生物學(xué)導(dǎo)論=Essential Biology

出版時(shí)間:2002-12  出版社:高等教育出版社  作者:Neil A.Campbell,Jane B. Reece  頁(yè)數(shù):490  


  隨著克隆羊的問(wèn)世和人類基因組計(jì)劃的完成,生命科學(xué)成為21世紀(jì)名副其實(shí)的領(lǐng)頭學(xué)科,生物高新技術(shù)產(chǎn)業(yè)逐步成為高科技產(chǎn)業(yè)的核心。生物科技和生物產(chǎn)業(yè)的發(fā)展對(duì)世界科技、經(jīng)濟(jì)、政治和社會(huì)發(fā)展等方面產(chǎn)生著深刻的影響,這也是我國(guó)趕超世界發(fā)達(dá)國(guó)家生產(chǎn)力水平最有前途和希望的領(lǐng)域。生命科學(xué)與技術(shù)全方位的發(fā)展呼喚高等教育培養(yǎng)更多高水平的復(fù)合型科技人才。  為此,教育部在《關(guān)于加強(qiáng)高等學(xué)校本科教學(xué)工作提高教學(xué)質(zhì)量的若干意見(jiàn)》[教高(2001)4號(hào)文件]中提出,高等學(xué)校要大力提倡編寫、引進(jìn)和使用先進(jìn)教材,其中信息科學(xué)、生命科學(xué)等發(fā)展迅速、國(guó)際通用性強(qiáng)、可比性強(qiáng)的學(xué)科和專業(yè)可以直接引進(jìn)先進(jìn)的、能反映學(xué)科發(fā)展前沿的原版教材。教育部高等教育司還于2001年11月向全國(guó)主要大學(xué)和出版社下發(fā)了“關(guān)于開(kāi)展‘國(guó)外生命科學(xué)類優(yōu)秀教學(xué)用書’推薦工作的通知”,有力推動(dòng)了生命科學(xué)類教材的引進(jìn)工作。  高等教育出版社對(duì)國(guó)外生命科學(xué)教材進(jìn)行了充分的調(diào)研,并委托教育部高等學(xué)校生物科學(xué)與工程教學(xué)指導(dǎo)委員會(huì)的專家教授開(kāi)展了“引進(jìn)國(guó)外優(yōu)秀生命科學(xué)教材及其教學(xué)輔助材料專項(xiàng)研究”,并就國(guó)內(nèi)外同類教材進(jìn)行了比較,提出了具體的引進(jìn)教材書目。經(jīng)過(guò)版權(quán)談判,目前我社已經(jīng)購(gòu)買了Pearsorl Edueation,McGraw-Hill,John Wiley。&Sons,Blackwell ScieIice,ThomsonLearning,Cambridge University Press,Lippillcott Wimams&Wilkins等出版的13種教材的影印權(quán),學(xué)科領(lǐng)域涉及生物化學(xué)、細(xì)胞生物學(xué)、遺傳學(xué)、微生物學(xué)、生態(tài)學(xué)、免疫學(xué)、神經(jīng)科學(xué)、發(fā)育生物學(xué)、解剖學(xué)與生理學(xué)、分子生物學(xué)、普通生物學(xué)等。這些教材具有以下特點(diǎn):(1)所選教材基本是近2年出版的,及時(shí)反映了學(xué)科發(fā)展的最新進(jìn)展,在國(guó)際上使用廣泛,具有權(quán)威性和時(shí)代感;(2)內(nèi)容簡(jiǎn)明,篇幅適中,結(jié)構(gòu)合理,兼具一定的深度和廣度,適用范圍廣;(3)插圖精美、豐富,既有很強(qiáng)的藝術(shù)性,又不失嚴(yán)謹(jǐn)?shù)目茖W(xué)性,圖文并茂,與正文相輔相成;(4)語(yǔ)言簡(jiǎn)練、流暢,十分適合非英語(yǔ)國(guó)家的學(xué)生閱讀。其中9種已入選教育部高等教育司推薦“國(guó)外優(yōu)秀生命科學(xué)教學(xué)用書”?! ∫M(jìn)國(guó)外優(yōu)秀生命科學(xué)教學(xué)用書是我社一項(xiàng)長(zhǎng)期的重點(diǎn)工作,因此,我們衷心希望廣大專家教授和同學(xué)提出寶貴的意見(jiàn)和建議,如有更好的教材值得引進(jìn),請(qǐng)與高等教育出版社生命科學(xué)分社聯(lián)系。




