
出版時間:2003-12  出版社:高等教育  作者:劉金憲  頁數(shù):179  字數(shù):220000  




CHAPTER Ⅰ   DETERMINANTS Determinants of Order 2 and 3  1.1  Determinants of order 2  1.2  Determinants of order 3  1.3  Exercises Determinants of Order n  2.1"   Defining by numbers of inverted sequence  2.2  Defining by induction  2.3  Exercises Properties of Determinants  3.1  Properties of determinants  3.2  Examples  3.3  Exercises Cramer' s Rule  4.1  Background  4.2  Cramer's rule  4.3  ExercisesCHAPTER Ⅱ  MATRICES Definition of Matrices  1.1  Definition of a matrix  1.2  Determinant of a square matrix  1.3  Transpose of a matrix  1.4  Exercises Addition and Multiplication by a Number  2.1  Addition of matrices  2.2  Multiplication of a matrix by a number  2.3  Calculation rules  2.4  Exercises 3  Multiplication of Matrices  3.1  Definition of multiplication  3.2  Calculation rules  3.3  Unit matrix  3.4  Powers of square matrices  3.5  Exercises 4  Inverse of a Matrix    4.1  Inverse of a matrix of order 2    4.2  Inverse of an n x n matrix    4.3  Properties of inverse matrices    4.4  Exercises 5  Elementary Operations of a Matrix    5.1  Definition of elementary operations    5.2  Standard form of a matrix    5.3  Elementary square matrix    5.4  Find inverse matrices by elementary operations ~    5.5  Exercises 6 Rank of a Matrix  6.1  Subdeterminants of a matrix  6.2  Definition of rank of a matrix  6.3 Rank and elementary operations  6.4  Examples  6.5  Exercises 7 Elementary Operations and Elimination  7.1  Representation of equations by matrices  7.2  Elimination in simple cases  7.3  The general case of elimination  ……CHAPTER Ⅲ VECTORSCHAPTER Ⅳ STRUCTURE OF SOLUTIONS FOR EQUATIONSCHAPTER Ⅴ EIGENVALUESANSWERS TO EXERCISESINDEXREFERENCES



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