
出版時間:2004-11  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:虞蘇美  頁數(shù):265  字數(shù):330000  


  近年來,越來越多的外語教育專家和教師認識到外語學習的目標應該有兩個:即把某一種外語作為“知識”來學習,或把這一種外語作為“交際工具”來學習。前者主要以“語法”為重點研究對象并以“精確”為評估標準,引導學生將絕大部分精力和時間用于句子結(jié)構(gòu)的分析和比較。因此,以“知識”為學習目標的外語專業(yè)學生有能力把目標語(targetlanguage)的各種句子結(jié)構(gòu)和語言特色評析得頭頭是道,但不一定有能力將他的評析用目標語完整清晰地表達出來。社會上流傳的所謂“啞巴英語”的說法也是這種學習目標的定位結(jié)果。對我國的絕大部分學外語的學生來說,其學習的目標無疑應是掌握“交際工具”。對于這部分學生,教師只有把外語學習的重點放在提高學生的目標語運用能力上,才有可能將學生真正置于一種“自然語言學習環(huán)境”中,通過“學會表達”——“正確表達”——“清晰正確表達”——“完整清晰正確表達”這樣一種循序漸進的自然過程,達到全面提高學生交際能力的教學目標?!  缎戮幧虅沼⒄Z口語》是在老版《商務英語口語》的基礎上,以心理學、教育學和外語學習理論為編寫指導思想,在語言材料選用和課文結(jié)構(gòu)設計上貫穿了“學用結(jié)合、重在運用”的原則。課文內(nèi)容著重反映當代日常生活和現(xiàn)實商務活動的真實情景,練習活動豐富,實用性強。本教材雖然是專門為學習商務英語的學生設計和編寫的,但也可用作非商務英語專業(yè)學生的教材和英語愛好者的自學課本?! ”窘滩娜空n文內(nèi)容都是圍繞美國商人HenryWhite一家在中國和英美等國的日常生活和商務活動展開,涉及經(jīng)濟、貿(mào)易、工農(nóng)業(yè)、教育、旅游、投資、金融、勞務和地產(chǎn)等領(lǐng)域中的考察、談判、簽約、網(wǎng)上交易和電子商務等活動。每個單元都有一個中心話題和與話題相關(guān)的課堂練習活動,旨在促使學生將口語學習不僅僅停留在傳統(tǒng)的機械背誦和模仿上,而是通過大量的任務型課堂活動來強化英語語言的運用能力,使英語真正成為表達學生個人情感和思想的“交際工具”?! 榱烁玫嘏c高中英語教學大綱銜接,本教材第1冊主要為各種日常會話,對活的地點在國內(nèi),背景則是中國學生所熟悉的各種口語交際活動的場所。內(nèi)容主要涉及介紹相識、電話交流、談論天氣、邀請聚會、用餐、購物、看病、吉慶假日,娛樂和體育運動等日常生活領(lǐng)域中的用語。




Unit 1 Graduation Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 2 An Unexpected Engagements Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 3 Talks After Dinner Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 4 Telling News Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 5 Discussing Problems Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 6 Interview Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 7 Richard in Britain Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 8 Isabel Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 9 The Busy Couple  Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 10 Showing Around Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 11 The First Week in Newcastle  Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 12 Business Meeting  Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 13 Getting Lost Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 14 Discussing Finances Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After ClassUnit 15 Misunderstandings Dialogues Functional Expressions Communicative Task Task After Class


  1 Read the following information by yourself:Being a learner of English as a foreign language,you should learn at leasttwo communication systems in the target language:verbal language andnonverbal communication systems(also called body language),for in oralcommunications they CO-occur.Believe it or not,learning a nonverbalcommunication system may not be as easy as it appears to be.Forexamplein an Engl ish speaking community a person may hunch theshoulders,angle the head to one side and compress the lips.That’s a goodindication that he is uncertain about an idea or perhaps disagrees with it.even though he isn’t saying s0 in W0rds.On the other hand,when peopleshow rapport with each other,they swivel their upper bodies toward eachother and align their shoulders in parallel.They face each other squarely,theylean slightly toward each other,and there is more eye contact.If theydisagreethey unwittingly or unconsciously turn their bodies away fromeach other.Such signs are unmistakableformS of body language.2Now ask your partner to close his/her text book.read the story below toyour partner and youknow that knowing the nonverbalcommunicationsystem is just the first step toward using it naturally in the target languagecommunication.



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