
出版時間:2005-1  出版社:藍色暢想  作者:卡爾帕克杰恩  頁數(shù):353  


  《制造工程與技術( 第4版改編版)》是在Serope Kalpakiian等主編的Manufacturing Engineering and Technology(Fnrth Edition)教材的基礎上改編而成的,改編后的教材既保留了國外原版教材的風格,又適合國內教學的需要,是優(yōu)秀的“雙語”教學教材?!  吨圃旃こ膛c技術( 第4版改編版)》除緒論外共三篇20章,第一篇為工程材料基礎,主要介紹的金屬材料、非金屬材料、復合材料的特性、選用方法及在工程扣的實際應用,并對納米材料及高分子材料做了介紹。第二篇為材料成形技術,本篇不僅介紹了傳統(tǒng)的鑄鍛工藝、精密鍛造以及粉末冶金、塑料和復合材料的成形技術,還介紹了快速原型和快速模具技術;第三篇為機械加工技術,除了對傳統(tǒng)的各種機加工工藝進行了介紹外,還介紹了高速切消加工、現(xiàn)代加工中心、先進刀具和磨削材料、非傳統(tǒng)加工技術(化學、電火花、超聲、等離子、激光加工等)以及正在逐漸成為現(xiàn)代制造領域的一個重要發(fā)展方向的納米制造和微細加工等先進制造技術。  為了便于讀者閱讀,本教材在每一章后面都附有中文注釋和主要的專業(yè)術語,而且在書末還附有按字母順序排列的中英文對照詞匯表?!  吨圃旃こ膛c技術( 第4版改編版)》可作為機械設計制造及其自動化專業(yè)以及機電類其他相關專業(yè)的本科生或研究生的英文教材,也可供相關的工程技術人員參考。




