
出版時間:2005-1  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:高等教育出版社  頁數(shù):162  


  高等職業(yè)教育擔(dān)負著培養(yǎng)高素質(zhì)勞動者和專門人才的重要任務(wù)。最近教育部等6部委又提出了加快培養(yǎng)制造業(yè)和現(xiàn)代服務(wù)業(yè)技能型緊缺人才工程的計劃,這有助于高職高專院校徹底打破傳統(tǒng)的學(xué)科式教育模式,突出職業(yè)教育的特點。積極進行高等職業(yè)教育兩年制學(xué)制改革,是落實上述目標的重要措施。這就是我們編寫《實用交際英語》的依據(jù)和出發(fā)點?!  秾嵱媒浑H英語》是在教育部高職高專教育英語課程教學(xué)指導(dǎo)委員會組織編寫的推薦教材《新編實用英語》(NewPracticalEnglish)的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)兩年制教學(xué)時間短、職業(yè)指向性強的特點精心設(shè)計、調(diào)整編寫的?!秾嵱媒浑H英語》以《高職高專教育英語課程教學(xué)基本要求(試行)》(以下簡稱《基本要求》)為參照,堅持“實用為主,夠用為度,以應(yīng)用為目的”的大方向,以培養(yǎng)學(xué)生的英語應(yīng)用能力,特別是實用能力為主旨?!秾嵱媒浑H英語》遵循如下原則:  1.按照“以社會需求為目標、以就業(yè)為導(dǎo)向、以實用為特點”的科學(xué)化的高職高專英語教學(xué)體系,進一步嚴格篩選《基本要求》中的《交際范圍表》所規(guī)定的交際主題,在綜合培養(yǎng)聽、說、讀、譯、寫各項技能的同時,特別注意口語交際能力的訓(xùn)練?! ?.加強應(yīng)用文實用閱讀能力的培養(yǎng),滿足一線工作人員的實際涉外交際需要。  3.將英語應(yīng)用能力的訓(xùn)練具體體現(xiàn)在對實用英語能力的培養(yǎng)上。應(yīng)用能力既指應(yīng)用語言基本功的能力,更指把這些基本功運用到實際涉外交際中的能力,后者也可稱作“實用能力”?!皯?yīng)用能力”是“實用能力”的基礎(chǔ),“實用能力”則是“應(yīng)用能力”的具體體現(xiàn)。  4.認真貫徹“學(xué)一點、會一點、用一點”和“邊學(xué)邊用、學(xué)用結(jié)合”的原則?! ?.“教、學(xué)、考”相互照應(yīng)?!陡叩葘W(xué)校英語應(yīng)用能力考試大綱》所規(guī)定的項目和要求都將在教材中得到反映和訓(xùn)練。因此,學(xué)習(xí)《實用交際英語》,有助于學(xué)生通過“高等學(xué)校英語應(yīng)用能力考試”?! 。ǎ▽嵱媒浑H英語》是由(《實用交際英語入門教程》(PracticalEnglish’forCommunication-AnElemen-taryCourse)、((實用交際英語普通教程》(PracticalEnglish。forCommunication-AGeneralCourse)和((實用交際英語業(yè)務(wù)教程》(PracticalEnglishforCommunication-AProfessionalCourse)組成,《普通教程》和《業(yè)務(wù)教程》配有相應(yīng)的學(xué)生自主學(xué)習(xí)用書《學(xué)學(xué)·練練·考考》和《教師參考書》,以及配套的多媒體學(xué)習(xí)課件、電子教案等?!  秾嵱媒浑H英語》各冊所涉及的交際話題如下:


  《實用交際英語》系列教材是在教育部高職高專教育英語課程教學(xué)指導(dǎo)委員會組織編寫的推薦教材《新編實用英語》的基礎(chǔ)上,根據(jù)兩年制教學(xué)時間短、職業(yè)指向性強的特點精心設(shè)計、調(diào)整編寫的。本套教材以《高職高專教育英語課程教學(xué)基本要求(試行)》為參照,堅持“實用為主,夠用為度,應(yīng)用為目的”的大方向,強調(diào)聽、說、讀、寫、譯各項技能的協(xié)調(diào)發(fā)展。  《實用交際英語普通教程》共10個單元,每個單元都由“說”、“聽”、“讀”和“寫”4部分組成,另有一個“趣味欣賞”部分。書后附有詞匯表?!秾嵱媒浑H英語普通教程》為4色印制,版式精美,并配有錄音帶。


