
出版時(shí)間:2005-6  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:林小勤  頁數(shù):全兩冊  字?jǐn)?shù):690000  


本書是高等職業(yè)教育護(hù)理專業(yè)領(lǐng)域技能型緊缺人才培養(yǎng)培訓(xùn)工程系列教材,是根據(jù)“三年制高等職業(yè)教育護(hù)理專業(yè)領(lǐng)域技能型緊缺人才培養(yǎng)指導(dǎo)方案”編寫的。    《護(hù)理基礎(chǔ)英語——cGFNs基礎(chǔ)冊》(上、下)、《護(hù)理綜合英語——cGFNs綜合冊》(上、下)為護(hù)理用英語教材,教學(xué)內(nèi)容為內(nèi)、外、婦、兒和精神科的醫(yī)學(xué)護(hù)理知識。《綜合冊》是按照美國的護(hù)理理念和CGFNS考試的要求,把所有護(hù)理內(nèi)容分為:安全有效的護(hù)理環(huán)境、社會(huì)心理完整、促進(jìn)并維持健康以及生理完整等共四個(gè)部分。其中安全有效的護(hù)理環(huán)境和社會(huì)心理完整兩部分內(nèi)容歸入《綜合冊》的上冊;促進(jìn)并維持健康和生理完整兩部分歸入《綜合冊》的下冊。    《綜合冊》上、下冊均為l5個(gè)單元,分別為l5個(gè)專題,每個(gè)專題的選擇均嚴(yán)格按照全科護(hù)士的標(biāo)準(zhǔn)和CGFNS考試的要求科學(xué)制定。每單元由三個(gè)部分組成。第一、三部分分別為CGFNS考試摸底和自測試題。第二部分為與本單元題目一致的兩篇課文,以及注釋、練習(xí)和詞匯。本書還配有光盤。    本書可作為高等職業(yè)院校、高等??圃盒?、成人高等院校、本科院校二級學(xué)院、本科院校高職教育護(hù)理專業(yè)及相關(guān)專業(yè)學(xué)生學(xué)習(xí)用書,也可供五年制高職院校、中等職業(yè)學(xué)校及其他有關(guān)人員參考使用。


上冊 Unit One  Humanistic Education Unit Two  Understanding Unit Three  Communication Skills Unit Four  Nursing Process Unit Five  Nursing Diagnosis Unit Six  Coping and Adaptation Unit Seven  Psychosocial Adaptation Unit Eight  Nursing Management Unit Nine  The Patient's Right Unit Ten  Medical Record Unit Eleven  Health Direction Unit Twelve  The Patient's Needs Unit Thirteen  Accident Prevention Unit Fourteen  Safe and Effective Nursing Unit Fifteen  Infection Control 摸底試題(PART1)和自測試題(PART2)答案 課文練習(xí)答案(PART2)下冊 Unit Sixteen  Genetic Counselling Unit Seventeen   Well-Child Care Unit Eighteen  Community Resources Unit Nineteen  Disease Prevention Unit Twenty  Life Style Choices and Wellness Concepts Unit Twenty-one  Basic Care and Comfort Unit Twenty-Two  Vital Signs Unit Twenty-Three  Drainage and Decompression Tube Unit Twenty-Four  Fluid and Diet Intake Unit Twenty-Five  Drug and Alcohol Use Unit Twenty-Six  Calculation for Medication Administration Unit Twenty-Seven  Pharmacological and Parenteral Therapies Unit Twenty-Eight  Healthy and Nutritional Food Unit Twenty-Nine  Nursing for the Elderly and Chronically Ill Unit Thirty  Physiological Adaptation 摸底試題(PART1)和自測試題(PART2)答案 課文練習(xí)答案(PART2 CGFNS考試介紹


插圖:The effect of child care on children' s development depends on a number of inter-related factors, including the quality of the child-care experience, as well as characteristics of the child and family. Although some studies have suggested that infants in child care may be at greater risk of insecure attachments to their mothers, most such infants are securely attached and display no long-term emotional insecurity. In some studies, children with child-care experience have been found to be more sociable, more self-confident, more involved in activities with peers, and less timid. However, such children have also been described as more aggressive (especially boys) and less compliant with adults.High-quality child care can favorably influence the cognitive and social development of children, especially those from disadvantaged populations. Such children perform better on school entry on standardized tests of intelligence, academic achievement, and measures of accomplishment such as grades and teacher ratings. Conversely, poor-quality child care can adversely affect developmental outcomes.Good-quality child care has been associated with a low aduh-to-ehild ratio, small group size, and caregiver training in child development. Other important determinants incude a caring and supportive staff that is stable and consistent; a developmentally appropriate curriculum that enables children to learn through a variety of fun activities; and a physical setting that affords cleanliness, sanitation, and adequate space for activities and rest as well as protection from environmental hazards.





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