
出版時間:2006-08-22  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:崔錚  頁數(shù):304  


  In the summer of 1994, I went back to China to attend the Chinese Young Scholars Forum on Applications of Optical Technologies for Microfabrication. This was the first time I returned to China since I came to the UK in 1989 to work as a postdoctoral researcher at the Microelectronic Research Centre, Cambridge University, and subsequently at the Central Microstructure Facility, RutherfordAppleton Laboratory. China was still considered back then to be far lagging be-hind in mainstream modem high technologies. I presented my work on optical li-thography at 0.35μm technology for Very Large Scale Integrated Circuit (VLSI) manufacturing, which was unheard of in China at the time. Later in 1995 I wrote an article for the Chinese bimonthly journal "Science" ("VLSI microfabrication technologies", Science, V.47(3), p.26, 1995), introducing optical lithography, electron beam lithography, focused ion beam and X-ray lithography and their ap-plications in manufacturing of Integrated Circuits (IC). I was trying to emphasise the importance of new microfabrication technologies in IC manufacturing, which is the basis of all modem technologies. China was slow to catch up with the indus-trialised nations in this area, partly due to its own backward manufacturing indus-try and partly due to the unavailability of advanced microfabrication equipments it could import from overseas.  The situation has changed dramatically in the last 10 years. I have been going back to China every year since 1994 and have personally witnessed the economi-cal boom taking place in China. With its enormous purchasing power, its eager embracing of the global economy and its admission to the global market, China was able to import some of the most advanced micro-nanofabrication equipments. Laboratories and R&D centres on micro-nanotechnologies sprung up all over China. Some well-equipped laboratories are on par with the best known laborato-ries in the West. For IC manufacturing, China is now the fastest growing region in the world in the VLSI industry. Some of the IC manufacturers in China are ranked among the top 5 largest companies in the world. The investments in R&D of MEMS (Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems) and nanotechnology are equally fast growing. While the hardware is important for a modem laboratory, the well-educated professionals who can operate the equipment and explore their full po-tential are even more important. Besides, anyone who is engaged in researching or using micro-nanotechnologies will need to know how micro or nanostmc-tures/devices are fabricated, as the functionalities of these structures/devices are very much dependent on the way they are fabricated. There is a huge demand in China for knowledge of micro-nanofabrication technologies. Meeting such a de-mand prompted me to write this book.




  Dr. Zheng Cui graduated in 1981 from Southeast University in Nanjing, P.R. China, with a Bachelor degree and subsequently obtained a Master degree in 1984 and a Ph.D. degree in 1988 in electronic engineering at the same university. In 1989 he was invited as a visiting research fellowto the Microelectronics Research Centre, Cavendish Laboratory of Cambridge University in the UK, sponsored by the UK Science and Engineering Research Council (SERC). In 1993 he joined the Central Microstructure Facility, Rutherford Appleton Laboratory of UK (UKs largest national laboratory), as a Senior Scientist. In 1999 he became a Principal Scientist and a group leader. Dr. Zheng Cuis main areas of expertise and interests are in micro and nanofabrication technologies, including various fabrication technologies for both VLSI manufacturing and MEMS development. In the past 16 years he has participated in 7 European joint research projects, acting as coordinator for two of the projects. He was also the principal investigator and co-investigator of a number of UK national projects and the project leader of two UK Royal Society funded projects. He has authored and co-authored over 130 technical publications, is a programme com-mittee member of the annual International Symposium on Design, Test, Integra-tion and Packaging of MEMS/MOEMS, an associate editor for the Journal of Mi-crolithography, Microfabrication and Microsystems (jM3), a member of referee panel on nanotechnology for the European Community Framework 6 research programme, and a Fellow of the UK Institution of Electrical Engineers (IEE). Since 1994, he has been awarded 4 times of the K.C. Wong Scientific Research grants, has won 2 Royal Society UK-China Joint research grants. He has been in-vited as a guest professor in a number of research institutes and universities in China. In 2002, he was selected as an Overseas Assessor for the Chinese Academy of Sciences, and in 2004 he was awarded the Overseas Prominent Scholar fund by the Chinese Academy of Sciences.


