
出版時間:2004-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:虞蘇美,沈愛珍 著  頁數:154  






Unit 1 Greetings and IntroduetionsPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 2 Asking the wayPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversationsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 3 EatingPart ⅠWarming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenlary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 4 ShoppingPart ⅠWarming.up ExercisesPart ⅡConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 5 TelephonePart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 6 Post OfficePart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 7 BankingPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 8 MoneyPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorTest OnePart ⅠPart ⅡPart ⅢPart ⅣUnit 9 AppointentPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversaiionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplementary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of flumorUnit 10 IncitationPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversalionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 11 HolidaysPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplementary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 12 HotelPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplementary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 13 TrafficPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversationsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 14 HousingPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorUnit 15 TravekPart Ⅰ Warming-up ExercisesPart Ⅱ ConversafionsPart Ⅲ PassagesPart Ⅳ Supplemenfary ExercisesPart Ⅴ The World of HumorTest TwoPart ⅠPart ⅡPart ⅢPart Ⅳ


  In addition to being major business centers,the large cities offer attractionsand entertainment for all kinds of people.Cultural events occur frequently,Including theatrical and operatic performances,concerts,ballet,and artexhibitions,to name a few.Besides all this,there Is a great variety of night life In urban centers to choose from,and there IS also a wide selection ofrestaurants.Shopping is an attraction for many visitors,whether in the greatdepartment stores of New York and Tokyo or In the boutiques of Paris andLondon.The big cities also offer a unique atmosphere and history.The flowervendors and cable cars of San Francisco are part of the unusual atmosphere ofthat city.And In Beijing,the Imperlal Palace is not only a large,grand place forthe emperor and his wife to live In,but also the scene of Important events in Chinese history.Shopping is also a tourist attraction in big cities.Hong Kong is perhaps themost famous example.Hong Kong is of course a large city and commercialcenter,but its principal attraction for tourists has been the bargains offered inits shops.Handicrafts appeal to touring shoppers in manV places.In fact,thesouvenir shop that sells this kind of goods is as nljch a feature of most touristareas as the hotel.In modern times,fairs,lke manV other aspects of life,have becomeinstitutionalized.Many countries exhibit their products at big world’s fairs in themidst of a sort of carnival atmosphere.Another modern development is theamusement park,a carnival with a variety of games,magic shows,and otherkinds of entertainment.It occupies a fixed location rather than moving fromplace to place,as old-time carnivals did.A recent development is the themepark,an amusement park that designs a unifying concept.From a commercialpoint of view,they have the enormous advantage in that they are designed toappeal to entire fanllV groups rather than to any particular age level.



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