
出版時間:2002-11  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Richard Murch  




作者Richard Murch現(xiàn)在美國俄亥俄州從事顧問工作,并擔任項目經(jīng)理的職務,曾供職于IBM公司、Andersen咨詢公司,經(jīng)常在北美、歐亞等地的系統(tǒng)開發(fā)會議中作演講,在這一領(lǐng)域具有很高的權(quán)威性。 


Preface Who Should Read this Book Organization of this BookPart 1Introduction to Project Management Chapter 1 Evolution of Ptoject Management  Introduction  Industrial Revolution  Key People in Early Project Management  Other Significant EventsPart 2Principles of Project Management Chapter 2 Basic Skills for Ptoject Managers  Introduction  What Does a Project Manager Do?  Necessary Skills  Personal Skills  Technical Skills  Management Skills  Coping Skills  Manage One Project-or Many?  Project Management Skills Development  Keys to a Successful Skills Management Endeavor  Conclusions Chapter 3 Project PIanning and Reporting  Introduction  Project Planning Deliverables  Project Standards  How Much Detail?  Project Status -An Example  Conclusions Chapter 4 Project Teams  Shortages in Information Technology Staff  Need for Retention  The Cost of Information Technology Staff RepIacement  An Analysis  Retention-Meeting Needs  ConclusionsPart 3The Project Management Lifecycle Chapter 5 Project Lifecycle Overview  Introduction  Lifecycle Process Management  Section Layout and structure  Phase Checklists  CRUD- Deliverables Matrix Chapter 6 Project PIanning Phase  Purpose  Objectives  Activities  Roles  Inputs  Outpots  Milestones  Tools Chapter 7 Analysis and Design Pchases  Analysis Phase  Purpose  Objectives  Activities  Roles  Inputs  Outputs  Milestones  Tools  Design Phase  Roles  Inputs  Outputs  Milestones  Tools Chapter 8 Constructaion Phase  Purpose  Objectives  Activities  Roles  Inputs  CIULpULS  Milestones  Tools Chapter 9 Test PIanning and Preparation  Purpose  Objeaives  Activities  Roles  Inputs  Outputs  Milestones  Testing Phase  Tools  Preparation Phase Chapter 10 Roll-out PIanning and Implementation Phase  Purpose  Objectives  Activities  Roles  Inputs  Outputs  Milestones  RolloutPart 4Prohect Management Techniques Chapter 11 Project Management Methodologies  Introduction  What Is a Methodology, and Why Use One?  Methodology Structures  Why Use a Methodology?  Author's Prediction  What Are the Products?  A Case in Point  Conclusions  Suggested Readings Chapter 12 Managing Rapid Application Development  Introduction  RAD Concepts  Objectives and Benefits of RAD  The RAD Lifecycle  RAD Project Management Factors  The Roles of the RAD Team Members  Conclusions  Suggested Readings Chapter 13 Managing Risks  Introduction  What Can Happen with No Risk Management  Information Technology Risk Management Objectives  Types of Risk in Project Management  The Risk Management Process  Risk Management Plan  Enterprise Risk Profile  Conclusions  Suggested Readings Chapter 14 Managing Problems  Introduction  Who Uses Problem Solving?  The Problem Solving Model  Other Ptoblem Management Techniques  Conclusions  Suggested Readings Chapter 15 Other Techniques  Introduction  Software QualitY Assurance  Configuration Management  Requirements Management  SWOT Analysis  Release Management  Software Subcontract Management  QualitY Reviews  Crisis Management  Suggested ReadingsPart 5Special Topic in Project Management Chapter 16 Knowledge Management  Introduction  Why Is KM Necessary?  Sources of Knowledge Capital  The Potential for Project Management-KM for PM  Conclusions  Suggested Readings Chapter 11 Ptoject Management and the lnternet  Introduaion  Personal Computers, Growth and the Internet  Implications for Project Management  The Virtual Office  An Internet Ptoject Management Model  Communication  Recruitment  Traiaing  ConclusionsAppenedix ASoftware Engineering lnstitute  Introduction  Mission and Charter  Products and Services  Author's Recommendation  ConclusionAppenedix BProject Management lnstitute  Introduction  Certification  International Awards  Seminars and Education  Recruitment  Membership Offerings  Recommendation  More InformationAppendix CAdditional Project Management Resources  Center for lnternational and Program Management  Guide to Project Management Web Sites  International Journal of Project Management  The International Research Network  Project Management Institute of Canada  The Ptogram/Project Management Initiative  The Project Manager's Reference Site  The Project Management Forum  U.S. Army Corps of Engineers  The International Project Management Help Desk  Association for Project Management  ProjectNet  Professional and Standards OrgaaizationsAppendix DA Sample Crisis Plan  Introduction  Index




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