
出版時間:2002-10  出版社:(影印版) (2002年1月1日)  作者:Lewis  頁數(shù):1014  字數(shù):1620000  


進入21世紀,尤其隨著我國加入WTO,信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的國際競爭將更加激烈。我國信息產(chǎn)業(yè)雖然在20世紀末取得了迅猛發(fā)展,但與發(fā)達國家相比,甚至與印度、愛爾蘭等國家相比,還有很大差距。國家信息化的發(fā)展速度和信息產(chǎn)業(yè)的國際競爭能力,最終都將取決于信息科學技術(shù)人才的質(zhì)量和數(shù)量。引進國外信息科學和技術(shù)優(yōu)秀教材,在有條件的學校推動開展英語授課或雙語教學,是教育部為加快培養(yǎng)大批高質(zhì)量的信息技術(shù)人才采取的一項重要舉措。為此,教育部要求由高等教育出版社首先開展信息科學和技術(shù)教材的引進試點工作。同時提出了兩點要求,一是要高水平,二是要低價格。在高等教育出版社和信息科學技術(shù)引進教材專家組的努力下,經(jīng)過比較短的時間,第一批引進的20多種教材已經(jīng)陸續(xù)出版。這套教材出版后受到了廣泛的好評,其中有不少是世界信息科學技術(shù)領(lǐng)域著名專家、教授的經(jīng)典之作和反映信息科學技術(shù)最新進展的優(yōu)秀作品,代表了目前世界信息科學技術(shù)教育的一流水平,而且價格也是最優(yōu)惠的,與國內(nèi)同類自編教材相當。這項教材引進工作是在教育部高等教育司和高教社的共同組織下,由國內(nèi)信息科學技術(shù)領(lǐng)域的專家、教授廣泛參與,在對大量國外教材進行多次遴選的基礎(chǔ)上,參考了國內(nèi)和國外著名大學相關(guān)專業(yè)的課程設(shè)置進行系統(tǒng)引進的。其中,John Wiley公司出版的貝爾實驗室信息科學研究中心副總裁Silberchatz教授的經(jīng)典著作《操作系統(tǒng)概念》,是我們經(jīng)過反復談判,做了很多努力才得以引進的。William Stallings先生曾編寫了在美國深受歡迎的信息科學技術(shù)系列教材,其中有多種教材獲得過美國教材和學術(shù)著作者協(xié)會頒發(fā)的計算機科學與工程教材獎,這批引進教材中就有他的兩本著作。留美中國學者Jiawei Han先生的《數(shù)據(jù)挖掘》是該領(lǐng)域中具有里程碑意義的著作。由達特茅斯學院刀Thomas Cormen和麻省理工學院、哥倫比亞大學的幾 位學者共同編著的經(jīng)典著作《算法導論》,在經(jīng)歷了11年的錘煉之后于2001年出版了第二版。目前任教于美國Massachusetts大學的James Kurose教授,曾在美國三所高校先后10次獲得杰出教師或杰出教學獎,由他主編的《計算機網(wǎng)絡(luò)》出版后,以其體系新穎、內(nèi)容先進而倍受歡迎。在努力降低引進教材售價方面,高等教育出版社做了大量和細致的工作。這套引進的教材體現(xiàn)了權(quán)威性、系統(tǒng)性、先進性和經(jīng)濟性等特點。本書描述數(shù)據(jù)庫和事務(wù)處理應(yīng)用軟件的設(shè)計和實現(xiàn)的概念性原理和工程性原理,著重講述如何構(gòu)建數(shù)據(jù)庫應(yīng)用系統(tǒng),并為此全面介紹關(guān)系數(shù)據(jù)庫和關(guān)系查詢語言的理論。    本書通過對運行案例的研究引發(fā)實際應(yīng)用,使讀者親歷設(shè)計、實現(xiàn)和測試數(shù)據(jù)庫管理系統(tǒng)。討論了實現(xiàn)事務(wù)處理應(yīng)用系統(tǒng)時出現(xiàn)的重要的軟件工程問題,并覆蓋了網(wǎng)絡(luò)貿(mào)易所引發(fā)的事務(wù)處理和安全問題。本書適用于數(shù)據(jù)庫系統(tǒng)、數(shù)據(jù)庫管理和設(shè)計、高級數(shù)據(jù)庫課程。


