
出版時間:2003-10  出版社:高等教育  作者:司愛俠  頁數(shù):288  


  隨著網(wǎng)絡(luò)、通信和信息技術(shù)在國際貿(mào)易和商業(yè)領(lǐng)域的廣泛應用,通過Intemet實現(xiàn)商務(wù)活動的國際化、信息化和無紙化,已成為國際商務(wù)發(fā)展的一大趨勢。電子商務(wù)正是為了適應這種以全球為市場的變化而出現(xiàn)和發(fā)展起來的?! ‰娮由虅?wù)從廣義上講,是指人們通過計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)進行的各種商務(wù)活動。它可以使企業(yè)跟供應商更緊密地聯(lián)系,更快的滿足客戶的要求。也可以讓企業(yè)在全球范圍內(nèi)選擇最佳供應商,在全球市場上銷售商品,這就能夠大大縮減生產(chǎn)和銷售成本。  電子商務(wù)的光輝前景預示著對電子商務(wù)技術(shù)人員的大量需求,如今許多高校都設(shè)有與電子商務(wù)相關(guān)的各種專業(yè),而電子商務(wù)專業(yè)英語自然成了這些專業(yè)的必修課程。為了保證本教材的編寫質(zhì)量,我們首先嚴把選材關(guān)。我們以電子商務(wù)專業(yè)教學大綱為依據(jù),注意了選材的時效性、實用性和前瞻性,比較全面地介紹了電子商務(wù)的基本知識,涵蓋了B2B、B2C、ERP、客戶關(guān)系管理、供應鏈管理、數(shù)據(jù)加密、在線支付、電子貨幣、網(wǎng)上銀行、智能卡、網(wǎng)絡(luò)營銷以及相關(guān)的計算機和網(wǎng)絡(luò)技術(shù)等諸領(lǐng)域,兼顧商務(wù)與技術(shù)兩方面。




Unit 1Passage: E-commerceNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Business Models in theNew EconomyNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 2Passage: The ABCs of B2BNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading:The E-MarheplaceBuilderNew WordsPhrasesProper NamesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 3Passage: The ABCs of B2CNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: The ABCs of ERPNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 4Passage: E-business InfrastructureNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Revolutionizinge-commerce (IBM)New WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 5Passage: Customer RelationshipManagementNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading.The Source OfNetwork MarketingNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 6Passage Supply Chain ManagementNew WordsPhrasesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: An ExclusiveRoundtable DiscussionNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 7Passage The DESNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: The Data EncryptionStandardNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 8Revision IUnit 9Passage:Online payment: The search for a complete solution continuesNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: ChallengeNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 10Passage: Secure Electronic Transactions(SET)New WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: A Smart Card forEveryone?New WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 11Passage: Introduction to e.moneyNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and Vocabularies:Translation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Electronic Money mini-FAQNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 12Passage: Encryption TutorialNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: Getting Started with PGP and GnuPGNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 13Passage: Channel Management ( [ )New WordsAbbreviationsProper NamesNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading:Channel Management(I)New WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsProper NamesExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 14Passage: Introduction to payment cardsystems ( ] )New WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading:Introduction to paymentcard systemsNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 15Passage XHTMLNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsNotes to the PassageComprehension Exercises to the PassageExercises to Terms and VocabulariesTranslation ExercisesPassage for Reading: PI-IPNew WordsPhrasesAbbreviationsExercises to the Passage for ReadingUnit 16Revision附錄一 單詞總表附錄二 參考譯文Unit 1Unit 2Unit 3Unit 4


  Para 1Say youre working for Computer Chip Corporation, the worlds leading supplier of comput-er memory products. After the recent meltdown in the tech sector, your CEO is more determined than everto crush the competition. So the big boss meets with the board of directors, and after a long, heated de-bate,they call you in to tell you they want to open CCCs cyberdoors in (gulp?。?six weeks. That shouldbe plenty of time, they insist. After all, the CEOs daughter (a sophomore at Berkeley) built her own on-line store in a mere three weeks, so shes selling enough Beanie Babies to put herself through college."Surely we can sell our RAM computer memory chips for less? You know, direct to the customer?" theboard chimes in unison.  Para 2 Dont panic. Six weeks may sound a bit tight, but its still not a hellish 24-hourturnaround. With the right planning and a little luck, you just might make it. So calmly say, "Ill getright on it," and then immediately register the domain name ramforless, com with Network Solutions oranother domain registry service. (Actually, youll have to come up with your own name since ramforless.com has already been grabbed for the purposes of this tutorial. ) That done, take a deep breath and thenread the rest of this tutorial in its entirety. By looking before leaping, youll learn about all the e-com-merce gotchas that can hit you unexpectedly. Planning ahead will not only save you quite a bit of redevel-opment time down the road, it will also help you make educated decisions as you choose the right e-busi-ness solution for your company.



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