
出版時間:2003-1  出版社:北京藍色暢想圖書發(fā)行有限公司(原高等教育出版社)  作者:喬治  頁數(shù):420  字數(shù):530000  


20世紀末,以計算機和通信技術為代表的信息科學和技術對世界經(jīng)濟、科技、軍事、教育和文化等產(chǎn)生了深刻影響。信息科學技術的迅速普及和應用,帶動了世界范圍信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的蓬勃發(fā)展,為許多國家?guī)砹素S厚的回報。    進入21世紀,尤其隨著我國加入WT0,信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的國際競爭將更加激烈。我國信息產(chǎn)業(yè)雖然在20世紀末取得了迅猛發(fā)展,但與發(fā)達國家相比,甚至與印度、愛爾蘭等國家相比,還有很大差距。國家信息化的發(fā)展速度和信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的國際競爭能力,最終都將取決于信息科學技術人才的質量和數(shù)量。引進國外信息科學和技術優(yōu)秀教材,在有條件的學校推動開展英語授課或雙語教學,是教育部為加快培養(yǎng)大批高質量的信息技術人才采取的一項重要舉措。    為此,教育部要求由高等教育出版社首先開展信息科學和技術教材的引進試點工作。同時提出了兩點要求,一是要高水平,二是要低價格。在高等教育出版社和信息科學技術引進教材專家組的努力下,經(jīng)過比較短的時間,第一批引進的20多種教材已經(jīng)陸續(xù)出版。這套教材出版后受到了廣泛的好評,其中有不少是世界信息科學技術領域著名專家、教授的經(jīng)典之作和反映信息科學技術最新進展的優(yōu)秀作品,代表了目前世界信息科學技術教育的一流水平,而且價格也是最優(yōu)惠的,與國內同類自編教材相當。


I. FOUNDATIONS FOR SYSTEMS DEVELOPMENT.  1. The Systems Development Environment.  2. Managing the Information Systems Project. II. SYSTEMS PLANNING AND SELECTION.  3. Systems Planning and Selection. III. SYSTEMS ANALYSIS.  4. Determining System Requirements.  5. Structuring System Requirements: Process Modeling.  6. Structuring System Requirements: Conceptual Data Modeling.  7. Selecting the Best Alternative Design Strategy. IV. SYSTEMS DESIGN.  8. Designing the Human Interface.  9. Designing Databases. V. SYSTEMS IMPLEMENTATION AND OPERATION.  10. Systems Implementation and Operation. Appendix A: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design. Appendix B: Rapid Application Development and CASE Tools. References. Glossary of Acronyms. Glossary of Terms. Index.


插圖:Following the data-oriented model, analysts are assigned and may report to functional de-partments and are able to learn more about the department they support. This approach re-sults in better systems, because the analyst becomes an expert in both systems developmentand the business area.Regardless of how an organization structures its information systems department, systemsdevelopment is a team effort. Systems analysts work together in a team, usually organizedon a project basis. A good team has certain characteristics, as described in Table 1-2:A diverse team has representation from all the different groups in-terested in a system. For example, the team may consist of peoplefrom the database administration area and the group responsible fortraining as well as the marketing department (future system users).The representation of these groups on the team increases the likeli-hood of acceptance of the changes a new system will cause.Diversity exposes team members to new and different ideas, ideasthey might never think of if all team members were from the samebackground, with the same skills and goals. Someone in the dataadministration area would have a different view than someone in the marketing department. These different views could add newinformation.New and different ideas can help a team generate better solutions toits problems.   Team members must be open to new ideas without being overly crit-ical and without dismissing new ideas out of hand simply becausethey are new.Team members must be able to deal with ambiguous information aswell as with complexity. They must learn to play a role on a team (and different roles on different teams) so that the talents of all teammembers can best be utilized.


書評本套教學用書的特點:    ·權威性——教育部高等教育司推薦,教育部高等學校信息科學與技術引進教材專家組遴選;    ·系統(tǒng)性——覆蓋計算機專業(yè)主干課程和非計算機專業(yè)計算機基礎課程;    ·先進性——著名計算機專家近兩年的最新著作,內容體系先進;    ·經(jīng)濟性——價格與國內自編教材相當,是國內引進教材價格最低的。





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