  Neil A. Campbell has taught general biology for 30 years and is a coauthor, with Jane Reece and Larry Mitchell, of Biology, Fifth Edition, and Biology. Concepts and Connections, Third Edition. His enthusiasm for sharing the fun of science with students stems from his own undergraduate experience. He began at Long Beach State College as a history major, but switched to zoology after general education requirements "forced" him to take a science course. Following a B.S. from Long Beach, he earned an M.A. in Zoology from UCLA and a Ph.D. in Plant Biology from the University of California, Riverside. He has published numerous articles on how certain desert plants survive in salty soil and how the sensitive plant (Mimosa) and other legumes move their leaves. His diverse teaching experiences include courses for non-biology majors at Cornell University, Pomona College, and San Bernardino Valley College, where he received the colleges first Outstanding Professor Award in 1986. Dr. Campbell is currently a visiting scholar in the Department of Botany and Plant Sciences at UC Riverside.  Jane B. Reece has worked in biology publishing since 1978, when she joined the editorial staff of Benjamin Cummings. She is a coauthor, with Neil Campbell and Larry Mitchell, of Biology, Fifth Edition, and Biology: Concepts and Connections, Third Edition. Her education includes an A.B. in Biology from Harvard University, an M.S. in Microbiology from Rutgers University, and a Ph.D. in Bacteriology from the University of California at Berkeley. At UC Berkeley, and later as a postdoctoral fellow in genetics at Stanford University, her research focused on genetic recombination in bacteria. She taught biology at Middlesex County College (New Jersey) and Queensborough Community College (New York). During her 12 years as an editor at Benjamin Cummings, Dr. Reece played major roles in a number of successful textbooks including Microbiology: An Introduction, by G. J. Tortora, B. R. Funke, and C. L. Case, and Molecular Biology of the Gene, Fourth Edition, by J. D. Watson et al. She was also a coauthor of The World of the Cell, Third Edition, with W. M. Becker and M. E Poenie.


1 Introduction: Biology Today 1UNIT ONE Cells2 Essential Chemistry for Biology 243 The Molecules of Life 394 A Tour of the Cell 585 Cellular Respiration: Harvesting Chemical Energy 836 Photosynthesis: Converting Light Energy to Chemical Energy 103UNIT TWO Genetics7 The Cellular Basis of Reproduction and Inheritance 1208 Patterns of Inheritance 1439 Molecular Biology of the Gene 17210 The Control of Gene Expression 19811 DNA Technology and the Human Genome 219UNIT THREE Evolution12 How Populations Evolve 25013 How Biological Diversity Evolves 27614 The Evolution of Microbial Life 30315 Plants, Fungi, and the Move onto Land 32616 The Evolution of Animals 350UNIT FOUR Ecology17 The Biosphere: Earths Diverse Environments 39218 Population Ecology 41819 Community Ecology 44020 Ecosystems and Conservation Biology 459AppendicesA Metric Conversion Table A-1B Answers to Self-Quiz Questions B-1C Photographic Credits C-1D Illustration and Text Credits D-1Glossary G-1Index I-1


  Essential Biology is a brief, non-majors biology textbook that brings the authors extraordinary reputation for biological accuracy and teaching innovation to bear upon four core biological topics: cells, genetics, evolution, and ecology. The authors use evolution as the thematic thread to tie all twenty chapters into a cohesive exploration of life. In Essential Biology, the clarity of writing complements an exciting new art program. The art works hand-in-hand with text discussions to help students visualize difficult concepts.  Features  An "Evolution Link" at the end of each chapter reinforces evolution as the overarching theme of biology.  "Checkpoint" questions throughout each chapter help students assess what theyve learned as  they read.  Essential Biology emphasizes the process of science and active learning, engaging students in science with "Process of Science" questions at the ends of chapters and with media activities that enable students to explore and experiment.  Each chapter begins with an "Overview" section that provides students with a context that motivates them to learn more about the chapter topic.  Chapter outlines preview the material to be covered, defining the hierarchy among topics and helping students understand the relationships between them.  Essential Biology is the perfect fit for instructors who opt for substantive coverage of fewer major topics than longer textbooks contain. By focusing on cells, genetics, evolution, and ecology, Essential Biology provides a fresh alternative to encyclopedic textbooks.





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