PrefaceAbout the AuthorChapter 1 Introduction1.1 Micro-nanotechnologies and micro-nanofabrication technologies...1.2 Classification ofmicro-nanofabrication technologies1.3 Organisation of the bookReferencesChapter2 Optical Lithography2.1 Principle of optical lithography2.2 Process of optical lithography2.3 Characteristics ofphotoresists2.3.1 Common features ofphotoresists2.3.2 Comparison of positive and negative photoresists2.3.3 Chemically amplified resists2.3.4 Special photoresists2.4 Design and fabrication ofphotomasks2.5 Resolution enhancement techniques2.5.1 Off-axis illumination2.5.2 Spatial filtering2.5.3 Phase shift masks2.5.4 Optical proximity correction2.6 The limit of optical lithography2.7 Optical lithography of thick photoresists2.7.1 Conventional thick photoresist2.7.2 SU-8 photoresist2.8 Grey-scale photolithography2.9 Computer simulation of optical lithography2.9.1 Theory of partial coherent imaging2.9.2 Computer simulation software COMPARE2.9.3 Comparing the quality of optical lithographyReferencesChapter 3 Electron Beam Lithography3.1 Principle of electron optics3.2 Electron beam lithography systems3.2.1 Vector scan and raster scan systems3.2.2 Shaped beam systems3.2.3 Projection lithography systems3.2.4 Microcolumn e-beam lithography systems3.3 Pattern design and data format for e-beam lithography3.3.1 Issues in pattern design3.3.2 Intermediate data format3.3.3 AutoCAD format3.3.4 Machine data format3.4 Electron beam resists and processes3.4.1 High resolution e-beam resists3.4.2 Chemically amplified resists3.4.3 Multilayer resists process3.5 Electron scattering and proximity effect3.5.1 Electron scattering in solid materials3.5.2 Proximity effect in e-beam lithography3.5.3 Approximation of point spread function3.6 Correction of proximity effect3.7 Computer simulation of e-beam lithography3.8 Ultimate resolution of e-beam lithography3.8.1 E-beam lithography system3.8.2 Secondary electron scattering effect3.8.3 Resist processReferencesChapter 4 Focused Ion Beam Technology4.1 Liquid metal ion sources4.2 Focused ion beam systems4.3 Ion scattering in solid materials4.4 Principle of focused ion beam processing4.4.1 Ion sputtering4.4.2 Ion beam assisted deposition4.5 Applications of FIB technology4.5.1 Inspecting and editing integrated circuits4.5.2 Repairing defects of optical masks4.5.3 Preparing TEM samples4.5.4 A versatile microfabrication tool4.6 Focused ion beam lithography4.7 Focused ion beam implantationReferencesChapter 5 X-ray Lithography5.1 Principle of X-ray lithography5.2 X-ray lithography system5.2.1 X-ray source5.2.2 X-ray maskaligner and stepper5.2.3 X-ray mask5.2.4 X-ray resists5.3 High resolution X-ray lithography5.4 High aspect ration X-ray lithography (LIGA technology) ..5.4.1 X-ray source5.4.2 LIGA mask5.4.3 Thick resists and processes for LIGA5.4.4 Accuracy of LIGA patterningReferencesChapter 6 Etching Technology6.1 Wet chemical etching6.1.1 Anisotropic wet etching of silicon6.1.2 Isotropic etching of silicon6.1.3 Isotropic etching of silicon dioxide6.2 Dry etching 1: reactive ion etching6.3 Dry etching 2: deep reactive ion etching6.4 Dry etching 3: ion sputtering etching6.5 Dry etching 4: reactive gas etching6.6 Dry etching 5: other physical etching techniques6.6.1 Laser micromachining6.6.2 Electrodischarge micromachining6.6.3 Powder blastingReferencesChapter 7 Replication Technology7.1 Nanoimprint lithography7.2 Step and flash nanoimprinting lithography7.3 Soft lithography7.4 Micromoulding of plastics7.4.1 Hot embossing7.4.2 Microinjection moulding7.4.3 Casting7.5 Microstereolithography7.6 Other replication techniques7.6.1 DipPen nanolithography7.6.2 Nanosphere lithography7.6.3 Nanostencil lithographyReferencesChapter 8 Applications of Micro-nanofabricationTechnologies8.1 Very large scale integrated circuits8.2 Nanoelectronics8.3 Optoelectronics8.4 High density magnetic storage8.5 Micro-electro-mechanical systems8.6 Biochips8.7 NanotechnologyReferencesIndex


  Chapter I Introduction  1.1 Micro-nanotechnologies and micro-nanofabrication technologies  Since the advent of the world first transistor in 1947, semiconductors and microelectronics, from which all other miniaturization technologies have been developed, have become the pillar of all modern high-tech industries. Integrated circuits, commonly called ICs or microchips, have nowadays penetrated into every aspect of modern life, in particular of the so called 3Cs, namely Consumer electronics, Computers and Communications. Today, powerful laptop computers, small and smart mobile phones, and multifunction home appliances are every-where. In 2004, the world total output of semiconductors and integrated circuits has reached $215 billions, which supports a one-trillion-dollars market of all the electronics and information technology related products. In the next 6 years, the world IC industry will have a growth rate of 15% annually. By 2010, the sales of worldwide semiconductor ICs are expected to reach $410 billions [1], supporting an electronics and information technology industry with total value of 4-5 trillion US dollars.  While the IC industry had been witnessed phenomenal growth in the last few decades, another technology revolution was quietly taking place since the 1980s, which was the development of microsystem technology. Microsystem is a broad name for all miniaturized non-electronic systems. It is also known as MEMS (Micro Electro Mechanical System). They can be micromechanical systems, microopto-electro-mechanical systems, microfluid systems and biochips. Some of the examples are micromotors of only 1 mm diameter, video cameras of only a fingernail size, micro gas chromatographic devices less than the size of a pea, a chemical laboratory on a chip and an optical bench on a chip. These microsystems have become or are becoming commercial products entering all fields of industry and modern life. While IC technology is mostly seen in the 3C types of products, microsystems have much wider applications. From a system point of view, an IC chip can provide a system with the brain for thinking and decision making, micro-systems, in the form of microsensors and microactuators, provide the system with eyes, ears, nose, hands and legs.


  The book is a collection of the authors years of experience and research findings, as well as the latest development, in micro-nanofabrication technologies. It gives a detailed introduction on the basics of microonanofabrication, including optical lithography, electron beam lithography, foused ion beam technique, X-ray lithography, various etching and replication techniques. For each of the fabrication technology it introduces, the emphasis is on clear explanation of the basic principle, the essential steps in the processes, various process conditions and typical process parameters. The advantages and disadvantages of each technique arc also analysed. The applications of micro-nanofabrication technologies focus on manufacturing of very large scale integrated circuits (VLSI), nanoeiectronics, optoelectronics, high density magnetic storage, micro-electro-mechanical systcm or MEMS, biochip or lab-on-chip and nanotechnology. Each of the applications is accompanied by practical examples to demonstrate how particular fabrication techniques are applied. There is an extensive list of references following each chapter for readers to explore further.  The book is not only a good supplementary reading material for university undergraduates of postgraduates who are novices in this field,but also a good reference book for experienced engineering professionals who wish to know other fabrication techniques outside their own field.



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