
出版時(shí)間:2005-4  出版社:藍(lán)色暢想  作者:龐繼賢 編  頁(yè)數(shù):311  


  作為一名英文教師,經(jīng)常有人請(qǐng)我審訂一些具有真實(shí)交際用途的材料,如英文的實(shí)用書信、通知。改革開放以來,我審訂更多的是去國(guó)外求學(xué)、向跨國(guó)公司或合資企業(yè)求職所需的各類文書,如英文的簡(jiǎn)歷、附函、自述和推薦信,還有一些是單位的英文簡(jiǎn)介。我們通常的做法是按中文擬定的稿子翻譯。但是,由于漢英兩種語言和文化的差異,這樣做的結(jié)果常常是或失之生硬,或失之牽強(qiáng)。何不按照中文用英文直接撰寫呢?  近年來,大學(xué)本科高年級(jí)學(xué)生和研究生更需要用英文寫論文摘要,直至用英文撰寫一篇完整的論文。學(xué)生的迫切需求和對(duì)英文寫作的極大興趣促使我自2001年起面向全校本科生和研究生開設(shè)英文寫作課,課程大受學(xué)生歡迎;與此同時(shí),我對(duì)英文寫作從理論到實(shí)踐有多年的興趣和積累,所以就開始編寫這本《實(shí)用英文寫作》教程?! ”窘坛逃扇蟛糠謽?gòu)成:第一部分,也即第一單元,講述優(yōu)秀作文的特點(diǎn)和寫作的過程。這一單元旨在提高學(xué)生對(duì)寫作的一些意識(shí),使學(xué)生在一開始就對(duì)優(yōu)秀作文的特點(diǎn)和寫作的過程有一個(gè)明晰的了解。接下來的兩大部分是本書的主要內(nèi)容。第二部分,實(shí)用英文寫作。這部分包含了從簡(jiǎn)單的便條寫作、電子郵件寫作、一個(gè)單位的英文簡(jiǎn)介寫作、英文水平考試作文寫作到求學(xué)、求職所需的各種申請(qǐng)文書的寫作。第三部分,英文研究論文寫作。這部分以實(shí)驗(yàn)為基礎(chǔ)的研究論文為原型、以構(gòu)成論文的五大部分(摘要、引言、研究方法、研究結(jié)果和討論)作為單元進(jìn)行編寫??紤]到學(xué)生來自不同的專業(yè)系科,英文樣例原文選自教育學(xué)、應(yīng)用語言學(xué)、心理學(xué)、醫(yī)學(xué)、管理科學(xué)、計(jì)算機(jī)科學(xué),材料科學(xué)、機(jī)械工程和土木工程等學(xué)科。教程正文后的附錄包含:英文易混淆詞語辨釋、英文書信格式、英文標(biāo)點(diǎn)用法、淪文引文規(guī)范等內(nèi)容,使教程同時(shí)具備手冊(cè)的特點(diǎn)。




