
出版時間:2005-2  出版社:藍(lán)色暢想出版社  作者:埃利奧特  頁數(shù):532  




PrefaceAcknowledgements1 Mobile commerce (M-commerce): definitionsand context1.1 Defining M-commerce1.2 A short history of wireless computing1.2.1 First generation wireless communication1.2.2 Second generation wireless communication1.2.3 Third generation wireless communication1.3 Diffusion of M-commerce innovation1.4 Obstacles to M-commerce1.5 The Mobile Internet and mobile information assets1.6 The untethered Mobile Internet1.7 M-commerce versus E-commerce1.8 The wireless world1.9 Pervasive computing systems, theory and practice1.10 Trends in mobile and pervasive computing1.11 Applications of M-commerce1.12 The trend towards mobile working1.12.1 Wireless telemetry and wireless telematics1.12.2 Tracking and monitoring hte modile wordforce1.12.3 Customer-focused products and services1.13 Effectiveness and efficiency in mobile domains1.14 The M-commerce value chain1.15 Networked wireless business systems1.16 Bluetooth technology1.17 Factors determining M-commerce innovation and adoption in the 21st century1.17.1 Five characteristics of innovation1.17.2 The socio-technical perspective of technology innovation and adoption1.18 ConclusionsShort self-assessment questions and Group activityReferences and Bibliography2 Commercial communications and networks2.1 Introduction2.2 The nature of commercial communication2.3 Communication and language complexity2.4 Information and meaning2.4.1 Information as channel capacity2.4.2 Information as a measure of variety2.4.3 Information as a means of reducing uncertainty2.4.4 Information as a measure of an agent's ability to estimate a parameter2.5 Data and knowledge2.6 Shared meaning2.7 Communication and information theory2.7.1 Source2.7.2 Transmitter2.7.3 Channel2.7.4 Noise2.7.5 Receiver2.7.6 Destination2.7.7 Channels and transportation2.8 Telecommunications and networks2.9 Media types in telecommunications2.9.1 Bound media2.9.2 Unbound media2.10 Modulation and digitization2.10.1 Modulation2.10.2 Digitization2.11 Communication network infrastructures2.12 Types of channel2.12.1 Circuit switching2.12.2 Packet switching2.12.3 Protocols and protocol stacks2.13 The International Standards Organization reference Model2.13.1 Application Layer2.13.2 Presentation Layer2.13.3 Session Layer2.13.4 Transport Layer2.13.5 Network Layer2.13.6 Data Link Layer2.13.7 Physical Layer2.14 Transport Control Protocol/Internet Protocol (TCP/IP)……3. Wireless protocols: context and usage4. Wireless programming for mobile devices: context and usage5. Operating systems: micro and macro devices6. Personal area and mobile networking7. Wireless applications: push and pull services and products8. Pervasive and embedded mobile systems9. Security in a mobile world10. Enabling the mobile workforce: extending enterpri




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