出版時間:2008-5 出版社:高等教育出版社 作者:劉家榮 主編 頁數(shù):270 字?jǐn)?shù):423000
目前社會上為高等院校學(xué)生編寫的英語寫作教材已有數(shù)種,但尚缺一本專門為高等師范而編寫的英文寫作教材。為了填補這一空白,由教育部師范司和高等教育出版社發(fā)起和組織,我們編寫了這本教材?! ”緯帉懙闹笇?dǎo)原則是:(1)以具有大專學(xué)歷的中學(xué)英語教師為主要對象,為他們進(jìn)修高等師范本科英語專業(yè)提供英語寫作方面的訓(xùn)練。(2)重點放在寫作技巧方面的培養(yǎng),將理論闡述和問題說明控制在最低限度,并力求簡明扼要,通俗易懂。(3)為了培養(yǎng)學(xué)生用英語思維的能力,克服漢語思維方式和漢語寫作習(xí)慣對英語寫作的干擾,在第二章使用了少量漢語例句,通過對比,提醒學(xué)生的注意。(4)考慮到教學(xué)對象的職業(yè)特征,特設(shè)專章討論各種類型的英語寫作練習(xí)的設(shè)計。 本書各部分是按照由小到大,詞、句、段、篇的次序安排的。第八章則自成體系,可作教師和學(xué)生的參考,不必都進(jìn)入課堂。
本書是教育部師范司組織編寫的“中學(xué)教師進(jìn)修高等師范本科(專科起點)”規(guī)劃教材,全書共8章,按照由小到大,詞、句、段、篇的次序安排?! ”緯勺鳛橹袑W(xué)英語教師進(jìn)修高等師范英語專業(yè)本科之用,亦可供非英語專業(yè)人員和廣大英語愛好者自學(xué)英語之用。
CHAPTER I USINGAPPROPRIATEWORDSANDRHETORICALDEVICES I USINGAPPROPRIATEWORDS 1 Typesofwords 1)Commonwords,technicalwords,andnonstandardwords 2)Formalwordsandinformalwords 3)Commendatorywordsandderogatorywords 4)Abstractwordsandconcretewords 5)Nativewordsandforeignwords 6)Synonymsandantonyms 7)Generalandspecificwords 2 Meaningsofwords 1)Wordsandconcepts 2)Contextandmeaning 3)Conceptualmeaningandassociativemeaning 3Choiceofwords Activities II USINGAPPROPRIATERHETORICALDEVICES 1 Simile 2 Metaphor 3 Metonymy 4 Synecdoche 5 Transferredepithet 6 Personification 7 Pun 8 Hyperbole 9 Understatement 10 Irony 11 Paradox 12 Oxymoron 13 Euphemism 14 Parallelism 15 Antithesis 16 Climaxandanticlimax 17 Rhetoricalquestions ActivitiesCHAPTER II WRITINGCORRECTANDAPPROPRIATESENTENCES I TYPESOFSENTENCES 1 Classifiedaccordingtofunction 2 Classifiedaccordingtostructure 3 Classifiedaccordingtolength 4 Classifiedaccordingtorhetoric Activities II COMPLETESENTENCES,MINORSENTENCESANDSENTENCEFRAGMENTS Activities III RUN-ONSENTENCES,COMMASPLICESANDCOMMAFAULTS Activities IV CHOPPYSENTENCES Activities V WORDORDERANDEMPHASISOFSENTENCES 1 Postponementandemphasis 2 Frontingandemphasis 3 Emphaticsentences 4 Emphasiswithinsentences Activities VI CONTENT-ORIENTEDSENTENCES 1 Unity 2 Coherence 3 Consciseness 4 Clarity 5 Variety ActivitiesCHAPTER III DEVELOPINGPARAGRAPHS I TOPICSENTENCEANDTRANSITIONINPARAGRAPHS ……CHAPTER IV WRITINGAWHOLECOMPOSITIONCHAPTER V WRITINGFORPRACTICALPURPOSESCHAPTER VI WRITINGRESEARCHPAPERSCHAPTER VII USINGPROPERMANUSCRIPTFORMATANDPUNCTUATIONCHAPTER VIII DESIGNINGWRITINGTASKSBIBLIOGRAPHYAPPENDIX SYMBOLSFORCORRECTION
1 Paragraph development by listing A list paragraph is one that contains an introducer, several developers, and a terminator. Paragraph introducers are sentences that establish the topic focus of the paragraph as a whole. Paragraph developers are sentences that present examples or details of various kinds that support the ideas set forth by the paragraph introducers. Paragraph terminators are sentences that logically conclude the ideas discussed in the paragraph in a psychologically satisfying manner. A list paragraph begins with a paragraph introducer, which may be a topic introducer (i.e. a sentence that introduces the topic) and a topic sentence (See the first example in the following) or simply begins with a topic sentence (See the second example in the following). Then the paragraph proceeds with a list of facts or ideas, which serves as developers, to support the paragraph introducer. The developers may contain one layer or two and three layers of supporting sentences, with the lower layer supporting the higher layer. For instance, a topic sentence can be supported by developers A, B, C, D. But these four developers may be further expounded by their own supporting details. In order to avoid a "shopping list" appearance, list paragraphs often make use of words or phrases for listing (listed in the section for transition above) to help the paragraph proceed smoothly. Sometimes transitional sentences are used between different sets of ideas. Read the following paragraph and see if it has a topic sentence and a terminator, and find out how many developers there are and how they progress from one idea to the next.
《英文寫作》中學(xué)教師進(jìn)修高等師范本科(專科起點)教材(專升本)教育部師范教育司組織編寫?!队⑽膶懽鳌犯鞑糠质前凑沼尚〉酱?,詞、句、段、篇的次序安排的。內(nèi)容包括選詞與修辭、寫出正確與合適的句子、段落的組織與發(fā)展、文章的謀篇與布局、實用寫作訓(xùn)練、論文寫作、格式規(guī)范與標(biāo)點符號共七章?! ?quán)威性:本套教材系教育部師范司組編的英語專業(yè)規(guī)劃教材。編者與審者均為國內(nèi)知名專家、教授及多年從事師范英語教學(xué)的優(yōu)秀教師?! ♂槍π裕罕咎捉滩募橙×藝鴥?nèi)外最新外語教學(xué)研究成果,理論與實踐并重,針對中學(xué)進(jìn)修教師實際需要精心編寫。 實用性:本套教材在選材與練習(xí)設(shè)計上以培養(yǎng)學(xué)習(xí)者綜合語言應(yīng)用能力為宗旨,注重提高其業(yè)務(wù)能力。