1 GREETING AND INTRODUCINGPEOPLESection I Talking Face to Face 1Section II Being All Ears 5Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye 6Passage I The Way Americans Greet 6Passage Ⅱ A Little About Me 9Section IV Trying Your Hand 11Section V HavingSome Fun 132 GIVING THANKS AND EXPRESSING REGRETSection I Talking Face to Face 14Section II Being All Ears 18Section IIl Maintaining aSharp Eye 19Passage I Different Attitudes to Gifts Giving 19Passage Ⅱ Thank-you Notes Are Heart-warming 22Section IV TryingYour Hand 24Section V HavingSome Fun 263 DIRECTIONS ANDSIGNSSection I Talking Face to Face 27Section Ⅱ Being All Ears 31Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye 32Passage I I HatePTying 32Passage H Id Been Treated Like a Friend in Need 36Section IV Trying Your Hand 37Section V HavingSome Fun 41CONTENTS4STUDYSection I Talking Face to Face 42Section II Being All Ears 46Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye 48Passage I IAm a Bit Nervous About My English 48Passage Ⅱ Oh Chinese, This TorturedLanguage 52Section IV Trying Your Hand 54Section V HavingSome Fun 56Section I Talking Face to Face 57Section II Being All Ears 61Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye 62Passage I The Triathlons Great Attraction 62Passage Ⅱ Foreigners Also Love Chinese MaterialArts 66Section IV Trying Your Hand 68Section V HavingSome Fun 7o6 SHOPPINGSection I Talking Face to Face 71Section II Being All Ears 75Section lII Maintaining aSharp Eye 76Passage I Tangsaneai —— An Ideal TouristSouvenir 76Passage II Ordering a Gift Online 79Section IV Trying Your Hand 81Section V HavingSome Fun 847 CELEBTATING HOLIDAYS AND MAKING FRIENDSSection I Talking Face to Face 85Section II Being All Ears 89Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye. 91Passage I Thanksgiving Day and Christmas 91Passage II When I was in America 95Section IV Trying Your Hand 96Section V HavingSome Fun 998 E-MAILSSection I Talking Face to Face looSection II Being All Ears l04Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye lO5Passage I Online Growth Conlfnues lO5Passage II Pros and Cons of"Chatroom" zo9Section IV Trying Your Hand H1Section V HavingSome Fun 114Section I Talking Face to Face 115Section II Being All Ears 119Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye 121Passage I Toledo: AProblem of Menus 121Passage lI Toast at a Wedding 124Section IV Trying Your Hand 126Section V HavingSome Fun 12910 ENTERTAINMENT AND TOURIST ATTRACTIONSection I Talking Face to Face 13oSection II Being All Ears 134Section III Maintaining aSharp Eye 135Passage I LUCIANOPA VAROTTI Bringing Opera to the WorldPassage II Visiting the Gatewag Arch 139Section IV Trying Your Hand 141Section V HavingSome Fun 144


  By age five: Pavarotti was entertaining his neighbors by singing in the courtyard outside his apartment. By age 10: he was trying out arias. As he entered his teen years: his talent became more and more obvious. His family spent hours discussing his future. They knew he longed to be a great singer. They decided to support him financially until he turned 30. If Pavarotti did not achieve success by that time: he would have to choose a new career.  Pavarotti began to study voice in 1955 and threw himself passionately into his lessons. Hour after hour he practiced exercises to strengthen his voice. Six years passed and no singing jobs came his way.  In 1961: however: he entered.an international competition for young singers m and he won! First prize was the lead role in a local opera production. Pavarotti gave an outstanding performance in the opera and began to make a name for himself.  Pavarotti took roles in opera around Italy: and in 1963: he appeared at Covent Garden m the Royal Opera House in London. His performance brought him international attention.  In 1968: the New Yorks world-famous Metropolitan Opera invited him to sing with them. Days before he was to perform: he caught the flu. He tried to sing: but was unable to complete his perfor- mance. Five years later: however: he returned to the Met and sang magnificently. In one aria: he hit six high Cs.  The Italian tenor began to tour the world: bringing opera music to everyone. Soon every concert Pavarotti gave drew huge crowds. At a concert in Berlin in 1988: the audience refused to leave after his performance. They applauded for over an hour and recalled Pavarotti to the stage 165 times~ In 1990: he performed with two other famous tenors: Jose Carreras and Placido Domingo: as "The Three Tenors": to the delight of everyone.  Full of life and energy: Pavarotti never slows down. He continues to keep up a busy performing schedule. He books appearances three and four years in advance! When not on stage: he spends time relaxing at home. He cooks (and eats) his beloved Italian food: sleeps late and cares for his horses.  Hard work: determination and an ardent love of music made Pavarotti a premier tenor. He would be the first to tell you that he wouldnt be anything else.



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