
出版時(shí)間:2006-3  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:張春柏  頁數(shù):431  






Unit 1 Elements of a Good Business Letter1 What Is a Good Business Letter?2 The Layout of a Business LetterExercisesUnit 2 Promotion Communications1 What Is a Good Sales Letter?2 Selling a Product3 Selling a ServiceExercisesUnit 3 Request Letters1 What Is an Effective Request Letter?2 Requesting Detailed Information About an Advertised Product3 Requesting Information About Availability of a Product4 Requesting Information About an Advertised Service5 Requesting Information About DiscountsExercisesUnit 4 Response Letters1 Responding to Requests for Detailed Information Aboutan Advertised Product2 Responding to Requests for Information About an AdvertisedService3 Responding to Requests for Information About the Availabilityof a Product or ServiceExercisesUnit 5 Special Request Letters1 Asking for an Appointment2 Asking for Advice3 Asking for Free Products4 Requesting Reproduction Franchise for Commercial UseExercisesUnit 6 Responding to Special Request Letters1 Responding to Requests for an Appointment2 Responding to Requests for Advice3 Responding to Requests for Free Products4 Responding to Requests for Reproduction Privi,leges forCommercial UseExercisesUnit 7 Letters from Customers to Suppliers (I)1 Placing an Order2 Canceling an Order3 Thanking a Supplier for Service4 Complaining About Unsatisfactory Services or ProductsExercisesUnit 8 Letters from Suppliers to Customers (II)1 Informing a Customer About the Shipment of Goods2 Informing a Customer That You Are Unable to Fill His Order3 Thanking a Customer for an Order4 Expressing Gratitude for Support5 Explaining/Apologising for ProblemsExercisesUnit 9 Letters from Customers to Suppliers (Ⅱ)1 Asking for Permission to Return Purchased Goods2 Asking for Easier Payment TermsExercisesUnit 10 Letters from Suppliers to Customers (Ⅱ)1 Responding to Requests for Permission to Return Purchased2 Responding to Requests Concerning Payment DiscountExercisesUnit 11 Collection Letters1 Elements of Persuasion in Collection Letters2 Types of Collection LettersExercisesUnit 12 Interoffice Letters (Memorandums)1 Formal and Informal Memorandums2 Request, Confirmation, and Procedural MemorandumsExercisesUnit 13 Employment Communications1 Writing Job Application Letters2 Writing R@sum@s3 Writing to Job Applicants4 Accepting and Declining a Job OfferExercisesUnit 14 Business Invitation and Responses1 Writing an Invitation2 Making Responses to InvitationsExercisesUnit 15 The Writing of Advertisements1 Advertising and English Advertisements2 Linguistic Features of Advertising English3 Practice of CopywritingExercisesUnit 16 Classification and Structure of Business Reports1 Classification of Business Reports2 Basic Elements and Structure of Business ReportsExercisesUnit 17 Procedures of Writin~ a Formal Business Report1 Determining and Defining the Topic2 Collecting Data3 Presenting Findings and Analysing the Report Problem4 Presenting a Conclusion5 Making Recommendations and Anticipating Effects6 Writing Style7 Different Types of Business ReportsExercisesUnit 18 Business Contracts1 Types of Business Contracts2 General Principles in Writing and Understanding a Business Contract3 Components of a Business Contract4 Relevant Laws5 Stylistic Features of Business Contracts6 A Sample of a ContractExercisesKeys


  1.2.3 Leasing Contract(租賃合同)Under a leasing contract,the owner of a property,or lessor(出租人),gives theexclusive(獨(dú)家的,專有的)right of the use of that property to someone else,the lessee(承租人).But the ownership of the leased property never passes from the lessor to thelessee.(出租財(cái)產(chǎn)的所有權(quán)并未從出租人轉(zhuǎn)移至承租人。)In leasing contracts,the primary object is the lease of the property.Some contractsprovide the lessee with all option(選擇權(quán))to buy the property concerned.An option tobuy the leased property must be agreed upon in advance.This type of arrangement isbeing increasingly used when very expensive equipment is involved,such as aircraft andships.



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