出版時間:2001-12 出版社:藍(lán)色暢想 作者:宋德富 頁數(shù):300 字?jǐn)?shù):470000
一、修訂原則 《財經(jīng)專業(yè)英語教程》(第一版)在近四年的使用中,得到了全國上百所高校用戶的充分肯定。隨著信息化和國內(nèi)國際政治經(jīng)濟(jì)形勢的發(fā)展,其中有的材料必須更新。另外根據(jù)絕大部分任課老師反饋的意見,《財經(jīng)專業(yè)英語教程》應(yīng)該圍繞所有財經(jīng)專業(yè)學(xué)生的共核,回避專業(yè)性過強(qiáng)的材料。根據(jù)以上兩點(diǎn),本版對材料的篩選和更新注重專業(yè)基礎(chǔ),保留了原版中大家認(rèn)可的基本材料,替換了一些過時的內(nèi)容,代之以Savvy Selling(網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷)、The European Union(EU)(歐盟)、Globalization:What Is It?(什么是全球化?)、APEC(亞太經(jīng)合組織)、10 Benefits of theWTO Trading System(WTO貿(mào)易系統(tǒng)的十項實惠)等。為便于查找,本版的每一個單元的新單詞按照字母順序排列,并附有國際音標(biāo)?! 《?、使用對象 本教程通過三部分的內(nèi)容結(jié)構(gòu)、對單詞的分級標(biāo)記等設(shè)計,可作為大專院校財經(jīng)類各專業(yè)的專業(yè)英語課教材、財經(jīng)專業(yè)研究生的課外閱讀材料,也可以供有一定英語基礎(chǔ)的從事經(jīng)濟(jì)工作的人員自學(xué)使用。
本書選取了最新的國際經(jīng)濟(jì)信息和美國等國家財經(jīng)領(lǐng)域中新的研究成果,內(nèi)容包括企業(yè)管理、財務(wù)會計、管理會計、經(jīng)濟(jì)體制、市場營銷、網(wǎng)絡(luò)銷售、經(jīng)濟(jì)全球化、證券、保險、國際金融、國際經(jīng)濟(jì)組織、國際貿(mào)易等各個方面。每篇課文后附有難點(diǎn)注釋、生詞和術(shù)語表,配有閱讀理解和常用財經(jīng)單詞及術(shù)語的練習(xí);書后附有譯文等附錄。 第二版的修訂更加注重專業(yè)基礎(chǔ),刪除了專業(yè)性過強(qiáng)的和過時的課文,選用了國際經(jīng)濟(jì)活動領(lǐng)域有代表性的新內(nèi)容,進(jìn)一步注重詞匯和材料的實用性,力圖更適合經(jīng)管類學(xué)科專業(yè)英語教學(xué)的需求和變化趨勢。 本書配有方便教師教學(xué)的多種網(wǎng)上教學(xué)資源,獲取方式見書后教學(xué)支持說明頁。
Unit 1 Passage What Does It Take to Become a Successfu1 Manager Passage for Reading 1earning to ManageUnit 2 Passage Attributes of Success Passage for Reading Tota1 Qua1ity ManagementUnit 3 Passage Why 1eadership Is Important Passage for Reading Mastering Yourse1fUnit 4 Passage The Goa1 of Financia1 Management Passage for Reading The Agency Prob1em and Contro1 of the CorporationUnit 5 Passage Marketing Passage for Reading Savvy Se11ingUnit 6 Revision ( I )Unit 7 Passage Basic Types of Socioeconomic System Passage for Reading Changing Socioeconomic SystemUnit 8 Passage Economics--a Surprising1y Broad Subject Passage for Reading The Discip1ine of EconomicsUnit 9 Passage The European Union (EU) ( I ) Passage for Reading The European Union (EU) ( II )Unit 10 Passage Patents.Copyrights,and Trademarks(I) Passage for Reading Patents,Copyrights,and Trademarks(1I)Unit 11 Passage G1oba1ization:What Is It? Passage for Reading G1oba1izationUnit 12 Revision(Ⅱ)Unit 13 Passage The Internationa1 Trade Organizations Passage for Reading APECUnit 14 Passage What Is the WTO? Passage for Reading 10 Benefits of the WTO Trading SystemUnit 15 Passage A Brief History of the Internationa1 System of Payments(I) Passage for Reading A Brief History of the Internationa1 System of Payments(Ⅱ)Unit 16 Passage The Cash1ess Society(I) Passage for Reading The Cash1ess Society(II)Unit 17 Passage Physica1 and Financia1 Capita1 Passage for Reading Prices and Returns on Equity and DebtUnit 18 Revision(III)附錄1 單詞表附錄2 英語構(gòu)詞法和某些重音規(guī)則附錄3 財經(jīng)英語翻譯技巧附錄4 主課文參考譯文
7. Simple Form, Lean Staff [Para 24] There are no correct forms of organization, only useful ones. From personal experience with my own enterprise and others, I know how easy it is to proliferate an organiza tion chart with dotted boxes for positions that "should" exist but do not yet exist because of lack of resources. There is no inherent reason to have, for example, a vice president of engi neering or a manager of human resources unless the engineering and administrative functions of the enterprise are best served by having these positions. [Para 25] The structure of the enterprise and the positions created, particularly staff (i. e. , nonline) positions, should be determined by the mission, strategies, and plans of theenterprise. Further, as strategies and plans change, the nature of the organization should beadapted appropriately. This requires viewing the organization as a dynamic entity that is modified to serve the enterprises needs. [Para 26] While maintaining a simple form and lean staff is an important practice, it isnot an easy practice. It is a natural tendency for people to strive for position and power, and todefend it once attained. Rather than deal with the problems associated with this tendency,management frequently ignores such problems, particularly if things are going well. Then,when the cycle changes and things are not going so well, management "discovers" that manypeople in the enterprise are aware of the longstanding problem and waiting for management todo something about it. At this point, there are no resources available to be creativeretraining, for exampleand more drastic solutions become necessary. [Para 27] Vigilant maintenance of simple form and lean staff can help to avoid thesetypes of problems. A complementary strategy is to adopt a humancentered approach and develop people rather than positions. In other words, by valuing people for what they provide to theenterprise rather than what their positions provide, it is possible to lessen the tendency of people to define themselves in terms of their positions.
《財經(jīng)專業(yè)英語教程》特色: 《財經(jīng)專業(yè)英語教程》分為三部分,第一部分著重管理和營銷,第二部分為財經(jīng)集合,第三部分為金融證券和國際貿(mào)易。新增了Savvy Selling(網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷)、The European union(Eu)(歐盟)、Globalization:What Is It?(什么是全球化?)、APEC(亞太經(jīng)合組織)、10 Benefits of theWTO Trading System(WT0貿(mào)易系統(tǒng)的十項實惠)等信息化和國際化領(lǐng)域的文章?! 敦斀?jīng)專業(yè)英語教程》根據(jù)單詞的使用頻率標(biāo)以分級記號,以便教師在教學(xué)過程中把握重點(diǎn),適合于各級院校的財經(jīng)類專業(yè)使用。練習(xí)的設(shè)計除了主課文和閱讀材料的理解外,重點(diǎn)放在財經(jīng)術(shù)語的反復(fù)練習(xí)上,對使用頻率極高的動詞也安排了足夠的練習(xí)。Notes to the Passage重點(diǎn)講解長句難句,為學(xué)生課后自學(xué)提供方便。