作者Philip M. Lewis、Arthur Bernstein、Michael Kifer均在美國紐約州立大學Stony Brook分校計算機科學系任教。


PrefacePART OneIntroduction 1 Overview of Databases and Transactions  1.1 What Are Databases and Transactions?   1.2 Features of Modern Database and Transaction Processing Systems  1.3 Major Players in the Implementation and Support of Database and Transaction Processing Systems  1.4 Decision Support Systems OLAP and OLTP  1.5 Exercises 2 A Closer Look  2.1 Case Study: A Student Registration System  2.2 IntToduction to Relational Databases  2.3 What Makes a Program a Transaction?  2.4 BibliographicNotes  2.5 Exercises 3 Case Study: Starting the Student Registration System  3.1 Software Engineering Methodology  3.2 Requirements Document  3.3 Requirements Analysis New Issues  3.4 Application Generators  3.5 GUIs and Objects  3.6 Events and Procedures  3.7 Accessing Databases and Executing Transactions  3.8 Specifying the Student Registration System  3.9 Specification Document  3.10 Bibliographic Notes  3.11 ExercisesPART TwoDatabase Management 4 The Relational Data Model  4.1 What Is a Data Model?  4.2 The Relational Model  4.3 SQL Data Definition Sublanguage  4.4 Bibliographic Notes  4.5 Exercises 5 Database Design l: The Entity-Relationship Model  5.1 Conceptrial Modeling with the E-R Approach  5.2 Entities and Entity Types  5.3 Relationships and Relationship Types  5.4 Advanced Features of the E-R Approach  5.5 A Brokerage Firm Example  5.6 Limitations of the E-R Approach  5.7 Case Study: A Design for the Student Registration System  5.8 Bibliographic Notes  5.9 Exercises 6 Query Languages l: Relational Algebra and SQL  6.1 Relational Algebra: Under the Hood of SQL  6.2 The Query Sublanguage of SQL  6.3 Modifying Relation Instances in SQL  6.4 Bibliographic Notes  6.5 Exercises 7 Query Languages II: Relational Calculus and Visual Query Languages  7.1 Tuple Relational Calculus  7.2 Understanding SQL through Tuple Relational Calculus   7.3 Domain Relational Calculus and Visual Query Languages  7.4 Visual Query Languages: QBE and PC Databases  7.5 The Relationship between Relational Algebra and the Calculi  7.6 Recursive Queries in SQL:1999  7.7 Bibliographic Notes  7.8 Exercises 8 Database Design II: Relational Normalization Theory  8.1 The Problem of Redundancy  8.2 Decompositions  8.3 Functional Dependencies  8.4 Properties of Functional Dependencies  8.5 Normal Forms  8.6 Properties of Decompositions  8.7 An Algorithm for BCNF Decomposition  8.8 Synthesis of 3NF Schemas  8.9 The Fourth Normal Form  8.10 Advanced 4NF Design  8.11 Sununary of Normal Form Decomposition  8.12 Case Study: Schema Refinement for the Student Registration System  8.13 Tuning Issues: To Decompose or Not to Decompose?  8.14 Bibliographic Notes  8.15 Exercises 9 Triggers and Active Databases  9.1 Semantic Issues in Trigger Handling  9.2 Triggers in SQL:1999  9.3 Avoiding a Chain Reaction  9.4 BibliographicNotes  9.5 Exercises 10 SQL in the Real World  10.1 Executing SQL Statements within an Application Program  10.2 Emtredded SQL  10.3 More on Integrity Constraints  10.4 DynandcSQL  10.5 JDBC and SQLJ  10.6 ODBC  10.7 Comparison  10.8 Bibliographic Notes  10.9 Exercises 11 Physical Data Organization and Indexing  11.1 Disk Organization  11.2 Heap Files  11.3 Sorted Files  11.4 Indices  11.5 Multilevel Indexing  11.6 Hash Indexing  11.7 Special--Purpose Indices  11.8 Tuning Issues: Choosing Indices for an Application  11.9 Bibliographic Notes  11.10 Exercises 12 Case Study: Completing the Student Registration System  12.1 The Design Document  12.2 TestPlan  12.3 Project Planning  12.4 Coding  12.5 Incremental Development  12.6 Design and Code for the Student Registration System  12.7 Bibliographic Notes  12.8 Exercises 1 3 The Basics of Query Processing  13.1 EXternalSorting  13.2 Computing Projection, Union, and Set Difference  13.3 Computing Selection  13.4 Computing Joins  13.5 Multi--RelationalJoins  13.6 Computing Aggregate Functions  13.7 Tuning Issues: Impact on Physical Database Design  13.8 Bibliographic Notes  13.9 Exercises 14 An Overview of Query Optimization  14.1 OVerview of Query Processing  14.2 Heuristic Optimization Based on Algebraic Equivalences  14.3 Estimating the Cost of a Query Execution Plan  14.4 Estimating the Size of the Outout  14.5 Choosing a Plan  14.6 Tuning Issues: Impact on Query Design  14.7 Bibliographic Notes  14.8 Exercises 15 An Overview of Transaction Processing  15.1 Isolation  15.2 Atomicity and Durability  15.3 Implementing Distributed Transactions  15.4 Bibliographic Notes  15.5 ExercisesPART ThreeAdvanced Topics in DatabasesPART FourTransaction Processing


  本套教學用書的特點:  權(quán)威性——教育部高等教育司推薦、教育部高等學校信息科學與技術(shù)引進教材專家組遴選  系統(tǒng)性——覆蓋計算機專業(yè)主干課程和非計算機專業(yè)計算機基礎(chǔ)課程  先進性——著名計算機專家近兩年的最新著作,內(nèi)容體系先進  經(jīng)濟性——價格與國內(nèi)自編教材相當、是國內(nèi)引進教材價格最低的




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