
出版時(shí)間:2005-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:編寫組  頁(yè)數(shù):304  字?jǐn)?shù):620000  


《暢通英語(yǔ)》是教育部規(guī)劃并推薦的五年制高職高專英語(yǔ)教材,本套教材是英國(guó)MM出版公司2003年出版的Channel your English的基礎(chǔ)上,由國(guó)內(nèi)英語(yǔ)教學(xué)專家和教師改編而成,本套教材也可供三年制高職高專院校選用?! ”緯鵀椤陡呒?jí)教程教師參考書》。本書針對(duì)主教材每單元給出練習(xí)目的、操作步驟、語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)注釋、聽(tīng)力文字材料、練習(xí)答案等。同時(shí),本書還增編了“文化背景知識(shí)介紹”、“語(yǔ)言點(diǎn)注釋”和“課文參考譯文”等。


Introduction Unit 01    Been around the world? Unit 02    Rewind Unit 03    Eureka!Revision 01-03 Unit 04    Fast forward Unit 05    Your cup of tea? Unit 06    Guilty as chargedRevision 04-06 Unit 07    Mother Nature Unit 08    Let the fun begin! Unit 09    Dig in!Revision 07-09 Unit 10    Our four-legged friends Unit 11    What's up, Doc? Unit 12    Where the heart isRevision 10-12 Unit 13    Art works Unit 14    On the couch Unit 15    Stop to shopRevision 13-15Listening transcriptsAdditional referenceWorkbook (Teacher's Edition) Unit 01    Been around the world? Unit 02    Rewind Unit 03    Eureka! Unit 04    Fast forward Unit 05    Your cup of tea? Unit 06    Guilty as charged Unit 07    Mother Nature   Unit 08    Let the fun begin! Unit 09    Dig in! Unit 10    Our four-legged friends Unit 11     What's up, Doc? Unit12    Where the heart is Unit 13    Art works Unit 14    On the couch Unit 15    Stop to shopKey to supplementary exercises



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