出版時間:2006-1 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:史密斯 頁數(shù):150
To the TeacherIssues for Today Teacher Notes Anser Key Video Scripts AssessmentConcepts for Today Teacher Notes Anser Key Video Scripts AssessmentTopics for Today Teacher Notes Anser Key Video Scripts Assessment
Chapter 1 A Cultural Difference: Being on Time An American professor teaching in Brazil discovered that his students had different ideas about being on time. He learned that promptness depends on social factors in Brazil. Eventually, he adapted his own behavior to fit local expectations. Suggestions for Prereading Activity Direct students attention to the unit title and photograph on Student Book ("SB") page 1 as well as the chapter title and photograph on page 2. Before referring to the table on SB page 3, elicit what on time means to your class. Instruct students to look at the table. Ask what the differences are between the types of appointments. What happens in each case if someone is late? Discuss any cultural differences that your students may be aware of. Culture Notes Issues for Today introduces the use of graphic organizers for analyzin9 the organization of texts and the relationships between parts or components of the reading passage. Many different types of graphic organizers will be used throughout the book, but Chapter 1 uses a flowchart to make the sequence of the reading pas-sage more apparent. Students will need to differentiate between main ideas and supporting details in the reading passage, then fill in the flowchart on page 10. With practice, students will naturally use graphic organizers, but, at first, they may need explicit instruction. Before they attempt to fill in the flowchart, you can help them be aware that they will only use the most important terms and phrases; they will not write details or complete sentences. One effective method for presenting this task is to ask students to use colored highlighters to mark what they consider the most important ideas and words as they read the text. You may first want to model a paragraph for them, using an overhead projector. Then ask students to work in pairs to identify the most important concepts and terms of a new paragraph. Go over choices with the entire class. Explain to stu-dents that the flowchart can help them answer the comprehension questions on SB pages 11 and 12. It can also assist them with writing their summary. As a result, the flowchart becomes an instructional tool for organizing the main points and the essential structure of the reading. AS the passage indicates, promptness or perception of time varies from culture to culture and sometimes even within one culture. For example, promptness and speed of response vary considerably from one part of the United States to another.