
出版時間:2003-7  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Jim Shuman 著  頁數(shù):266  




作者:(美國)Jim Shuman 編譯:張翼


UNIT A Multimedia-An OverviewDefining MultimediaExploring Multimedia on the WebStudying the Growth of MultimediaExamining Educational ApplicationExamining Entertainment ApplicationExamining Business ApplicationUnderstanding Multimedia Computer Playbacks SystemsUnderstanding Multimedia Computer Development SystemsIssue: What is the appropriate use of Multimedia?Expand the Ideas?Issue: The Multimedia Personal Computer (MPC)Expand the IdeasEnd of Unit ExercisesIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit B Multimedia Elements- Text and GraphicsUsing Text in Multimedia ApplicationUsing Text on the WebUnderstanding Software for Working with TextUsing Graphics in Multimedia ApplicationUnderstanding Software for Working with GraphicsExamining the Sources of Graphic ImagesUsing Graphics on the WebIssue: Copyrights and MultimediaExpand the IdeasEnd of Unit ExercisesIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit C Understanding Multimedia Elements-Sound, Animation, VideoUnderstanding SoundExploring Sound on the WebUnderstanding 2-D AnimationUnderstanding 3-D AnimationExploring Animation on the WebUnderstanding VideoUnderstanding Video Compression and Video EditingExploring Video on the WebIssue: Intellectual Property Right and EmergingExpand the IdeasEnd of Unit ExercisesIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit D Multimedia Author ProgramsExploring Multimedia Authoring ProgramExamining Slide Show ProgramsExamining Card or Book Metaphor ProgramsExamining Icon-based programsExamining Time-based ProgramsExploring Programming LanguagesExploring Scripting LanguagesUsing Web-based MultimediaIssue: CensorshipExpand the IdeasEnd of Unit ExercisesIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit E Development and Design of Multimedia TitlesPlanning the Title-Part 1Planning the Title-Part 2Creating and Testing the TitleUnderstanding Multimedia Design GuidelinesDesigning for InteractivityUnderstanding Interactive Design GuidelinesDesigning Multimedia for the WebIssue: Online Privacy: Is Consumer Feedback Worth the Price?Expand the IdeasEnd of Unit ExercisesIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit F Management and Distribution of Multimedia TitlesDeciding Who Should Develop the Multimedia TitleOutsourcing Multimedia TitlesUnderstanding Project Management: Planning the ProjectUnderstanding Project Management: Identifying the TeamUnderstanding Project Management: Organizing the ProjectExploring Careers in MultimediaUnderstanding Mass-Market Distribution of Multimedia TitlesExploring Online Distribution of Multimedia TitlesIssue: How to Market Multimedia TitlesExpand the IdeasEnd of Unit ExercisesIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit G Case Study: Incorporating Multimedia into a Web siteWorking with HTMLPlanning the Web SiteCreating the Home PageCreating a Child PageCreating Additional PagesLinking Web Pages using TextLinking Web Pages using GraphicsAdding Animation to Web PagesAdding Sound and video to Web PagesCreating External LinksAdding JavaScript to a Web PageEnhancing a Web PageEnd of Unit ExercisesSkills ReviewIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopUnit H Case Study: Using Macromedia DirectorPlanning the MovieUnderstanding DirectorGetting Started with DirectorSetting Movie Properties and Using the Tool PaletteAssembling the CastPlaying the MovieAnimating the MovieCreating Scripts in LingoAdding a Second AnimationCreating Interactivity with ButtonsAdding SoundDistributing the MovieEnd of Unit ExercisesSkill ReviewIndependent ChallengesVisual WorkshopProject FilesGlossaryIndex


插圖:Reading large amounts of text on a computer screen is tedious and tiring, both physically and mentally. Placing a book on a CD with some multimedia elements such as sound and expecting the user to read it "from cover to cover" is not a good use of multimedia. Developing interactive books in which the user becomes an active participant and can make choices that influence the storyline and outcome, however, can be effective. Similarly, multimedia reference titles can contain a great deal of text. But, by allowing the user control over the content and by adding other elements (such as animation, sound, and video), multimedia developers can overcome the drawbacks of text-intensive pages. Is video an appropriate use of multimedia? First, simply watching a movie or any digitized video from beginning to end is not multimedia. In fact, using video inappropriately can be damaging rather than advantageous. Consider one company that wanted to showcase its high-tech image by sending out invitations to an upcoming conference on CDs. The content of the CD consisted of a well-developed video about the company, which included interviews, product demos, future plans, financial data, and so forth. Using a video for promotional purposes may have seemed like a good idea, but the result was a ten-minute video that played in a small window on a computer screen with poor resolution and no user control. Before developing and distributing this title, the company should have asked the following questions: How many potential conference attendees will have multimedia computer playback systems? Will the user want to watch ten minutes of video on a computer screen? Will the user be impressed with the company's attempt at creating a "high-tech" image? A better approach would have been to design the CD content to play well on low-end user playback systems and to allow the user to choose from a menu what content to view. The menu might have included links to company background information, interviews, product demonstrations, and other options. After selecting a menu option, the user would see a short video clip associated with the menu choice. This approach would have permitted the user some control over the content of the video. As a multimedia developer, you must always be up on the most recent "bells and whistles." But before incorporating them into a title, you must also ask: Should I use these multimedia elements? Are these elements appropriate in this title? Do these elements help us meet the title objectives?





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