
出版時間:2002-10  出版社:(影印版) (2002年1月1日)  作者:Dikel  頁數(shù):281  字數(shù):460000  




作者David M. Dikel是SRA國際公司專家組資深專家,David Kane是該公司技術(shù)小組主任,James R. Wilson是Cyberserv公司首席技術(shù)官。均從事軟件開發(fā)和軟件體系結(jié)構(gòu)研究多年,有著豐富的經(jīng)驗。


PrefaceAcknowledgmentsCredits1 What You Can't See Could Help You  What This Book is About  Software Architecture's Growing Importance  For Some, the News They are Stakeholders Comes Too Late Prineiple Reveal the Hidden  Vision  Rhythm  Anticipation  Partnering  Simplification  Taking Action With Principles Organizational Principles at Work: The Architect's New Job  Rhythm  vision  Simplification and Anticipation  Partnering  Principles on the Web  Summary2 The VRAPS Reference Model: How the Pieces Fit Together Overview  Why Models are Important  The VRAPS Model Context Organizational Principles for Software Arehitecture  The Role of Principles  Vision  Rhythm  Anticipation  Partnering  Simplification  Principles Interact Conceptual Framework  Criteria  Patterns  Antipatterns Applying the VRAPS Model VRAPS Evolution Summary3 Projecting and Unifying Vision Overview Vision Definition  Mapping Value to Architectural Constraints  Congruence and Flexibility Vision Challenges  Limits of Archirect Influence  Executive and Architect Cooperation  Product Lines Increase the Challenges to Architects and Execudves  Recognizing Breakdown Shaping a Vision  Will the Real Architect Please Stand Up?  Vision and Leadership  No Respect Putting Vision Into Practice: Criteria, Antipatterns, and Patterns  Criterion 1: The architect's vision aligns with what his or her sponsors,  users, and end customers are frying to accomplish   ANTIGRAVITY MODULE   FRONT-END ALlGNMENT  Criterion 2: Practitioners frust and use the architecture   TRENn SURFER   GENERAUYE VISION  Criterion 3: Tacit Knowledge about architecture and components is visi-  ble and accessible to users   FOLLOWIMG ORDERS   ROTATION  Summary  Other Applicable Patterns and Antipatterns4 Rhythm: Assuring Beat, Process, and Movement Overview  Tempo  Content  Quality Rhythm Definition Motivation  Rhythm Aids Transition Management  Rhythm Drives Closure Putting Rhythm Into Praetice: Criteria, Antipatterns, and Patterns  Criterion 1 : Managers pedodically reevaluate, synchronize, and adapt the architecture  KILLER FEATURE  RELEASE COMMITTEE Criterion 21:Architecture users have a high level of confidence in the timing and content of architecture releases  SHORTUT  DROP PAss Criterion 3: Explicit activities are coordinated via rhythm  BROKEN LOADS  SYNCHRONIZE RELEASES Summary Other Applicable Patterns and Antipatterns5 Anticipation : Predieting, Validating, and Adapting Overview  Prediction  Validation  Adaptation Anticipation Definition Anticipation in Action  Pulling Architectures in Many Directions  The Architecture Customers and Their Customers  Aiming Too Far Info the Future  Aiming Too Close to the Present  Balancing rhe Needs of Today and the Future  Striking a Balance Putting Anticpation taka Practice: Criteria, Antipatterns, and Patterns  Criterion 1 : Architecture capability is regularly enhanced to respond to anticipated risks and requirements of architecture customers and their customers, market-driving standards and evolving technology, and changes in strategic business directions     MlSSING PIECE  PILOT Criterion 2: Technical and business risks and opporunities are evaluat-ed through a quick quick of revlew and development  BLEEDING EDGE  ARCHITECTURE REVIEW Criterion 3: Features, budgets, plans, or schedules are adapted when it is recognized that critical estimates or assumptions are incorrect  TUNNEL VISION  OUTSOURCE Summary Other Applieable Patterns and Antipatterns6 Partnering: Building Cooperative Organizations Overview  Cooperative Relationships Partnering Definition  Architecture Stakeholders  Clear, Cooperative Roles  Maximizing Value Industrial Roots  Contract Management  Networked Organizations  Value Chain  Trust Putting Partnering Into Practice: Criteria Antipatterns, and Patterns  Criterion 1 :The architect continually seeks to understand who the most criti-cal stakeholders are, how they contribute value, and what they want  PHONE DOESN'T RING  KNOW THY STAKEHOLDERS Criterionn 2: Clear compelling agreements exist between stakeholders  LIP-SYNCHING  RECIPROCITY  Criterion 3: Both policies and informal rules of social conduct enforce cooperation  PERSONAL TIME    No SURPRSES  PROMOTE THE NETWORK Summary Other Applicable Patterns and Antipatterns7 Simplification: Clarfying and Mi8 Principles at Work: The Allaire Case Study9 Case Study: Building and Implementing a BenchmarkA Quick Reference Table: Principles, Criteria,Antipatterns, and PatternsB Antipattern and Pattern SummariesReferencesIndex



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