
出版時間:2005-11  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:吳樹  頁數(shù):159  


《大學體驗英語一課一練》是普通高等教育“十五”國家級規(guī)劃教材《大學體驗英語》的系列配套用書。本系列用書在題型設計上緊扣《全國大學英語四、六級考試改革方案(試行)》,幫助學生提高實戰(zhàn)能力;在內(nèi)容安排上與《大學體驗英語綜合教程》和《大學體驗英語擴展教程》各單元主題密切相關(guān),便于學生活學活用,舉一反三。 本系列用書每冊共10個部分,其中8個單元是《大學體驗英語綜合教程》相關(guān)各單元的配套練習,每單元由聽力理解、詞匯練習、閱讀理解、綜合運用和寫作五部分組成。本書為第二冊。聽力理解部分包括短對話、短文、單詞聽寫、復合式聽寫、正誤判斷和簡短回答問題等題型,內(nèi)容與該單元主題相關(guān)。除單元配套練習外,本書還配有兩套階段性自測題,分別安排在第四單元和第八單元之后。便于學生檢測學習效果,調(diào)整學習重點。自測題的設計原則與單元配套練習相同:突出學生英語實用能力的培養(yǎng)。為方便學生使用,本書所有練習及測試均附有答案及聽力原文。


Unit 1 Famous UniversitiesUnit 2 Jobs and CareersUnit 3 AdvertisingUnit 4 Ca1amities and RescuesSe1f-assessment Test (Unit 1——Unit 4)Unit 5 Ways to SuccessUnit 6 Sports and Hea1thUnit 7 Fami1y TiesUnit 8 Computers and SecuritySe1f-assessment Test (Unit 5——Unit 8)Keys to ExercisesTapescripts


  I am honored to be here to present you Bentley College.Two unique features of Bentley are powerfulresources and a personal touch that make Bentley College a standout choice for students who are interestedin business.As the largest business school in New England,Bentley ofrers state-of-the-art teaching facilitiesand labs rivaling those at nationally known universities.But we haven’t lost the personal touch.The campuscommunity is lively and close.knit.witll accessible professors,small classes,and an excellent student-facultyratio All of our resources are dedicated to providing t}le most advanced business education possible.In fact,Bentley was one of the first colleges in the U.S.to require students to have personal computers.Today,theMobile Computing Program puts a computer into every student’s hands on opening days.Informationtechnology is only one part of the picture,though.Bentley students also develop well’rounded skills inanalytical thinking.creative problem solving,and effective communication Bentley has one of the lowestfaculty-student ratios of 1 to 16.Professors are accessible,committed to excellent teaching and advising as wellas to pursuing research and scholarship in their field.Many have significant experience in the business world.You’ll take away the broad perspectives and in-depth expertise in business needed to succeed in today’s global,information.driven economy.If you have any questions.I will be sticking around for a minute or two to dealwith any concerns you have.






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