
出版時間:2005-10  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:楊乾隆  頁數(shù):291  


  近年來,越來越多的外語教育專家和教師認識到外語學習的目標應該有兩個:即把某一種外語作為“知識”來學習,或把這一種外語作為“交際工具”來學習。前者主要以“語法”為重點研究對象和以“精確”為評估標準,引導學生將絕大部分精力和時間用于句子結構的分析和比較。因此,以“知識”為學習目標的外語專業(yè)學生有能力把目標語的各種句子結構和語言特色評析得頭頭是道,但不一定有能力將他的評析用目標語完整清晰地表達出來。社會上流傳的所謂“啞巴英語”的說法也是這種學習目標的定位結果。對我國的絕大部分外語專業(yè)的學生來說,外語學習的目標無疑應是“交際工具”。對于這部分學生,教師只有把外語學習的重點落實在提高學生的目標語運用能力上,才有可能將學生真正置于一種近似的“自然語言學習環(huán)境”中,通過“學會表達”——“正確表達”——“清晰正確表達”——“完整清晰正確表達”這樣一種循序漸進的自然過程,達到全面提高學生交際能力的教學目標?!  缎戮幧虅沼⒄Z口語》是在老版《商務英語口語》的基礎上,以心理學、教育學和外語學習理論為編寫指導思想,在語言材料選用和課文結構設計上貫穿了“學用結合,重在運用”的原則。課文內(nèi)容著重反映當代日常和現(xiàn)實商務活動的真實情景,練習活動豐富,實用性強。本教材雖然是專門為學習商務英語的高等院校的學生而設計和編寫的,但也可用作非商務英語專業(yè)學生的教材和英語愛好者的自學課本。




Unit 1 A New StartDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 2 Establishing Trade RelationsDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 3 InquiryDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 4 OfferDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 5 PriceDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 6 Terms of PaymentDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 7 PackingDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 8 Dealing with the BankDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 9 ShipmentDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 10 InsuranceDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 11 Commodity InspectionDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 12 Sales and CommissiDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 13 Stock MarketDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 14 Era of E-BusinessDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After ClassUnit 15 Great ExpectationDialoguesFunctional ExpressionsCommunicative TaskTask After Class


  The U.S.Economy and Technological Change  The United States is currently in its ninth year of economic expansion,anexemplary accomplishment by any standard.Growth of output has remainedvigorous,unemployment is llower than it has been in nearly thirty years,andyet,despite the tautness in labor markets,there have beenI no obvious signs ofemerging inflation pressures.From the perspective of small businesses,the 1990s have provided achallenging and positive environment for developing and marketing new ideas.Even the most reclusive among US cannot help but be aware of the surginggrowth of young high-tech fi rnls and the flashy presence of new Internetbusinesses.But times seen3 to have been good for expanding traditional lines ofbusiness as well.Our regional Federal Reserve Banks consult regularly withrepresentatives from their small business communities.The feedback that wehave received from these groups and information from surveys of smalIbusinesses such as those taken by the National Federation of IndependentBusiness have revealed Jhigh levels of business optimismI in recent years.Themost common complaints other than dissatisfaction with the tax structure have centered on the difficulty of filling joba with qualified WOrkers in the midstof strong competing demands for laber.While troublesome,such concerns arealso indicative of an expanding economy that is productively competing forscarce resources.For thevast maiority of sinail businesses,access to credit hasnot been a top concern in this expansion,but many business owners are quiteanxious about the future as the familiar ways of financing business undergosometimes dramatic changes.



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