three Understanding a Call for PapersUnit Four Writing an AbstractUnit Five Writing the IntroductionUnit Six Writing the ConclusionUnit Seven Citing and Listing SourcesUnit Eight Composing a Literature ReviewUnit Nine Producing a Research ProposalUnit Ten Writing a Project Evaluation ReportUnit Eleven Exchanging Academic StaffUnit Twelve Writing a Personal StatementKeys: to ExercisesTapescripts


  Microwave processing of ceramics has been studied as an alternative approach for sintering of ceramics because of potential advantages such as rapid heating, lower sintering temperatures, penetrating radiation, more uniform microstructures, and selective heating . However, microwave sintering of ceramics can also be troublesome because of the low thermal conductivity and high temperature dependence of the dielectric loss factor of many ceramics of interest. Some of the problems encountered include thermal runaway , cracking and the formation of hot spots. Much research has been devoted to learning how to avoid these problems or discover ways to overcome them.  In this section an attempt is made to discuss both experimental and theoretical works that have been performed pertaining to microwave heating of rods and fibers traveling through a microwave applicator. This review will discuss the successes and failures and demonstrate the necessity of continued reearch on this topic that will be the foundation of this research.



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