General Introduction 11.WhatIs Manufacturing? 12.The Design Process and Concurrent Engineering 63.Selecting Materials 114.Selecting Manufacturing Processes 135.Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 186.Global Competitiveness and Manufacturing Costs 2l7.Lean Production and Agile Manufacturing 228.Environmentally Conscious Design and Manufacturing 23PART I Fundamentals of Materials:Their Behavior and Manufacturing Properties1 The Structure of Metals 291.1 Introduction 291.2 The Crystal Structure of Metals 301.3 Cold Warm and Hot-Working 311.4 Work Hardening(Strain Hardening) 321.5 Plastic Deformation of Polycrystalline Metals 322 Mechanical Behavior.Testing.a(chǎn)nd Manufacturing Properties of Materials 372.1 Introduction 372.2 Tension  382.3 Compression 422.4 rorsion  432.5 Bending(Flexure) 442.6 Hardness 453 Physical Properties of Materials 513.1 Introduction 5l3.2 Density 513.3 Melting Point 553.4 Specific Heat 553.5 Thermal Conductivity 553.6 Therinal Expansion 563.7 Electrical,Magnetic,and Optical Properties 573.8 Corrosion Resistance 584 Metal Alloys Structure and Cast Irons 634.1 Introduction 634.2 Structure of Alloys 644.3 The Iron-Carbon System 674.4 Cast Irons 695 Ferrous Metals and Alloys 755.1 Introduction  755.2 Production of Iron and Steel 765.3 Carbon and Alloy Steels 795.4 Tool and Die Steels  826 Nonferrous Metals and Alloys  85 6.1 Introduction 856.2 Aluminum and Altlminum Alloys 876.3 Magnesium and Magnesium Alloys 886.4 Copper and Copper Alloys 906.5 Superalloys 916.6 Titanium and Titanium Alloys  926.7 Low-Melting Alloys 936.8 Precious Metals 966.9 Shape-Memory Alloys 966.10 Amorphous Alloys(Metallic Glasses) 976.11 Nanomaterials 977 Polymers:Structure.General Properties.a(chǎn)nd  Applications 1017.1 Introduction 1017.2 The Structure of Polymers 1037.3 Thermoplastics 1087.4 Thermosetting Plastics 1097.5 Additives In Plastics 1107.6 General Properties and Applications of Thermoplastics 1117.7 General Properties and Applications of Thermosetting Plastics1 147.8 Biodegradable Plastics 1157.9 Elastomers rRubbers) 1178 Composite Materials:Structure,General Properties,and Applications 1218.1 Introduction 1218.2 The Structure of Reinforced Plastics  1228.3 Properties of Reinforced Plastics 1268.4 Applications of Reinforced Plastics 1278.5 Metal-Matrix Composites(MMC) 1308.6 Ceramic-Matrix Composites(CMC) 1318.7 Other Composites 131PART II Forming and Shaping Processes and  Equipment Fundamentals of Metal-Casting 1359.1 Introduction 1359.2 Solidification of Metals 1379.3 Metal-Casting Processes 140Open-Die Forging of Metals 15710.1 Introduction 15710.2 Open Die Forging 15910.3 Impression-Die and Closen-Die Forging 16110.4 Extrusion and Drawing 16411 Processing of Powder Metallurgy 16911.1Introduction 16911.2 Production of Metal Powders 17111.3 Compaction of Metal Powders 17611.4 Sintering 17711.5 Process Capabilities  18011.6 Economics of Powder Metallurgy 18112 Forming and Shaping Plastics and Composite  Materials 18312.1 Introduction 18312.2 Injection Molding 18412.3 Blow Molding 18713 Rapid-Prototyping Operations 19113.1 Introduction 19l13.2 Additive Processes 19213.3 Applications of Rapid-Prototyping Technology 200PARTⅢ Material-Removal Processes and Machines 4 Fundamentals of Cutting 21114.1 Introduction 21114.2 The Mechanics of Chip Formation 21414.3 rrhe Types of Chips Produced In Metal-Cutting 21614.4 Cutting Forces and Power 21814.5 T00l Life:Wear and Failure 22214.6 Surface Finish and Surface Inte 22514.7 Machinability 22715 Cutting:Tool Materials and Cutting FIuids 23515.1 Introduction 23515.2 Carbon and Medium.Alloy Steels 23915.3 High-Speed Steels 23915.4 Cast.Cobalt Alloys 24015.5 Carbides 24015.6 Coated Tools 24515.7 Alumina-Based Ceramics  24615.8 Cubic Boron Nitride  24715.9 Silicon.Nitride Based Ceramics 24815.10 Diamond  24815.11 Whisker-Reinforced and Nanocrystalline Tool Materials24916 Machining Processes Used to Produce Round Shapes 25316.1 Introduction 25316.2Ihrning Parameters 25616.3 Lathes and Lathe Operations 25916.4 High-Speed Machining,Uhraprecision Machining,and Hard Turning 26716.5 Bofng and Borng Machines 27016.6 Drilling and Drills 27217 Machining Processes Used to Produce Various Shapes 27917.1 Introduction 27917.2 Milling Operations 28017.3 Milling Machines  28917.4 Planing and Shaping 29218 Machining and Turning Centers  29518.1 Introduction 29518.2 Machining and Turning Centers 29518.3 Machining Economics 30319 Abrasive Machining and Finishing Operations 30919.1 Introduction 30919.2 Abrasives 31119.3 Bonded Abrasives r Grinding Wheels) 31319.4 Honing  31719.5 Lapping 31819.6 Polishing 31819.7 Electropolishing 31919.8 Polishing Processes Using Magnetic Fields  31919.9 Buffing 32020 Advanced Machining Processes and Nanofabrication 32320.1 Introduction 32320.2 Chemical Machining 32520.3 Electrical-Discharge Machining 32720.4 Wire EDM 33020.5 Laser-Beam Machining 33120.6 Electron-Beam Machining and Plasma-Arc Cutting 33420.7 Nanofabrieation 33520.8 Micromachining 33720.9 Economics of Advanced Machining Processes  338中英文對照詞匯表343


Manufacturing,in its broadest sense,is the process of converting raw materials into products. It encompasses(1)the design of the product,(2)the selection of raw materials,and(3)thesequence of processes through which the product will be manufactured. Manufacturing is the backbone of any industrialized nation.Its importance is emphasized by thefact that,as an economic activity,it comprises approximately 20%to 30%of the value of all goods and services produced.A country"S level of manufacturing activity is directly related to its economichealth.Generally,the higher the level of manufacturing activity in a country,the higher thestandard of living of its people.Manufacturing also involves activities in which the manufactured product is itself used to makeother products.Examples of these products are large presses to shape sheet metal for car bodies,machinery to make bolts and nuts,and sewing machines for making clothing.An equally important aspect of manufacturing activities is the servicing and maintenance of this machinery during its useful life. PAGE2 The design process for a product first requires a clear understanding of the functions and theperformance expected of that product.The product may be new,or it may be a revised version ofan existing product.We all have observed,for example,how the design and style of radios,toasters,watches,automobiles,and washing machines have changed.The market for a product and its anticipated uses must be defined clearly,with the assistance ofsales personnel,market analysts,and others in the organization.Product design is a critical activitybecause it has been estimated that 70%to 80%of the cost of product development and manufaetureis determined by the decisions made in the initial design stages.





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