One Tuning InUnit 1 Features ofGood Writing1.1 Characteristics of Good Writing1.2 Key Features ofthe Writing Process1.3 WritingTasksTwo Practical WritingUnit 2 Short Messages,and Notices2.1 Starter Activities2.2 Readings2.3 Language Focus:Diction,and E-mail Messages2.4 WritingTasks2.5 ChecklistforUnit22.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 3 Letters(1):Invitations,Acceptances and Refusals,and Thank.you Letters3.1 Starter Activities3.2 Readings3.3 Language Focus:Effective Sentences3.4 WritingTasks3.5 ChecklistforUnit 33.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 4 Letters(2):Requests,Congratulations,Commiserations,and Complaints4.1 Starter Activities4.2 Readings4.3 Language Focus:Effective Paragraphs4.4 WritingTasks4.5 ChecklistforUnit44.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 5 Organization Descriptions5.1 StarterActivities5.2 Readings5.3 Language Focus:Definition,Classification,and Description5.4 Writing Tasks5.5 ChecklistforUnit 55.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 6 Writing for Application(1):CVs,Cover Letters,and Letters ofRecommendation6.1 Starter Activities6.2 Readings6.3 Language Focus:Exemplification,Cause and Effect,and GappedPhrasesinCVS6.4 WritingTasks6.5 ChecklistforUnit66.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 7 Writing for Application(2):Personal Statements7.1 Starter Activities7.2 Readings7.3 Language Focus:Comparison and Contrast7.4 Writing Tasks7.5 ChecklistforUnit 77.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 8 Writing for Examinations8.1 Starter Activities8.2 Readings8.3 Language Focus:Discussion.a(chǎn)nd Conclusion8.4 WritingTasks8.5 ChecklistforUnit 88.6 Vocabulary and Structure SuppotThree Research Paper WritingUnit 9 Overview of Paper Organization9.1 Starter Activities9.2 Typical Sections of a Research Paper9.3 Key Features of a Research PaperUnit 1 0 Introduction10.1 Starter Activities10.2 Readings10.3 Language Focus:Generic and Specific Noun Phrases,and Verb Tensefor Literature Review10.4 Writing Tasks10.5 Checklist for Unit 10lO.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUlnit 11 Method11.1 Starter Activities11.2 Readings11.3 Language Focus:Verb Tense and Voice in DescribingProcedures and Materials11.4WitingTasks11.5 ChecklistforUnit ll11.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 12 Results12.1 Starter Activities12.2 Readings12.3 Language Focus:Verb Tense for Results and Ways of PresentingFindings12.4 Writing Tasks12.5 Checklist for Unit 121 2.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 1 3 Discussion13.1 StarterActivities13.2 Readings13.3 Language Focus:Verb Tense and Sentence Construction in DiscussionStatements13.4 WritingTasks13.5 Checklist for Unit 1313.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportUnit 14 Abstract14.1 Starter Activities14.2 Readings14.3 LanguageFocus:VerbTenseforAbstracts.a(chǎn)ndReducedAbstracts14.4 WritingTasks14.5 Checklist for Unit 1414.6 Vocabulary and Structure SupportAppendices1.ConfusingWords2.Patterns of English Correspondence3.Punctuation Guide4.Capitalization and Number Style5.Referencing:Footnotes,Quotations,and References6.Recommended Wleb Resources for Writing7.Advanced Grammar/Mechanics Exercises8.AnswersBibliographyCredits


  Personal StatementBackground and 0bjective "Never give up,"my mother has always said to me.I gained strength from her ords every time 1 was faced with difficulties and was about to give up.When was in high school,my mother was laid off by her company.But with thehelp from the local government and her own determination,she started herown printing business,which has been very successful.With my mother as anexample,I have learned to be independent and hard-working for I know success1S the result of one"S determination and hard WOrk.1 will graduate from the Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineeringat Zhejiang University,China,in the summer of 2005.In order to succeed inthis increasingly competitive world,I must work hard to pursue my goal ofbecoming a research scientist in the field of electrical and electronicengineering.With my outstanding performance in undergraduate studies andmy interest and determination,I have decided to further my studies in theUnited States.I believe pursuing a higher degree abroad holds the key tO myprofessional advancement and a better future.IntellectuaI and Research InterestsMy interest has always been in electrical and electronic engineering.How achip coulddo so manythingssuchascompufmgandcontrolliugwassomethingmysterioustomeasachildThemysteryfadedaway gradually,butmy interest has grown stronger after I took courses in electronics and circuits at Zhejiang University.I have performed successfully in all the major courses with a GPA of 3.85/4.0 Last year,I joined a Student Research Training Program(SRTP) in the university,a program which aims at helping students develop research skills.I am now working with other four classmates in a project called "Operating Reserve Assessment in Electric Power Systems".I have attempted to use a mathematical model based on a hybrid deterministic and probabilistic approach to assess the Operating Reserve.We hope that the new method will help to improve the conventional approaches used in the power system in China.The project is still in progress and is moving on smoothly.  I have also participated in a group in which students from many departments in the university are working together to design and make robots for the ABU Asia-Pacific Robot Contest,Bangkok 2004.We are nOW working in the National Key Lab of Industrial Control Technology at the university under the guidance of Professor Wang Dawei,an eminent specialist in robotics.I find the project intellectually stimulating and inspiring.




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