
出版時間:2002-10  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:塞奇威克  頁數(shù):496  字數(shù):800000  


This book is the second of three volumes that are intended to survey the most important computer algorithms in use today. The first volume (Parts 1-4) covers fundamental concepts (Part 1 ), data structures (Part 2), sorting algorithms (Part 3), and searching algorithms (Part 4); this volume (Part 5) covers graphs and graph algorithms; and the (yet to be published) third volume (Parts 6-8) covers strings (Part 6), computational geometry (Part 7), and advanced algorithms and applications (Part 8).


Sedgewick have developed concise new C++implementations that both express the methods in a natural and direct manner and also can be used in real applications.


Graph AlgorithmsChapter 17. Graph Properties and Types  17.1 Glossary  17.2 Graph ADT  17.3 Adjacency-Matrix Representation  17.4 Adjacency-Lists Representation  17.5 Variations, Extensions, and Costs  17.6 Graph Generators  17.7 Simple, Euler, and Hamilton Paths  17.8 Graph-Processing ProblemsChapter 18. Graph Search  18.1 Exploring a Maze  18.2 Depth-First Search  18.3 Graph-Search ADT Functions  18.4 Properties of DFS Forests  18.5 DFS Algorithms  18.6 Separability and Biconnectivity  18.7 Breadth-First Search  18.8 Cenetalized Graph Search  18.9 Analysis of Graph AlgorithmsChapter 19. Digraphs and DAGs  19.1 Glossary and Rules of the Game  19.2 Anatomy of DFS in Digraphs  19.3 Reachability and Transitive Closure  19.4 Equivalence Relations and Partial Orders  19.5 DAGs  19.6 Topological Sorting  19.7 Reachability in DAGs  19.8 Strong Components in Digraphs  19.9 Transitive Closure Revisited  19.10 PerspectiveChapter 20. Minimum Spanning Trees  20.1 Representations  20.2 Underlying Principles of MST Algorithms  20.3 Prim's Algotithm and Priority-First Search  20.4 Kruskal's Algorithm  20.5 Boruvka's Algorithm  20.6 Comparisons and Improvements  20.7 Euclidean MSTChapter 21. Shortest Paths  21.1 Underlying Principles  21.2 Dijkstra's Algorithm  21.3 AII-Pairs Shortest Paths  21.4 Shortest Paths in Acyclic Networks  21.5 Euclidean Networks  21.6 Reduction  21.7 Negative Weights  21.8 PerspectiveChapter 22. Network Flow  22.1 Flow Networks  22.2 Augmenting-Path Maxflow Algorithms  22.3 Preflow-Push Maxflow Algorithms  22.4 Maxflow Reductions  22.5 Mincost Flows  22.6 Network Simplex Algorithm  22.7 Mincost-Flow Reductions  22.8 PerspectiveReferences for Part FiveIndex




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