
出版時(shí)間:2002-10  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:斯蒂爾勒  頁(yè)數(shù):382  字?jǐn)?shù):620000  


本書(shū)著重講述面向?qū)ο蟮能浖_(kāi)發(fā):支持概念化、分析、設(shè)計(jì)和實(shí)現(xiàn)一個(gè)面向?qū)ο蟮捻?xiàng)目。不依附于某種語(yǔ)言,必要的代碼段用Java完成。UML的子集被使用;當(dāng)需要時(shí)符號(hào)被解釋,以支持學(xué)生的學(xué)習(xí)。兩個(gè)運(yùn)行的實(shí)例研究是視頻游戲和圖書(shū)館檢索系統(tǒng),演示軟件項(xiàng)目的開(kāi)發(fā)。二者都有可交付使用的實(shí)例,向讀者提供工作中將要建立的例子。    書(shū)中包括指導(dǎo)學(xué)生一學(xué)期課程項(xiàng)目的開(kāi)發(fā),包括如何制作說(shuō)明和樣本。較大的軟件工程環(huán)境通過(guò)現(xiàn)實(shí)軟件開(kāi)發(fā)成功案例展示,還有一些項(xiàng)目管理真實(shí)事務(wù)的材料。本書(shū)適合于教授軟件工程課程和/或者一個(gè)基于項(xiàng)目的課程,以軟件項(xiàng)目分析、設(shè)計(jì)和測(cè)試為主要目的。    內(nèi)容:⒈ 軟件工程簡(jiǎn)介 ⒉ 面向?qū)ο蠓独攀?⒊ 面向?qū)ο蟮姆治?⒋ 產(chǎn)品設(shè)計(jì) ⒌ 類定義 ⒍ 案例研究:Game2D的方法設(shè)計(jì) ⒎ 實(shí)現(xiàn) ⒏ 測(cè)試 ⒐ 項(xiàng)目管理 ⒑ 設(shè)計(jì)模式 ⒒ 軟件開(kāi)發(fā)的不佳事件 ⒓ 完成并演示項(xiàng)目CLASS


作者Evelyn Stiller、Cathie LeBlanc均執(zhí)教于美國(guó)Plymouth州立學(xué)院,多年從事軟件工程等課程的教學(xué)工作。


PrefaceCHAPTER I lntrodudion to Software Engineering 1.1 Key Concepts 1.2 Why Engineer Softwre? 1.3 Elements of a Softwre Development hadigm  1.3.1 Project Conceptualization  1.3.2 Project Representation  1.3.3 Project Implementaion 1.4 A Brief History of Soforare Engheering Techniques  1.4.1 Structured Programming  1.4.2 Functional Decomposition  1.4.3 Structured Analysis and Design  1.4.4 Data-Centered Paradigm  1.4.5 Object-Oriented Paradigm 1.5 The Costs of Not Engineering Software 1.6 Why Software Engineering Is Not Universal 1.7 The Role of the Project 1.8 Working in Teams 1.9 Creating the Project Team 1.10 CLASS PROJECT: Functional Requirements  1.10.1 Project Overview  1.10.2 Game Elements  1.10.3 The Game Sequence of Events  1.10.4 Moving and Landing on Planets  1.10.5 Minning the Game  1.10.6 Project Thoe Frame 1.11 Questions for ReviewCHAPTER 2 Object-Oriented Paradigm overview 2.1 Key Concepts 2.2 Getting Acquainted with the Class Project  2.2.1 Guidelines for Creating Informal Scenarios  2.2.2 Sample Informal Scenario: User Makes a Move 2.3 Object-Oriented Conceptualization  2.3.1 Application-Specilic Relationships  2.3.2 Inheritance  2.3.3 Aggregation/Composition  2.3.4 Other Categorizations of Relationships 2.4 The Softwar Life Cycle  2.4.1 The Softwar Development Process 2.5 Object-Oriented Modeling  2.5.1 Role of Model Building  2.5.2 Creating Quality Modules  2.5.3 Modeling Notation  2.5.4 Use of Models in Software Engheering 2.6 Qualiies of a Good Object-Oriented System 2.7 Wodrig in Teams  2.7.1 The Chief Propeer Team  2.7.2 Holding Effective Team Meetings 2.8 Questions for ReviewCHAPTER 3 Object-Odented AnaIysis 3.1 Key Concepts 3.2 Introduction to Requirements Analysis 3.3 The Importance of Requirements Analysis 3.4 Requirements Specilication 3.5 CASE STUDY: Library Management System Specification 3.6 Evaluating the Requirements SpecificatiOn 3.7 Refining the Requirements Specincation  3.7.1 Prototyping as a Refinement Tool 3.8 Verifying the Requirements Specincation 3.9 Propagating Requirements throughout Development 3.10 The Process of Requirements Analysis  3.10.1 ldentifying Classes of UCCD  3.10.2 CASE STUDY: Identifying Classes for LMS  3.10.3 Identifyng Use Cases  3.10.4 CASE STUDY : Identifying Use Cases in LMS  3.10.5 Scenario Development  3.10.6 CASE STUDY: Sample Scenarios in LMS  3.10.7 Modeling the System with UML  3.10.8 Class Diagrams  3.10.9 CASE STUDY: Class Diagrams for LMS  3.10.10 Use Case Diagrams  3.10.11 CASE STUDY: Use Case Diagrams for LMS  3.10.12 Requirements Analysis Summary  3.10.13 Evolving the System 3.11 Analyzing the CLASS PROJECT 3.12 Working in Teams 3.13 Questions for ReviewCHAPTER 4 Produd DesignCHAPTER 5 CIass DesignCHAPTER 6 CASE STUOY: Game2D with Method DesignCHAPTER 7 lmpIementotionCHAPTER 8 TestingCHAPTER 9 Projecd ManagementCHAPTER 10 Design PatternsCHAPTER 11 Software Development Horror StoriesCHAPTER 12 Completing and Presenting the PROJECTReferencesIndex



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